
Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score
Since Borderlands is on sale, I pose the question to those who have had it for the last few months: Is it worth getting?

I'm tempted, but I'm concerned that the novelty of it will wear off fairly quickly and I'll be left with a rather empty and repetitive game. Is this justified? Opinions?
I'm a non-communicator in games (voice related self loathing) and I've been wondering how decent the game is if you solo.
Played with friends for about an hour, got bored, haven't touched it since.
I played it solo for about 5 hours and got bored. Very repetitive game by all accounts. If your after open world single player go for Just Cause 2 if you don't have it. Much better game.
I didn't even make one hour solo. Then I played an hour with friends, and I almost fell asleep.
I enjoyed it, played about 15 hours or so. It's not am amazing game, but it is fun.
I enjoy it in spurts. It's fun hopping in with a mate and knocking out a large chunk of quests, but after that it's a test of endurance. However, after having not touched it for the longest time, I've started slogging through it again with my roommates.

Can't go wrong purchasing it on a sale. But your mileage with the game may differ.
It's not for everyone, but that doesn't make it a bad game. I think you should wait for them release the game and DLCs in one, big (economic) pack.
If you're looking at singleplayer, don't even bother getting it. Even if it is on sale, it gets boring very fast. It's a bit better with multiplayer, but even with the DLC it's not incredibly long, and the option of "Playing through again", while nice, just makes it more obvious how repetitive the game actually is.

The deal on Steam is $25. I'm not sure I'd pay that for it.
I had fun playing Borderlands with friends - not sure if it would work that well in single player.
Are you saying that it makes you fall asleep faster? It is a good way to sort of wind down before bed, I suppose.

Well, yes, I am. Because it is boring as hell--even WITH playing with others.
I played it solo for a few hours, then started a new character to play with a friend. Got probably 12 hours into it, then he went off and beat the rest of the game himself, and I never picked it back up again.
For what it's worth, if the game had launched with competent (read: finished) multiplayer and a slightly more polished RPG element it would have been ace. It would have benefited massively from more time in development.
Yeah, I'm far more excited for Borderlands 2 than I am for current DLC. That being said, the game is still fun, and can be a LOT of fun in multiplayer, and the writing is excellent.
It tried too hard to be a shooter version of Diablo instead of its own game.
It may not be very engrossing, but it's tons better than the hackneyed crap that most games throw at you. Everything in this game is either well-written or funny, and usually both. Scooter, Dr. Zed, the assorted Claptraps, and especially Tannis. You can't deny her odd, asexual allure.
Oh man, the Claptraps are an absolute riot.

For what it's worth, if the game had launched with competent (read: finished) multiplayer and a slightly more polished RPG element it would have been ace. It would have benefited massively from more time in development.

I don't agree. I think it's pretty inherently flawed. The multiplayer was quite easy to get working, and the skill trees and weapons were varied enough. I think "Wandering around doing the same quests" just got old, especially on later playthroughs. There aren't a lot of games that can keep that from getting stale - I think Diablo 2 might actually be the only one.

And what a ridiculously bullshit ending.
The game is awful solo, with other people it's alright

Just go play Diablo 2, same game but more gooder
Interesting fact! Based on your current stress patterns, I calculate a 94.3% chance that you will encounter an unfortunate death experience.
I bought this over the 50% weekend and originally thought it was a mistake.. but then I convinced a few friends to get it and playing together is an absolute riot.

As far as co-op rpg/fps games with sweet loot goes, it's got to be the best out there (if not only option...).

I played it solo for a few hours, then started a new character to play with a friend. Got probably 12 hours into it, then he went off and beat the rest of the game himself, and I never picked it back up again.

Yeah, I would have hurt him. I've been tempted to do that, since we only get to play about once a week as a whole group, but fortunately I'm not a giant douche bag.
It's 66% off at £6.50 at the moment, which seems like a pretty good deal, though the consensus of this thread is that it's kinda boring. As someone who already has several games yet to play through, is it worth it?

Also, thought I'd let anyone who did want it know it's pretty cheap at the moment.
Like most people said: The game is especially fun in co-op. It can become quite boring alone.
It's definitely one of those games that you don't enjoy because of amazing combat or engrossing gameplay... but because you really really really like to get lots of stuff. The only problem is the loot system is basically who can grab the most first. The weapons vary enough to make them fun and the enemy types require different tactics, but lik everyone else said the fun is in the online. Solo the game is kind of painful just because it's so big and relatively devoid of interesting tidbits. The DLC actually has better story elements from what I've seen... pretty good writing all around. Except for Moxxi's whatever arena bullshit. That is completely terrible. No one wants to play it and it has no redeeming factors... just feels like they wanted a DLC and pushed out the most basi crap fest they could muster.

But really, for $10 I'd pick it up if you like simple shoot-em-ups with a lot of loot craps and some mediocre skill trees. I only wish that you actually unlocked more skills instead of improving the one main skill you have and adding elements to it.
Moxxi's Underdome is completely bad (except for the part where Moxxi is a goddamn fox), its only redeeming factor is the 2 extra levels you get for beating all the arenas. I hear they're adding new skills in the next DLC, though, along with raising the level cap to 70 or 80 and adding a non-breaking fast travel system to all areas. Just rumours so far, but I'm hopeful.
Well, I got it in the 66% off sale.

I see what everyone says when they say the SP is boring as hell. Also, is it just me who thinks that as an FPS, it fails dramatically ... it's like aiming only happens in blocks, so I can't aim precisely where I want to ... I more have to aim broadly in the area of my enemy and hope it hits.

But otherwise, I'm interested in seeing what the MP has to offer. Anyone here who's also just brought/wants to play again want to form a little group?
I almost bought this even though I already have a hard copy but then I remembered that a a GOTY edition comes out soon....
I almost bought this even though I already have a hard copy but then I remembered that a a GOTY edition comes out soon....

GOTY edition will prolly just have the DLCs... you can get all the DLCs and the game for just over $20 with this. Dunno why you'd buy it a second time though.
Moxxi's Underdome is completely bad (except for the part where Moxxi is a goddamn fox), its only redeeming factor is the 2 extra levels you get for beating all the arenas. I hear they're adding new skills in the next DLC, though, along with raising the level cap to 70 or 80 and adding a non-breaking fast travel system to all areas. Just rumours so far, but I'm hopeful.

2 extra skill points, no increase in level cap, possible rescaling of the game to allow a 3rd playthrough post-level 61.
GOTY edition will prolly just have the DLCs... you can get all the DLCs and the game for just over $20 with this. Dunno why you'd buy it a second time though.

I buy games mutltiple times alot it's a bad habbit.

Hl2 Silver Pack
Orange Box

Mirror's Edge 360
Mirror's Edge Steam
Mirror's Edge hard copy with OST

Fallout3 PC
Fallout PC GOTY

Crysis PC Special Ed.
Crysis PC Steam

Elder Scrolls PC Special Ed.
elder scrolls STEAM GOTY ED

I didn't even get halfway through the first 2 hours :|