
That's an Eridian weapon. Where the Hell did you find that?

First map actually, I was driving along the road and there is this sort of... bridge structure built out of scrap with a few bandits guarding. You go up there, there is a shack with a weapon box.

I'll try and find it again and take a screenie of the map. It may have just been a lucky find though.
I find it very annoying playing coop with random people. Its too fast paced. I cant even finish reading the damn description of the quest before everyone spams "CMON LETS GO LETS GO WTF UR SO SLOW LETS GO"

There is no real cooperation. And i wish the game had a better system for handling the loot. They should also have a trade feature.
Yeah when you play co-op it feels so rushed. It's still more fun than playing by yourself though.
we just need to get a group together on vent so we can go our own pace and have fun with it.

I'm up for this weekend if anyone is interested.

Also, my online name is "SrHazar"
My Borderlands name is Catallus_16, I'm up for some organized fun sometime as well
I've resolved not to play online until I've completed the story on single player, it's just too hectic and it doesn't really feel needed. It's more just playing the same game with other people rather than actually having any element of teamplay or coordination required, I'll pass on it for now.

All that is aside, though, as I find the Single to be brilliant and the story to be a good bit of refreshing, not too serious fun. I'll take my hunter online when I'm in the 30s and can do some dueling and end game runs.
Ennui on the Gearbox forums is a girl, Ennui in here is not.


Edit: ****ing ******s, all high levels. It's going to be unlocked tomorrow for me and I'll have to play alone for a while. :(

I'll start a new guy with ya :)
I am soupstorm online, add me bishes! I'll be on all damn week. I'm up for grinding and/or starting a new co-op game with some people. I'd probably go Siren for that.

This game is too good.
So, I am in Dahl Headlands, and I have completed 3 Quests. When I go to turn in where it tells me to, it just brings me to my character setup. Very frustrating.

I have looked all around to make sure I am not turning in at the wrong spot.

Here is where I am supposed to turn in-

Pre-loaded it today, but of course since it's a PC game I have to ask about performance. It's running on UT3 AFAIK, so I'm expected excellent performance, but you can never be too sure. If there's anyone else with a 4870 and a 1680x1050 resolution, what can I expect from this game in terms of visual quality, framerate, stutter, smoothness of control and my all important anti-aliasing (often lacking from UT3)? Does this feel like a properly built PC game or an obvious console port?
On a system with an Athlon64X2 4600+, 2GB RAM and an ATI Radeon x1900XT 512MB, it runs better than TF2, and that's with everything on high (except shadows, those kill the x1900xt for some reason). It's really smooth. You'll be fine :)

Also, no AA, I think it uses deferred rendering because of the graphical style, and some of the textures are a little blurry. No stuttering either.
List of gamespy names, I added you all by the way. I'll try to catch you guys tomorrow night or over the weekend :D

Multivac - MultiVaCdb
Stigmata - soupstorm
Ravioli - lolwat1337
BHC - Catallus_16
Hazar - SrHazar
Gunner - combined
I have been having a goddamn blast playing the singleplayer. This is easily one of my favorite games to come out in recent years so far. Everything about it rubs me the right way (except for the semi-retarded AI).

Also, badass sniper rifles are badass.
I wanna point out how BADASS the gun noises are in this game. Seriously, some of the most satisfying weapon effects since Half Life 2.
yeah with a million+ guns this game is just awesome. plus I'm gunna play through twice and the Siren will be my next choice!
Apparently there's a shotgun called the Boomstick, which fires 5 rockets per round at 0 accuracy. Once I find this, I don't know if I'll ever use another weapon.
I have been having a goddamn blast playing the singleplayer. This is easily one of my favorite games to come out in recent years so far. Everything about it rubs me the right way (except for the semi-retarded AI).

Also, badass sniper rifles are badass.

I agree. There is something about this game that is just simply done right. I am now level 16 & just finished the "Crystal Cave" mission. I started it @ level 12. Took me 4 levels & about $20,000 in respawn cash, but I finally beat it. ( I entered the cave with a little over $40k ) Instead of feeling frustrated, I was stoked when I got the crystals & the bonus mission Repair Kit. The game is just hard enough at parts to really make it challenging, but not impossible. The AI is pretty basic, but then again, I feel they fit in with the game. If they See me, they attack. If I run off, they will at some point stop chasing me. I am using a weaker, but faster firing sniper rifle. Does base damage of about 68. Nothing special, but it works for me speed wise. I have found much more powerful rifles, but with my twitchy trigger finger & their slower firing, I am better off with using the rifle I have until I can find another of the same type, but with better stats.

