Boss fights in Aftermath

Thought developing as I read more of this: Synths vs. their original species. Can you imagine the crabs? And the earthbound critters fighting the airborne dropships! What the hell Gordon would be doing between the 2 is beyond me, but damn that would be cool.

That could maybe work... we've already got the humans vs. their combine soldier counterparts. Synth headcrabs anyone? Organic striders? Those gunships look lots like dugongs too...

The folks at valve will be missing a great oppertunity not having SOME sort of new synth experience, even if it is just a boss battle. And what do you people make of the Mortar synths?
Rennmniscant said:
Thought developing as I read more of this: Synths vs. their original species. Can you imagine the crabs? And the earthbound critters fighting the airborne dropships! What the hell Gordon would be doing between the 2 is beyond me, but damn that would be cool.

That could maybe work... we've already got the humans vs. their combine soldier counterparts. Synth headcrabs anyone? Organic striders? Those gunships look lots like dugongs too...

The folks at valve will be missing a great oppertunity not having SOME sort of new synth experience, even if it is just a boss battle. And what do you people make of the Mortar synths?
Is a dugong like a seal/ sea lion? Because now that you think of it the Gunship looks like one.

And the Mortars? I'd like to fight the Synth fools.
Garg would totally own the strider. Remember the huge shell the garg had? And that it was nearly invincible?

Remember how striders take like, two rockets?

Combine that with striders not being THAT much bigger than gargs...... And gargs being reasonably fast (how are striders so fast? anyone ever see one run?). Unless the strider used it's dangly gun that shoots you into the black crap tht disappates, the garg would win. It'd just grab one of the striders legs in it's pincers and snap it. If not that then just yank it down and off balance. The garg has projectile weapons too, remember. Flame thrower? Lazer eyes (I think?), and stomping/ Ya. Totally pwn it.

I wouldnt necessarily want some boss fights but how about many new zen fauna. Not necessarily gargs (I'm pretty sure they were less fauna and more artificially created, like striders, not naturally occuring). Some different animals that are very animalistic, like houndeyes and antlions. Though not necessarily pack hunting like the houndeyes and antlions, definetly not humanoid. That's what makes them so alien.

And something creative too. Logically balanced yet not necessarily 4 legged. Like maybe batlike beasts, or things with limited flight that can hop far (not necessarily fast). Explosive beasts.

The best were when they'd all fight each other though...... That ws what made them so interesting and different than other games tambien.

spanish ftw
Yeah I'd defintely like to go back to Xen but a different part of it filled with some familiar beast and tons of new ones XEN RULESSSSSS!!!! I find the fact that it has naturally occuring teleports very fascinating, and also the nihilianth was just a baby right? Any one thinking about fightin the mama or dad nihilianth?
MysticalMrBob said:
Remember how striders take like, two rockets?
No, they LOOK like they wuld take 2 rockets to kill. It really takes like 6 actually. But seriously, come on. Those legs look like they couldn't withstand one bullet.
Garg V Strider
Gargs ground attack would probably break a strider's leg. It's flamethrowers would probably do a good bit of damage too but I'd have to go for a strider if it could keep its distance. Up close though, the garg would win.
It just depends on the circumstances. If the Strider somehow didn't see the Garg coming or couldn't get clear shots I'd say the Garg would win (let's say popping round the corner of a block of v. tall buildings).
But the Strider uber-cannon > Garg armor imo.
Yeah. If the Garg got up close though it would smash the strider to pieces.
All the Garg would have to do if it got close is grab the Strider by all it's legs and slam it into a building like a bat. And yes, we do need more Xen Fauna! I wish VALVe would've put in the Stukabat and the Kingpin during HL1's creation.
Sam-2k said:
Striders vs Gargs :D

the strider would get beaten so much easier than the garg, imagine running down a street with alyx and a group of rebels, suddenly see a strider ragdolling and flying across the screen crashing into a wall only to see a gargauntua come out where the strider was killed :eek:
AIDisabled said:
We need a mini-boss fight like Blast Pit.

