Boston Terror hoax

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Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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Well just got in from uni and saw that there was a terror alert in boston! amazed i sit and stair at the TV wanting to know what the hell was going on.

"Suspesious packages found" said the news reporter! "controled explosions" so worry kicks in, ahg not more damn terrorists. Then all of a sudden that worry turns in to laughter as they show some images of these suspesious packages! bhahaha its just friendly el nig nog from aqua teen hunger force flipping off news followers across the globe!


CHARLESTOWN, Massachusetts (CNN) -- Two men pleaded not guilty Thursday to charges they created panic by placing "bomblike" electronic light boards displaying a cartoon character with an upraised middle finger throughout Boston.

Assistant Attorney General John Grossman called the light boards "bomblike" devices and said that if they had been explosive they could have damaged transportation infrastructure in the city.
We have a thread on it already, but I believe the unanimous consensus is that this is indeed ridiculous.

I think the United States really needs a grand exodus of the technophobic and other assorted retards. Then we can assimilate into Canada.
How is what they "could have done if they had been bombs" relevent? I get why people are overreacting to them. People are ****ing idiots that wouldn't know thier arse from thier elbow, but charge them with scaring people accidently, not attempted terrorism ffs
Absinthe said:
I think the United States really needs a grand exodus of the technophobic and other assorted retards. Then we can assimilate into Canada.

screw that ..we already have yokels wearing stetsons in the Prairies, we dont need more

if anything you should move south ..I hear it's warmer

anyays, this is what you get for fostering a culture of fear ..way to go george bush, your plan to fear the nation into action worked a little too well
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