Bowling for Columbine

Yeah and if you don't want to mention anti-Semitism, how about Islamophobia?
Originally posted by el Chi
Yeah and if you don't want to mention anti-Semitism, how about Islamophobia?

lol great point, after sept 11, im sure the USA has the largest population with that.
Said the 2 who dont live in America , Im done with this shitty topic , I will not participate in petty immature country bashing again on this forum , I won the last one , I dont need to win this one. :)
If anyone flames any more this thread will be closed. Sorry, but it seems some people are incapable of participating in discussion without resorting to insults etc.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Said the 2 who dont live in America , Im done with this shitty topic , I will not participate in petty immature country bashing again on this forum , I won the last one , I dont need to win this one. :)

were comparing how STUPID peoplesuc post was, he doesn't live in france and he feels just fine making judgment about them. so we are showing how easy it is to make a stupid post juts like he did showing usa in a bad view.
Moore always did annoy me a little bit, mostly just because of the way he acted. He tends to be a bit of an ass about what he believes, and it can be grating. His thing at the Oscars and the whole Heston thing are perfect examples. He has some points, but he should be smarter about how he makes them.

And I love the post about how all Republicans are asshole warmongers. Way to hate half the population.
Originally posted by Direwolf
Moore always did annoy me a little bit, mostly just because of the way he acted. He tends to be a bit of an ass about what he believes, and it can be grating. His thing at the Oscars and the whole Heston thing are perfect examples. He has some points, but he should be smarter about how he makes them.

And I love the post about how all Republicans are asshole warmongers. Way to hate half the population.

This man makes a good point and a good presentation.
I guess people need to convert to islam and blow up jews in order to be heard be some people. If you like in a country then you root for the home team.

Tell me how many AMERICANS imigrate to cuba for whatever reason?
Not very many. How many Cubans risk their lives for a "miserable existence under FREEDOM"? A couple hundred a year.

If you hate AMERICA then you hate all people. We are a land of white, black, asian, hispanic, canadian, european.............. people. You go to france and the citizens are french. You go to germany and the people are germans. AMERICA is the only country that made up of all the people of the world. You don't like that fact then you can STFU and go to russia.

GEORGE W. BUSH is a dictator? really? I thought that you said he was a terrorist? Make up you mind child! I guess the 2004 elections are already decided? Tell me who wins? So that I may place a wager online. You should go back to where ever you came from. That dirty cooze you call mother is what I was refering to.

Roman Polanski ran away to france and never stepped foot on AMERICAN soil. The frence government wouldn't even consider extriditing him back to the US for his trial. Sure AMERICA has pedophiles and molesters but you dont see too many molesters from other countries living here peacefully. I swear to GOD that old fart is one lucky bastard for staying alive for so long. But hey it's france and all.

napoleon is a dictator and will always be one. Time wont change that fact. You shame Americans for killing 'savages' yet you say that because napoleon died a LONG TIME AGO that his actions dont matter?
You sir are either an idiot or a damn hypocrite. Perhaps a conbo of the two?
mike moore is a no talent hack. A coward in a fat man's body. An idiot how knows he is one and constantly admits it. I'm glad that he will die of obesity and heart complications in about 10 years. Its a shame really. Yet it shows the character and heart of the man, physically manifested towards his gut and posterior. How can you believe a man that says he cares for others and is trying to help them when he himself can't even help himself?

Simply put lose some GOD damn weight!

Fatty fat fart farting farter.
"I do it for the drugs!" - some alternative band

I believe mike does it for the bear claws(pasteries).
Years ago I had the chance to go to france in high school with the class but I said to myself, if I go over there then I would be stimulating their economy with my tourism. I can't let them profit from my education. Thats just immoral!

Now that I think about it I wish that I had gone. Go so that I could take a big dump in their country and revel in the after-stench. Take pennies and toss them off the eiffel tower.

Oh well.

