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Oct 8, 2004
Reaction score
Is what these forums are. Uber dead and stuff, I started posting way more on another set of forums and it's actually fun, not as strict and stuff and everything is so random. hurray for car forums!
Kind of a weird thing to make a thread about, but, um, good for you! ^_^
The forums aren't dead, it's just been a slow week.

The activity here is sinusoidal, we're just on the down slope.
Yeah, what happened to that community improvement thread. Let's see, the DoD:S machinima bombed, and that was our only good idea.
You smell....and this thread is also boring, so what's your point??
This thread can gain ten pages overnight.
vegeta897 said:
Let's see, the DoD:S machinima bombed, and that was our only good idea.

wow yea i hope it still works out, ahhh lets go ennui
For some reason these forums, to me, now are less exciting and enjoyable than when I first got here, but meh. I like them. :D
It always seems like its the same topics being recycled.
-How ppl are pissed at valve for delaying Aftermath
-conservative/liberal jibberish (to be honest, they all sound the same)
xLostx said:
Is what these forums are. Uber dead and stuff, I started posting way more on another set of forums and it's actually fun, not as strict and stuff and everything is so random. hurray for car forums!
I enjoy these forums, there's another one I'm on a lot more (a local music one... well mainly music, it's pretty random and weird, But I agree about the strict thing, sometimes it's borderline ridiculous
I just think we need more controversial threads that don't get closed.

Of course, that's only if the comments in it aren't asinine. As long as they are argued, and well, then things should be hunky dory. Okay, I don't know how to spell that phrase.

Gogog everyone, lesbianize yourself!
now that i think of them yeah they have subsided but i still <3 'em and wouldn't go anywhere else.
Pesmerga said:

Gogog everyone, lesbianize yourself!


See, like that kind of stuff. What the hell was I thinking?
I just hate how some of the moderators are nazi strict about closing off threads just cause they drift off into another topic of conversation, even if its interesting and a worthy conversation.

Sure, when it starts getting into stupid, pointless spam, yeah... but topic drift should be acceptable to a point. And it isn't here.

But... what'cha gonna do.
I've personally found the forums to be a more surreal experience upon each visit. I become utterly convinced that you people don't really exist, but are actually stimulants that poke and prod me into annoyance for the sake of some unknown cosmic cause. I endure it just to see where it's all going, but do so with a severe detachment. Like watching yourself, albeit through a screen. And the man on the other side, despite looking and acting identically to you, is in fact another being entirely.

I am both my own guinea pig and analyst. And you are simply the variables that function until I crack.

I feel that way about a lot of life, actually.
Yeah, the mods here do tend to go a little psycho in closing topics. The other forums I've been to are very lenient in comparison.
If it were up to me, I'd allow a lot more hatred on this forum. A lot more vile, nasty insults and causticness. Like the Counter-Strike forums before they took the dip into utter retardville.
See, that's it right there.

If I am to be greeted with such a post, I should be able to write a page-long death wish about them, insulting them and every person they've come into contact with, with a liberal dose of profanity. Then I can PM them surprise pictures of a man playing cat's cradle with the shreddings left of his penis.

I think I'm going to watch Sealab.
Absinthe said:
See, that's it right there.

If I am to be greeted with such a post, I should be able to write a page-long death wish about them, insulting them and every person they've come into contact with, with a liberal dose of profanity. Then I can PM them surprise pictures of a man playing cat's cradle with the shreddings left of his penis.

I think I'm going to watch Sealab.

I think I <3 you. You know, in a man-love fashion. Not involving shredded penis. Well... you know.
i think its the fact that most of the people on these forums are in their teens so the mods are like "oh noes bad topics! kids cannot see this!"

just kinda dry, but these forums are good for satisfying my techy/gaming needs, but compared to other forums this shiznat is indeed boring, for example theres a thread on the forums involving a video with horse porn, disgusting but funny as hell.
xLostx said:
i think its the fact that most of the people on these forums are in their teens so the mods are like "oh noes bad topics! kids cannot see this!"

I think its the fact that most of the people on these forums are in their teens, so the mods are like, "Oh noes, bad topics! Cannot let these idiotic kids post this dumb shit, or else the mature people will see it!"

we need to hire some 1337 h4x0rs to pwn the mods and munro and totally hax teh site f0 sh0
xLostx said:
we need to hire some 1337 h4x0rs to pwn the mods and munro and totally hax teh site f0 sh0
You can post javascript in the site discussion forum
You can easily use that to get their hashed password from their cookie
Then just brute force it, vbulettin salts and double hashes (I think)
<glances around> Hey... where'd Ikerous go? I saw a black van pull up, and a couple guys yanked him inside.
I think this forum got a bit boring because HALF LIFE 2 was released already. Maybe when Half life 3 is going into production there will be a bit more enthuasium.
Last One In said:
I think this forum got a bit boring because HALF LIFE 2 was released already. Maybe when Half life 3 is going into production there will be a bit more enthuasium.

We dont post on this forum because of half-life 2. Last time I visited the HL2 related forums, was .... ages ago.

This has become my forum home. Everybody has one.
yeah, but most of the excitement and purpose of the forums originated from half life 2; this was the place to be during that time and there was more buzz than a hornets nest. Trust me, when they announce half life 3 this place will light up like a christmas tree ( a christmas tree that was set on fire with sub atomic plutonium)
If I closed the previous thread, what makes you think this one will stay up!?


Oh noes! The thread is closed!​
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