boxing day


Aug 24, 2004
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boxing day i got a question are there any good deals! Anyone live in Vancouver BC that has found any good deals for computer parts on the web, absolutely sucked.
My gf lives in Vancouver. And I live in California. And she's visiting tomorrow. Not that it has anything to do with your question, but who cares?! :dork:
My calender says the 26th of December is 'Boxing Day' in the UK, and Canada. After that, the sentence goes south on me! :E
Rofl, boxing day..? Wtf kinda celebration is that...?
For once im proud to be american.
its supposed to be like the canadian black friday but it isnt at all, i was wondering if there were any good deals for stuff in Vancouver, BC
That store off of grand
Man, they got some kick
Ass sock sells going on
Just go down that big street..
In the middle of vancouver
You know what i mean.
Uber socks dude
boxing day in the old days was when all the manual workers would get a box with food namly oranges and stuff from there employers kinda like a christmas bonus
Joims said:
boxing day in the old days was when all the manual workers would get a box with food namly oranges and stuff from there employers kinda like a christmas bonus

Weird.... thats not what I was allways told.

I was told it was something to do with church collection boxes... :rolling:

Now I'm really confused lol :p
i was told it's where you give the crappy gifts you don't like to your servants and it's called boxing day because you have to put them all in a box.
Does anyone actually know!?!?!

lol! You've all got me wondering now.... :P

I'll look it up later. :)
Ikerous said:
Rofl, boxing day..? Wtf kinda celebration is that...?
For once im proud to be american.

hey boxing day is cool! lol :D
im proud to be a brit, if it means we have boxing day.
i heard it was called boxing day because people used to put all the trimmings (and tree of course) back in the boxes, because xmas was over.. ^^
cschaef13 said:
boxing day i got a question are there any good deals! Anyone live in Vancouver BC that has found any good deals for computer parts on the web, absolutely sucked.

Surrey has a bad rep. People I know from Surrey all say they're from south Whiterock because they are ashamed to say they are from Surrey.
Dan said:
i was told it's where you give the crappy gifts you don't like to your servants and it's called boxing day because you have to put them all in a box.

This is correct.