I'd prefer to have a couple of mini-bosses instead of one big one in the end. I've become awfully tired of all boss fights in games like Doom and Quake 2/4. It just gets boring.

But I think the Strider fight in HL2 could sorta be called a mini-boss fight.
oh yeah i forgot about that.. that was cool. how did you guys beat it?
Fire rockets at it...fairly simple really :|
i didn't have any rockets when i faced it. i used pulse orbs and smg grenades mostly. i think i had to use an explosive barrel or two. it was pretty intense, it hurt me quite badly.
When you fight the Strdiers there is an infinte box of rockets, how could you not have any?
not the striders, the one that climbs up and comes at you down the alley.
rambler said:
not the striders, the one that climbs up and comes at you down the alley.

If you mean the one that bursts through the wall yes there is, you just have to run away until you get to the relevant part of the building
What I don't want is a Boss that goes through a specific sequence. I prefer bosses with AI.
i think we dont necessarily need a big boss , but of course i want some normal bosses like gonarch, antlion guard , strider ... and if it fits to the story another nihilanth-like creature would also be ok.
i think both is good. need combine two things. om.

and sure llama, use rockets to take down striders if you wanna do it the SISSY way...
Yeah, bosses or rather more bosses would be a nice treat no matter what it is.
They should have good bosses like the makers of Doom and Quake. I beat quake 4 recently and my favorite boss in that game was the big ugly thing with the huge jet pack that scares the crap out of you all the time.
rambler said:
i think both is good. need combine two things. om.

and sure llama, use rockets to take down striders if you wanna do it the SISSY way...

is there any other way to kill striders ? i once tried to push away its legs with a gravitygun but it didnt work , any suggestions ?
madog said:
They should have good bosses like the makers of Doom and Quake.

Thats the problem though, isn't it...they aren't good bosses. They do not work. They are reviled by the gaming populace...they simply aren't interesting at all.
Half-life 2 should not be infested with such crap.

Eber it is possible to kill them with the Pulse rifles secondary fire...but you need alot of em'.
I expect Synths as bosses...nothing more, but I like surprises...
Something like 5 to kill a Strider.

Maybe more environmental puzzles like killing Gargs by electrocution in Hl1.
Jintor said:
Something like 5 to kill a Strider.

Maybe more environmental puzzles like killing Gargs by electrocution in Hl1.
I only remember killing Gargs with explosives.... Unless you mean the Garg in On A Rail/ Power Up.
TollBooth Willie said:
I only remember killing Gargs with explosives.... Unless you mean the Garg in On A Rail/ Power Up.

that's exactly what he means.
F®eeman ™ said:
I 'd like a headcrab boss in Aftermath...
There was a big headcrab mini-boss in HL1. Gonarch was its name.

No more headcrabs, except the little ones, which you can kill with your crowbar.

EDIT: This is what Wikipedia has to say:

While not in Half-Life 2 proper, there exists in the game a model of an amputated Gonarch. This Gonarch, essentially nothing but a sac, was covered by many metallic supports [1]. Likely, this model would have been used to explain how the Combine had access to so many headcrabs - by forcing Gonarchs to constantly produce them.

Ok, then perhaps we'll see a Gonarch again :)
eber said:
is there any other way to kill striders ? i once tried to push away its legs with a gravitygun but it didnt work , any suggestions ?

Nope the gravity gun doesn't work on enemies, except the version at the end of the game. Besides using rockets, you can destroy striders by using pulse
orbs from the overwatch rifle, throw grenades at it with the mp7 or try to hit
them with explosive barrels if they're around.

I would definitely like to see gargantuas and gonarchs in Aftermath.
You all debated who would win in a fight between a garg and a strider, but I think they would both get they're asses kicked by the gonarch, remember
how though that thing was?
It would take hits from the strider cannon and just keep on coming like nothing happened.
I'd like to see mostly new synths, but most of all I'd like to see the gargantua as a synth. Gargs using more than just flamethrowers, and perhaps maybe a different weapon for each hand. Uber-coolness. Of course, you'd have to have him flinging enemies around by munching on them.:imu:
I guess Giant boss will not appear in Aftermath, since
