boost fps (old news but just a refresh)


Nov 4, 2004
Reaction score
here for the poeple that have a shitty fps are some simpel commands
write in console:

r_shadows 0 the shadows in css suck anyway so this will remove them!!!!!!!!!
cl_smooth 0 donno wat it does but boost fps
cl_allowupload 0 sort of talk for itself doen't it
cl_allowdownload 0 some as above

i will give you an update on these commands they can be fount on 2 so have a look. (under forum's)
'r_shadows 0 the shadows in css suck anyway so this will remove them!!!!!!!!!'

Yeah the shadows suck so lets make them even worse by taking them out!

At least the hlfallout thread told you what the commands DO...
smiley_mr.T said:
cl_allowupload 0 sort of talk for itself doen't it
cl_allowdownload 0 some as above

I'm about to die laughing, this really doesn't boost fps at all, all it does is make sure you don't download anything you don't need, like all those useless sounds on some servers.
the best fps boosters for me were:
mat_specular 0 (turns off specularity..aka shinyness)
mat_bumpmap 0 (turns off bumpmapping)
mat_dxlevel 70 gives the biggest performance boost.
r_mmx 1
adds support for MMX cpu processing, minor fps help, no gfx loss

r_sse 1
adds support for SSE cpu processing, minor fps help, no gfx loss

r_sse2 1
adds support for SSE2 cpu processing, minor fps help, no gfx loss

r_3dnow 1
adds support for 3DNOW (AMD ONLY) cpu processing, minor fps help, no gfx loss

r_3dsky 0
turns off some of the 3d objects looming in the sky. This is currently considered a cheat for unknown reasons, thus will only work in your servers until its fixed. Major fps boost. Little gfx loss

r_shadows 0
One thing im sad to say is....shadows in HL2 suck. Well at least in CSS. Until they fix this, itll look better without em. Major fps boost. Little gfx improvement

net_graph 3
this command draws a network graph on the bottom right of your screen. Its helpful for seeing if your connection has choke (bad network conditions). The game will act like crap with any choke. If it stays at 0 choke, you can turn this off(net_graph 0) as it takes a couple FPS to run. Helpful tool.

r_decal_cullsize 0
this sets the minimum pixel size of decals to be displayed. It lets you see bulletholes from farther off with effecting your fps by much if anything at all. Very minor if any fps drop. gfx improvement.

cl_smooth 0
Not much is known about this command except that it lowers fps when enabled(which is default). Ive played with this on and off and theres no gfx difference at all. Moderate FPS boost. No gfx loss.

cl_phys_props_enable 0
BIG help! This removes the smaller junk items that choke your cpu for processing. Items like tires, barrels, crates, and all the important stuff stay. Huge fps improvement. Less clutter.

cl_pushaway_force 0
This is another command currently considered a cheat that will default back to 20000 in most servers. It removes the push back when you bump into a barrel or other physics item. Makes game a lot smoother in movement. Again, wait until the cheat flag is removed to use. Better motion.

fog_enable 0
Sigh, yet another great FPS booster still considered a cheat. It disables random far away fog. Note this has nothing to do with smoke grenades, just random ingame fog. Major FPS boost. Minor gfx loss.

cl_allowupload "0"
This command just keeps random stats and junk from uploading ingame. Helps with ping

cl_allowdownload "0"
This command likewise just keeps random junk from downloading ingame. Helps with ping

r_lod 0
this controls the distance at which models use less polygons to save processing power.
The options for this are -5(best image quality, most processor use),-4,-3,-2,-1,0(least image quality, least processor use). so fool around with the settings to fit your taste. I personally cant tell a difference and prefer r_lod 0 for more fps gain. varying fps boost. varying but small gfx loss. -thx to rivercitycat for info

cl_show_bloodsprays 0
Once again, this is a "cheat" not having bloodsprays would improve your leet skillz. moderate fps boost. minor bloos loss :p

cl_ejectbrass 0
Same as above..."cheat"...just removes the brass ejections. helps in firefights. moderate fps boost. minor gfx loss.

this might be better (thanks for nothing )
OMG dudes do you even play CSS ???
the shadows dont look that cool i agree but
r_shadows 0
thanks to the shadows you can see campers and people before the turn around corners :O
dont disable them

isnt there a way to only disable shadows on objects and not on players ?
smiley_mr.T said:
r_3dsky 0 ... fps boost. Little gfx loss

r_3dsyk 1

r_3dsky 0
smiley_mr.T said:
fog_enable 0
Sigh, yet another great FPS booster still considered a cheat. It disables random far away fog. Note this has nothing to do with smoke grenades, just random ingame fog. Major FPS boost. Minor gfx loss.
random fog == distance fog
its a cheat because its supposed to tune down the usability of the awp/scout at some places (dust2 t spawn)
