bots available in final?

SGT Tenor

Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Just curious. i'm a really bad player and would love to play against bots to get the hang of the game. this of course when i purchase HL2 Silver edition.
short but Did anyone find out? It would eb silly to pay and play and get frustrated when I get my butt whipped out there in mp land.
What I actualy meant was.
CS:S is the multiplayer part of HL2 (emphasis on MULTIPLAYER!)
So it will not include bots, however im sure third party programmers with create bots.
If you try and add a bot in the beta it says"Not available in the beta version" But the command is there, i'm not sure, but if there is a command in the console, there should be bots... but just disabled in the beta version.
Anyway, we'll find out tomorrow at 11am.
No, I am sure they will make you pay for bot technology. One more reason why we will make our own bots and tell them to beep themselves.
We are already paying for the upgrade with Hl2. why not have bots in the final?
I rekon they will do something retarded like make a CZ:S including bots.

sounds like someting they'd do.
Theres a few botfiles in the css gcf.


So who knows.
I would really like to have some bots so I can practice a little and get to know the updated maps and all. :cool:

Being on slow dialup I always played CS and DoD with bots. And it was fun! I really hope they add them. Every game should have bots. I love ut2k4 because it has such good bots.
$h@dow said:
If you try and add a bot in the beta it says"Not available in the beta version" But the command is there, i'm not sure, but if there is a command in the console, there should be bots... but just disabled in the beta version.
Anyway, we'll find out tomorrow at 11am.

yeah i noticed that too. itll probably be available when hl2 is released as we dont have SDK yet.
nooo! Bots will be in the final build. VALVe said so themselves... Somewhere. Also, I think that's the whole reason for the beta - So they can monitor our movements and program a race of huma-bots! BOT's, which act exactly like humans! No doubt I will be getting powned by a Munro-Bot at 8:00PM tonight!

RTC knows it!
dekstar said:
Somewhere. Also, I think that's the whole reason for the beta - So they can monitor our movements and program a race of huma-bots! BOT's, which act exactly like humans! No doubt I will be getting powned by a Munro-Bot at 8:00PM tonight!

Does that mean they will act like 10 year olds in publics but mature in privates? Cheat and deny it! Go afk for 10 minutes at a time and then claim lag was the only reason they died. :D