SIDE COMMENTS - notice how I said pennies and not euros? Subtle yet powerful and moving at the same time. This speakes immensly of something. I just can't put my finger on it. Perhaps I'm refering to my penis. Yes, that's it. My penis. And not just my finger but my whole fist!
I thought the movie was great, but I didn't believe everything in it. If you watch a documentary and believe every little detail Moore preaches, then you're obviously a naive jackass... I rather looked at the film as a whole, and identified with the overall message it tried to convey: the little fact that we Americans are obsessed with firearms. Living in Western Pennsylvania, I can say my neighborhood is full of gun nuts. Not just the hunters, either. Hell, my best friend is a gun nut, and he never hunts. Sometimes I wonder why we are so obsessed with them.
Do you know what I belive in interspecies intercourse(II).

Now those who read this might have some issues with the idea of people getting it on with the family dog but it's more then that for me.

I first found this fixaction for this subject when I layed eyes on mike moore and his whale of a girlfrield. I thought to myself what self respecting female would ever want to go down a path that would eventually have oneself in a position to procreate with this fat bastard? Then I thought ahh yes. She is into beastiality. Only a person that was actively practicing 'girl on hog' sex could stomach a persona like mike.

Later on I said to myself that II couldn't be all that bad. Who was I to judge someone that likes to have DP's with equines and canines? If something can bring about an ounce of happines to even that fat commie pig moore then II couldn't all be that bad.

For more information on II please read:
I don't want this to get too out of hand so I'll say the nicer version:

peoplesuc, you are not a very bright, I Talk about a terrible argument.

I also find it funny that your sig shows that you encourage violence, which proves the point that your argument is invalid and worthless.
Originally posted by Swartz
I don't want this to get too out of hand so I'll say the nicer version:

peoplesuc, you are not a very bright, I Talk about a terrible argument.

I also find it funny that your sig shows that you encourage violence, which proves the point that your argument is invalid and worthless.

If youve ever seen that show its actually funny. Bill went on to list a series of real problems violence has solved roofle.
Why are we obsesed with sex? celebrities? drugs? cars? politics?
It's ok to have an obsession. But if that obsession gets in the way of leading a normal life well then it's time for an intervention. What is a normal life you ask? Well it's whatever society you grow up in.

Why are arab muslims so eager to live by the sword?
Why does the japanese society have an obsession with white cotton panties?
Why are catholic priests molesting children?
Why is mike moore so fat?
Why do I piss blood?
Why does time fly like an arrow and fruit flies like a bannana?

I can tell you for a fact that mike moore is the way he is(large) because when his mother was breast feeding him(and the rest of the litter) she was snorting fat! That's right powered lard! Anyway she could. Up the nostrils, in between the toes and sometimes she would use a douche filled with premium slurry fat hoping to get some junk in dat trunk!
One more thing, you have no right to criticise France when you don't live there so go to hell.

As for "you hate America you hate everyone then", that's a load of crap.
You see, America has this great thing called freedom of speech, and we're allowed to have whatever opinions we want.

Here's a good quote for you: "It's annoying how people whine about burning the american flag. It's a piece of cloth, no one died for it. What people died for, was the right to burn the f'ng flag".

Many Americans are sickening. The only country out there to be so closed-minded, ignorant, and intolerant.

Do us all a favor and shut up peoplesuc, until you can come up with a half decent argument that doesn't refrence to making fun of fat people, which is quite infantile.
"Suburbs are dull as ditch-water, that's why. Besides that I think it's a perspective thing and it's a phenomenom you see in many countries of the world: The black community generally lives in the poorer inner-city areas, and the whites live nearer the suburbs. Nice places. Perhaps a product of racism and fear but maybe a product of more money and "nice family atmosphere" or whatever. Maybe a bit of both? Certainly true that in such areas, cultural mingling ain't gonna happen. Bad Thing"

