bounce light color


Jul 27, 2004
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when i use the light environment it gives me unrealistic shadows.
for example i have bright green grass on the floor texture but when the light bounces off it it creates dark green shadows on the walls.

how can i fix this?
I don´t know how to fix it but i think it´s becuse of the radiosity (sp?).
indy said:
when i use the light environment it gives me unrealistic shadows.
for example i have bright green grass on the floor texture but when the light bounces off it it creates dark green shadows on the walls.

how can i fix this?
Like Xeinon says, thats bounced light, the bright green grass is reflecting green light on its surroundings, its on the other lighter brown shades too, only not as visible as the darker area's.

As for it being unrealistic.. thats realistic and what happens, everything reflects a certain amount of light off itself, creating bounced light. The Doom method is the unrealistic (thought pretty) one
Hmmm that's a weird one. I've made a small map with a bright green textured floor, and the bounce didn't reflect onto my brown fences.

Try lowering the brightness of your light_env, 250 brightness is fine for a daylight map, maybe your setting is too bright.
thanks for the help er kinda.
it is at 250 and the luxels are on 16 for each face.

its rather odd i do say, ..the texture btw is an ambient generic nothin else. im gonna try changing the light_env to about 100 and use a massive spot light on a slight pitch.

anyways if anyone else has this prob let me know how u resolved it.

ive experimented a bit and other textures are doing it aswell ...perhaps my rad setings are borked?
Obvious question springs to mind - what colour light are you using?