Bored try to survive this...


Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
Bored? Save this to a config file and try this in a local server/single player campaign. Then run "exec file_name.cfg" and good luck.

sv_cheats 1
z_common_limit 100
z_mega_mob_size 120
director_panic_forever 1
Highlights for lazy people:

3:50 - crazy hoard
4:18 - ridiculously big hoard, never seen anything like it....

With AI that seems fairly easy, but with humans they would have died pretty quick. Also that was on easy mode, anything else would be suicide D:
I'm loading up L4D to try this. Right. Now.

Thanks for sharing! :D
I'm hoping there will be custom maps where you're supposed to hold out as long as possible, with ever increasing difficulty. For that to work though, you would need to be able to access these options through the map editor or influence the director in some other way.
Saw some videos on youtube of a guy setting the average and max mob size to like 300 on the final level of Dead Air and Death Toll, they were both hilarious because he had set explosive cannisters and fuel tanks or whatever you call 'em everywhere and the second the horde started coming, he'd just shoot lke maybe three or four and all you'd see was burning zombie bodies EVERYWHERE! It was especially funny in Death Toll because they would not stop burning, while all the zombies were running forward, they were all catching fire from the previously dead zombbies, and so on.