Boss fights in Aftermath


Companion Cube
Dec 28, 2005
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Before I just realised, if the forcefields and barriers to C17 are down...And as Valve said there would be outside creatures flooding the city wouldn't that mean some massive aliens as well? It could set up some really good bosses, that's if Valve decides to do it though. Do you think we will see some boss fights in Aftermath?
I definetly hope so that would really make aftermath worth buying. They had a lot of bosses in HL1, not so many in HL2. So I geuss it could go either way.
That would be SOOO COOOOOOLLLLLLL!!! Either that or i want to fight a whole bunch of Gonarches.
Gonarches vs. Antlion King.

Antlion King was suppose to be featured in HL2, but VALVe took it out. I wish I could see it in Aftermath.
The Hydra? Valve got rid of it because it was no fun to fight.
Sam-2k said:
The Hydra? Valve got rid of it because it was no fun to fight.

Whatever happens I just hope there is some sense of conclusion to HL2 at the end of Aftermath... just imagine how much it would suck if it ends in another cliffhanger...
Lou said:
Whatever happens I just hope there is some sense of conclusion to HL2 at the end of Aftermath... just imagine how much it would suck if it ends in another cliffhanger...

don't expect any conclusions, I bet its another cliffhanger just to keep us jumping up an down until HL3 is here :bounce:
Nah, there is still the episodic content after Aftermath. I heard somewhere in an interview that it was to be vehicle based.

Also, a fight with a Garg may be impressive first off...but afterwards you would yearn for a new creature to fight. Imagine if they recycled all the enemies from Half Life...quite boring don't ya think?
The First Episode will be centered around Alyx and the aweseomness of friends!
The 2nd Epi will be focused on vehicles!

Gargs would rock, seeing them flame down countless Combine and even more antlions!
Sam-2k said:
Striders vs Gargs :D
Ever since I heard about striders in HL2, I always hoped to see a strider/garg fight. Its like a fight between Godzilla and Rodan
yeah it would be cool to see a garg in hl2, i wanna see more hl enemies in hl2
Most likely we will see Synths (Crabs Synths, Mortar Synths...) as a bosses (I think it was confirmed by Valve).
Yeah, id like to see a garg again to, but i kinda doubt that. The combine probably killed them all. Or in better cases they enslaved them an modified them! That whould mean; UBEER BO55 FIGHT 2000!
The six-million dollar garg! This is gold :D
ooooooooo what about new A.I for the garg like he eats combine and citizens that would be awesone@
Darksabre said:
Imagine if they recycled all the enemies from Half Life...quite boring don't ya think?

Source Engine + HL1 Monsters = ****ing awesome.
Im gonna build me a time machine and get all the half life games that will be realesed over the next 20 years... That whould get me about, 2 expantions:p
Plus when im there, ill cheeck out the stock marcket!!!
evilsloth said:
The First Episode will be centered around Alyx and the aweseomness of friends!
The 2nd Epi will be focused on vehicles!

Gargs would rock, seeing them flame down countless Combine and even more antlions!

is that official?

cuz if in aftermath the citadel is collapsing,them it would be very cool that you hav to escape of the city in a vehicle while everything behind you is destroyed
Ever since I heard about striders in HL2, I always hoped to see a strider/garg fight. Its like a fight between Godzilla and Rodan
Hell yeah....... Imagine your somewhere in the City and you encounter a Strider... It begins charging up it's cannon (The one that actually destroys shit!) and just before its finished you here a crash, and a Garg just bursts through a building, grabs the Strider by one of it's legs, and slams it into another building, killing/destroying it!

**** yeah.......
I think a Strider would ruin a Garg. They can move much faster, cover much more rugged terrain, and they have effective distance attacks. A Garg might have a shot if it caught a strider off guard and got it's hands on it, but otherwise, I think the Strider would be able to handle a Garg no problem.

Imagine you're somewhere in the City and you're cornered by a Garg and he's charging up the stomp-o-death when an insect-like leg crashes through the ceiling, impaling the Garg. It lifts up, shakes off the limp carcass, and you hear the low beep that means the Strider has seen you and you're next.
The Striders Suppression cannon would uh...supress anything it hits. Such as a Gargantua.
Am I the only one that gives a Garg a chance against a Strider? I imagine a Garg charging at a Strider down a street while the Strider shoots with the pulse gun, then the Garg smashes into one of its legs, spins it round and slams it into a building.
There is no way a strider could do any damage against a Garg unless it used its penuscannon. The Gargs armour is far to strong, and its to tall to be impaled.