Well, Elchi, first off, the majority of blacks (60% or above) are MIDDLE CLASS. Whith another smaller percentage being UPPER CLASS, and another small percentage being POOR. So that crap about us moving to suburbs to avoid black people is bull. Of course it doesn't seem like there's as many black people in suburbs. There are more SUBURBS than INNER-CITY areas, and black people are a MINORITY. THAT means that even if the MAJORITY are middle class, it won't seem like much because they are spread to thin, so to speak. The majority of black people are not "po black foke" that got screwed over by the "man." This guy that made the movie had some good points, yes, but he isn't smart enough to make them come across without gross liberal generalizations. I should know about minortities, I grew up in east oakland in california. Bad neighborhood. And the guns had nothing to do with white people.
Originally posted by Sgt. Nate
"Suburbs are dull as ditch-water, that's why. Besides that I think it's a perspective thing and it's a phenomenom you see in many countries of the world: The black community generally lives in the poorer inner-city areas, and the whites live nearer the suburbs. Nice places. Perhaps a product of racism and fear but maybe a product of more money and "nice family atmosphere" or whatever. Maybe a bit of both? Certainly true that in such areas, cultural mingling ain't gonna happen. Bad Thing"

Well, Elchi, first off, the majority of blacks (60% or above) are MIDDLE CLASS. Whith another smaller percentage being UPPER CLASS, and another small percentage being POOR. So that crap about us moving to suburbs to avoid black people is bull. Of course it doesn't seem like there's as many black people in suburbs. There are more SUBURBS than INNER-CITY areas, and black people are a MINORITY. THAT means that even if the MAJORITY are middle class, it won't seem like much because they are spread to thin, so to speak. The majority of black people are not "po black foke" that got screwed over by the "man." This guy that made the movie had some good points, yes, but he isn't smart enough to make them come across without gross liberal generalizations. I should know about minortities, I grew up in east oakland in california. Bad neighborhood. And the guns had nothing to do with white people.

Actually what he said was true a few decades ago. Things have changed since then, so you're right.
(aka Republicans, aka "patriots", aka assholes) saying he's full of shit, because they don't want to be beaten.
Stop pulling facts from your ass and come up with some intelligent debates against Moore.

Also, whites DID kill the indians in the majority, not disease. I'm not sure wether you completed high school or ot, because this is information most know.
The indians were raped, butchered, and murdered, in a style very similar to the Nazi's.

Umm, no sorry Swartz. check any history book you dumb bastard, (actually I believe this question was even on a game show and was missed by another poor dumb bastard) and even your poor uneducated mind will realize that the major killer of indians was DISEASE. Also, I am a patriot. Unapologetically AMERICAN BABY YEAH! And I don't always agree with this country. I also will be leaving for boot camp in a month to be a INFANTRYMAN IN THE BEST ARMY IN THE WORLD. My views also tend to lean towards conservative, and last time I checked, I was not an asshole. At least my black and puerto rican girlfriend does not think so. I also am not a war junkie. I've never fought in combat unless you count getting shot at in my old neighborhood. It scares me. But being patriotic mean you are THERE for your COUNTRY. It means you are willing to pay back in full what your country does for you. Maybe your statements were trying to make another point, but you come off as an asshole that hates AMERICA and white people for no better reason than my grandma hates mexicans. And by the way, I am half mexican, so don't hand me any of that "you're white so of course you defend republicans" crap.
Thanks DimitriPopov. I like vodka as well.

Anyway swartz it's sad to see that with time you haven't gotten brighter. Infact the opposite. Dimmer. Dimmer then inside your ass, INSIDE a mine shaft! OOOOOOOH SNAP YO!

Anyway Bill Maher was on top of his game as the host of 'Politically Incorrect" when it was still on ABC. Ever since then he's been just a bitter old man who can't get a woodie even if his sexy uncle told him too.

"Life is full of surprises. Buckle you saftey belt."

That quote is not only true but also socially responsible. Yet it adds nothing to the greater good of these boring boards. I try to make people think.
Originally posted by Sgt. Nate
Umm, no sorry Swartz. check any history book you dumb bastard, (actually I believe this question was even on a game show and was missed by another poor dumb bastard) and even your poor uneducated mind will realize that the major killer of indians was DISEASE. .

Guess who introduced these various diseases to the Indians?

I'll give you a hint.
It begins with "WH," and ends with "ITES."
france and a majority of other european countries don't have this thing called "Freedon of Speech". I can't respect any cleaver or differing OPINIONS from these countries who speak ill against AMERICA because they themselves are firstly mindless sheep and they can't truely speak their mind.
Originally posted by not28
Guess who introduced these various diseases to the Indians?

