Bots are crap on custom maps, but why =(


Oct 15, 2004
Reaction score
If I make a simple fy map, the bots are great. I just spent 8 hours making a crazy rich condo house type map (which I'll release later when it's fully done). And the bots are just idiots. I have they start in a room upstairs, they all run into the corner and start shooting at the wall. They don't know how to use rotating doors, and the most ****ed up thing is I have all these regular windows around the house with shattering glass, and I have these 2 huuuuge wall windows with shattering glass in the living room. The bots all try to get thru the small windows, which are too small, but dont even think about going for the big wall windows. WTF? They don't know how to use ladders normally, they all go up the ladder and slide off and fall, they don't know how to use the front door or any doors in that case. The map is made very clean and open spaced just so bots can navigate it. BUT THEY DONT! ;( I've tried to do Nav_edit and customly place walkable meshes around the map but that just makes they act even more crazy. How can I optimize my maps for bots? THX.
Well that's SORT OF what nav_edit is. There you mark meshes that are walkable, and later I believe you can somehow connect one area to another or something. All I know is the bots are crap with custom maps and it's not candy =(.
If these bots are anything like the old ones they'll take a while to "teach" themselves the map.
i know in one of the releases it said bot support was added for custom maps. maybe you have to do some scripting for them? maybe not i cant think of any other reason
Well I noticed some different behaiviors in the bots on simpler maps. The very first round as opposed to the the second, third or fourth rounds the bots tend to do things differently but it doesn't seem to help with this map.
YESSS!!! I GOT IT TO WORK!! WOOHOO!! I manually made entry points for them YESSSSS!! Look in attachments I'll show you guys.
good for you. I'll have to do that with my map.