I wanna point out how BADASS the gun noises are in this game. Seriously, some of the most satisfying weapon effects since Half Life 2.

I agree. They fit the game just right. Even though I'm the hunter class & use the Sniper rifle 99% of the time, I also have a decent Shotty for up close & personal work. Love the booming sound as I blow a Skag's head off in midair as it leaps at me... Ahhhhh!

yeah with a million+ guns this game is just awesome. plus I'm gunna play through twice and the Siren will be my next choice!

I am playing the hunter class & as I said above, I am using the Sniper rifle most of the time. I love it, as you have to place your shots & not spray & pray. I think the game does a fantastic job of dropping loot & I really like how if you equip a weapon, ammo of that type begins to drop. I am actually looking forward to playing the game as another character, so I can use other skills & weapons. I also like that I can gain proficiency in other weapon types by using them, though I think it takes longer than with your class weapon types. Really nice.

I'm playing as soldier right now, but next playthrough I'm going with Brick, he looks awesome.
I'd like to play. But can't. Fix it plz.
i think the game is very well constructed but overall average for me. not enough variation in the enemies and far too little story make it too grindy at times.
Apparently there's a shotgun called the Boomstick, which fires 5 rockets per round at 0 accuracy. Once I find this, I don't know if I'll ever use another weapon.

haha, I found that but sold it later (don't use shotguns). I also didn't like the idea of shooting once then having all your rounds get fired and having to reload right after.

Just beat the game tonight and had a lot of fun doing it. The ending is kinda disappointing story-wise but it's still a really fun game and I'm looking forward to going through another playthrough to max out my character.

Also, I've found the best gun ever:

You might be thinking, that doesn't do that much damage! The part you're missing is that it does 99 x 7 which means every time you pull the trigger it does a tight shotgun like burst that does about 700 damage not counting any bonuses or criticals. It also shoots fast, zooms well, reloads fast, and the best part, you have unlimited ammunition for it.
Lol, you just wait until you reach Level 50 and start getting your hand on some really amaznig Rare weapons, you'll literally be dropping yer jaw!
Also, I've found the best gun ever:<snip>
Hah, I found one just like that about ten minutes ago and sold it since I had a better revolver already, I -

it does 99 x 7 which means every time you pull the trigger it does a tight shotgun like burst that does about 700 damage not counting any bonuses or criticals
am so ****ing jealous.
Nice I currently enjoy my 500ish x 3 Rocket launcher and 100ish x11 shotgun. lvl 37 Brick currently.
Just FYI, for people who don't know...

If you join a game where someone has modified their character to have, say, 50 slots for the inventory, it will transfer over to you, and you'll have to 'hack' your own character to get it back to normal. Same for health and things like that.

If you are running one of those changes to your character, let everybody know, and don't let anybody join your game. Also, don't join a public game...

One of the many things I'm hoping gets resolved.
Just FYI, for people who don't know...

If you join a game where someone has modified their character to have, say, 50 slots for the inventory, it will transfer over to you, and you'll have to 'hack' your own character to get it back to normal. Same for health and things like that.

If you are running one of those changes to your character, let everybody know, and don't let anybody join your game. Also, don't join a public game...

One of the many things I'm hoping gets resolved.

you mean someone who's hacked their char to get more slots and hp and not just the normal way to get more slots and hp?
Just FYI, for people who don't know...

If you join a game where someone has modified their character to have, say, 50 slots for the inventory, it will transfer over to you, and you'll have to 'hack' your own character to get it back to normal. Same for health and things like that.

If you are running one of those changes to your character, let everybody know, and don't let anybody join your game. Also, don't join a public game...

One of the many things I'm hoping gets resolved.

thats fvcked up!
good thing I only play with friends/make my own games
How the hell are you guys racking up so much cash? I've only got like 20k at Level 19.