I'll give you a hint.
It begins with "WH," and ends with "ITES."

Then Im going to blame the Africans for killing of many many Europeans during the early slave trade , before the Americas , shame on them!!!!!!!!!

The Europeans didnt do it on purpose at first , but they did indeed use it as a weapon later.
I guess whites were physically and emotionally superior to indians back in those days. From what you are saying not28 you facts seem to support these theories.

not28 you should write a book about how people of european descendents are better then 'chief six feet under'.
I didn't say they used it as a weapon...I'm just saying that Swartz and Nate were both correct to a certain extent. Jesus Christ, you people are the type that make foreigners hate us.
Originally posted by peoplesuc
I guess whites were physically and emotionally superior to indians back in those days. From what you are saying not28 you facts seem to support these theories.

What facts? What the fuck are you talking about? I said the Native Americans primarily died of diseases that were introduced by European explorers and settlers. Get a grip and stop being so damn defensive.
Ever since 9-11-01 I haven't heard even ONE FRIKEN FRENCHIMAN have any differing opinions AGAINST what the french government says.

That is all the proof you need to say that either all french people are ignorant racist inbreeed jew hating pedophiles OR that their society doesn't have any freedom of speech other then what their governmant says is their thoughts.
euro explorers wern't affacted by these so called diseases? The european explorers were familier with these diseases but the indians wern't. Their bodies didn't have generations to adapt to paracites.

not28 it's like saying that someone in the future is affected by your existence. True in every sense but you can't force yourself to not live your life. That in itself is an action that would have a reaction.

Bottom line: I'm gonna like my life to the fullest. No one is gonna stop me from finding my happiness. No one is going to prevent me from presuing happiness. Especially myself.
Originally posted by peoplesuc
euro explorers wern't affacted by these so called diseases? The european explorers were familier with these diseases but the indians wern't. Their bodies didn't have generations to adapt to paracites.

not28 it's like saying that someone in the future is affected by your existence. True in every sense but you can't force yourself to not live your life. That in itself is an action that would have a reaction.

Bottom line: I'm gonna like my life to the fullest. No one is gonna stop me from finding my happiness. No one is going to prevent me from presuing happiness. Especially myself.

Congratulations. I feel the same way. We really have no reason to argue, so let's both stfu.
And why? Because this is AMERICA GOD DAMN IT! And everyone here is behind me on that.

I suggest everyone to to france with an American product such as a Pepsi can, Trojans condom, Phat farm thongs and litter that breathing garbage pile to death. Eat at their McDonnalds and 'spit take' their wine.
Hate us and we will hate you back sucka!
Personally I'd rather be surfing for midgit scat porn right now.

Vote YES for recall!
Vote NO for gray davis!!!
Originally posted by not28
I thought the movie was great, but I didn't believe everything in it. If you watch a documentary and believe every little detail Moore preaches, then you're obviously a naive jackass... I rather looked at the film as a whole, and identified with the overall message it tried to convey: the little fact that we Americans are obsessed with firearms. Living in Western Pennsylvania, I can say my neighborhood is full of gun nuts. Not just the hunters, either. Hell, my best friend is a gun nut, and he never hunts. Sometimes I wonder why we are so obsessed with them.

~* gives not28 a cookie.
peoplesuc wrote:

'france and a majority of other european countries don't have this thing called "Freedon of Speech". I can't respect any cleaver or differing OPINIONS from these countries who speak ill against AMERICA because they themselves are firstly mindless sheep and they can't truely speak their mind.'

I'm sure most of your fellow countrymen would want you to shut up and stop embarrasing them.

//edit (The funny/sad thing is - this guy probably believes what he's typing :/)
I really do have to say that peoplesuc's posts have been the most entertaining in a long time.
Thats not a complement, but its the best I can do.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Theres a better site than that one , but its all text and a long read , plust I lost the link.

Turned out to be easy enough to go back and find:

I've seen that one too (posted on another forum).

However, since bowlingfortruth is a more popular site, I will try the big fish first. Plus, bowlingfortruth takes a majority of its information from that site and vice versa, so the rebuttal will be equally complementary.