Grammar and spelling FTL :x
Looks like this thread is becoming "Stiders vs Gargs". Anyways, if the strider was at a distance(doesnt have to be that big) it would just blast away with is reality beam/warp cannon/peniscanon. BUT, if the garg managed to get close, it could probablly take down a strider. But thats only if it manages to avoid and/or survive multible blasts from its cannon.
Dude, they arn't bosses

Bosses are things that have health bars and stupid crap like that. Maybe a cool boss would be this huge, massive...whatever that chases you throught the whole expansion but you never kill till the end. That would be cool. And about the forcefields popping down and aliens coming through, they're probably not talking about NEW ones, they're talking about the kickass and loved OLD ones. The ones from HL1 that are supposedly "locked out of cities beacause of large gates surrounding the cities and them only being able to roam the outer plains and wasteland". If we could get to travel outside of the city, could you imagine would kind of freakish, awsome, and ****ed up shit they could put in? Like the second mutation of the original zombie, or those awsome monsters from HL: Opposing Force. That would be kickass.
I remember the curtains flying and the combine soldier thrown into the coke machine with cans coming out. Yeah well, none of those little things happened...
I remember also the train station, I had all kinds of thoughts of what I would do to annoy the people. Well at first I had a killer time throwing crud at the citizens, then I realized that well.. I can't do much else.
On the other hand I would want to comment on the many good emotions I also got from hl2. The second time I played the game through on my new computer, full graphics, I was at the point where I had blown the helicopter out of the sky. I got out and kind of walked over, the environment literally sucked me in. I walked to the switch and just watched how calm and gentle everything was, then I got back into the airboat and road into the sun. It felt like I was Gordon and I was going to my new home- Black Mesa east. It was cool... Even though those movies had really cool things, that personel experience of being in the game still blew all those more complex things out of the water.
DSASH said:
Also the striders could destroy buildings with that one huge ray!
But Can't the striders whipe out walls? When I was playing I think it was "Follow Freemen" or "Anti-Citzen One" The striders would charge up there cannon and hit a wall I was standing on and the whole thing dissapered. Maybe it only does it to some walls but I remember it, just played it again yesterday, or is that just a glitch in my game?

lastHOPE_lambda said:
But Can't the striders whipe out walls? When I was playing I think it was "Follow Freemen" or "Anti-Citzen One" The striders would charge up there cannon and hit a wall I was standing on and the whole thing dissapered. Maybe it only does it to some walls but I remember it, just played it again yesterday, or is that just a glitch in my game?

I have NO idea. yeah maybe walls and stuf that are PROGRAMED to fall down and stuff, but the stuff in the video I don't think was supposed, at least like the third time it charged it's ray. My whole point is it should be able to take out ALL walls and buildings (that can be unless it stops you from moving on).

CookieCuttah said:
I remember also the train station, I had all kinds of thoughts of what I would do to annoy the people. Well at first I had a killer time throwing crud at the citizens, then I realized that well.. I can't do much else.
On the other hand I would want to comment on the many good emotions I also got from hl2. The second time I played the game through on my new computer, full graphics, I was at the point where I had blown the helicopter out of the sky. I got out and kind of walked over, the environment literally sucked me in. I walked to the switch and just watched how calm and gentle everything was, then I got back into the airboat and road into the sun. It felt like I was Gordon and I was going to my new home- Black Mesa east. It was cool... Even though those movies had really cool things, that personel experience of being in the game still blew all those more complex things out of the water.

I see what your saying, without a doubt I LOVED this game to DEATH! But now that I look back and compare what I thought is was gonna be and what it actually was, I still think they could have pushed a bit further.:stare:
True, not all the moments were epic like I described and many a times it didn't feel dynamic like it should have been. I mostly hated the lack of choice...
I'd hate it if Half-life was any less linear than it already is.
Anyhow, back on topic. And DSASH, I don't want to hear anymore out of you about preview videos or anything along those lines. Ever.
you know what would rock ...massive xen forces wiping out the combines and resistance and you are in between and have to get out :D