boys aged 9 and 10 arrested for drawing

Dasparov said:
probably =/

When i was 9-10 i was drawing dinosaurs
me too.... and everytime i saw a picture i had to draw a penis on it........ wait.... i still do that :O
Yay for our liberal controlled school districts.
The question is, Did they charge them yet?
Going through my first year of Politcal Science I know the law quite well in most cases.
They could get me as a $10 lawyer and I'd have them out of jail in a jippy if they didn't charge them yet.

This can be considered Freedom of Speech braching down to(well one area), symbolic speech. You can take a drawing as a symbol. Maybe they were mad, darwing a picture of...killing...and hanging.. can be considered symbolic speech.

Onless this picture was super detailed and you could recognize everything and it twas hung all around the school and offended everyone, and the kids would not let anyone take them down then that can be considered a civil crime.
Onless they did they I see no case here. I can tell you that they will get out of this easy. If they don' will get to the supreme court....well that can depend on the charges of course.

I also wonder if they were read there rights?
arrested for draw a person stabbed?

do the police believe the pictures are alive and they thought that was murder? :rolling:

EDIT: sure they will involve GTA on that case
firemachine69 said:
Freedom of speech.

They'll get scolded, but nothing more. Sucks that it probably is another Columbine in the making, but nothing until the authorities can prove a pattern to make a plot.
I hate that these days you can get arrested for a crime you haven't committed or even attempted to commit. Or said you were going to commit.
CptStern said:
no it's not fake news's from CNN (well I know they play the war propaganda card a little too much, but they're still a news source)

like FOX :upstare:
Do I smell thoughtcrime? I bet one of the kid's name was Winston, and the drawing was of his Big Brother... :rolleyes:
It was construed as a murder threat.

I'm telling you people, this is all about Columbine.
f|uke said:
I'm telling you people, this is all about Columbine.

nuttin' like a little mob mentality, aye?

f|uke's description is exactly why this happened. and in cases like these, preventive measures are probably better, as opposed to reactive ones. altho, i think some sort of psychological exam would have been more appropriate.
CptStern said:
I'm pretty sure most kids did this teacher would sometimes end up under a school bus in some of my early drawings

And now you are one? How ironic.
seinfeldrules said:
And now you are one? How ironic.

Not really, every teacher I've known and have talked to about it has been like that up until atleast High School, Mum for one.
Well its nice to know where all that money is going into. Your paying police to handcuff two kids for IMAGINING and DRAWING ideas about Death. Next, there will be the death penalty for a toddler spilling his milk.
Well its nice to know where all that money is going into. Your paying police to handcuff two kids for IMAGINING and DRAWING ideas about Death. Next, there will be the death penalty for a toddler spilling his milk.

The American school system is designed to crush individuality and expression anyway.
seinfeldrules said:
And now you are one? How ironic.

I havent been a teacher in 5 years, and yes I understand that kids need an outlet just like adults do
i bet thoughs cops are getting there own back on the kids for beating them at CS lol
but i do have to say thoughs kids are ****ed up if they ment it but the police are ****ed up for arresting kids who legaly cant be arrested untill they are 14yr and jailed at 16yr

Read that if your a redvsblue fan.

Here's my reply in that discussion:

In reply to hoopdancer, #1:

Violent stick-figure drawings put kids in cuffs
Florida boys, 9 and 10, arrested for threatening artworksThe Associated Press
Updated: 9:28 a.m. ET Jan. 26, 2005OCALA, Fla. - Two boys were arrested for making pencil-and-crayon stick figure drawings depicting a 10-year-old classmate being stabbed and hung, police said. The children, charged with a felony, were taken from school in handcuffs.

The 9- and 10-year-old boys were arrested Monday and charged with making a written threat to kill or harm another person. They were also suspended from school.

One drawing showed the two boys standing on either side of the other boy and “holding knives pointed through” his body, according to a police report. The figures were identified by written names or initials.

Another drawing showed a stick figure hanging, tears falling from his eyes, with two other stick figures standing below him. Other pieces of scrap paper listed misspelled profanities and the initials of the boy who was allegedly threatened.

=====My Response Below=====
Thats the whole of the article -- the boys were threatening the students, using images, vulgar languages, and even wrighting the threats in there own notebooks. Yea, I think they need to be arrested, and they also need some help.

Children are crazily smart these days -- I would'nt be suprised if they had the ability, or willingness to carry something out that beligerantly. ...
=========End Response==========

Someone elses response:

In reply to hoopdancer, #1:

Wait a minute, you say a 9 and 10 year old drawing a classmate being stabbed and hung constitutes "kids being kids?"

When I was 9 and 10, we drew freaking ninja turtles, not some kid in class we would have wanted stabbed.

Should they have been arrested? I'm not sure - but if I were the parent of the boy who was depicted in the drawings, you'd bet your ass I'd want this thoroughly documented and detailed, god forbid something should happen later. And I wouldn't leave it to the school either, because that's a great way of getting a coverup or snow job instead of getting any kind of progress. All that leaves is the police.

Obviously, these kids need some help. They may even need to be pulled from regular classes. I don't know these kids or anything about them, so I'm not going to say they need to be shipped out to some institution for therapy. There's more here than we know, but I don't think that this constitutes innocent or playful behavior.

I agree with both, actually.
K e r b e r o s said:

Read that if your a redvsblue fan.

Here's my reply in that discussion:

Someone elses response:

I agree with both, actually.

I agree with the latter. I certainly never drew images so violent. I was drawing maps for dungeons and dragons at that age, for goodness sake! lol

These kids, shouldn't be arrested, but they should be scolded by their parents, and taken to a psychiatrist for some serious counseling to see what could bring them to draw such things.
like that bit in 'Bowling For Columbine' where kids were sent home or suspended for things like that...

*Just a bit excessive*
Jeez... I used to doodle away in class making all kinds of horrendously evil pictures.. and I never killed anyone that the police know of
bliink said:
Jeez... I used to doodle away in class making all kinds of horrendously evil pictures.. and I never killed anyone that the police know of

arrest her! jk :angel:
I love a woman with skeletons in her closet.
"So what are you in for?"
"I murdered eight people and stole there car, you?"
"I drew a fellow classmate being stabbed. I used crayons"
"Thats ****ed up, get away from me"

I cant even draw, if I tried to draw somthing like that it would end up as 2 bad stick figers poking anouther stick figer with a wiggly line.. :(
its been like that ever since columbine basically. Also it says the boys made a written threat not just a drawing. How did you not notice that it said written threats honestly its nearly in the first sentence.
cschaef13 said:
its been like that ever since columbine basically. Also it says the boys made a written threat not just a drawing. How did you not notice that it said written threats honestly its nearly in the first sentence.
Their drawings were the written threat.... get a clue
Next time THINK about what the article says

Lets just do a little quote here
Two boys were arrested for making pencil-and-crayon stick figure drawings depicting a 10-year-old classmate being stabbed and hung, police said. The children, charged with a felony, were taken from school in handcuffs.

The 9- and 10-year-old boys were arrested Monday and charged with making a written threat to kill or harm another person. They were also suspended from school.
If you make a drawing depicting someones death they dont charge you for a drawn threat you ignorant twat. Also dont "bump" your post after ten minutes.
i am talking about this, this would be where the written threats were in the scraps "Other pieces of scrap paper listed misspelled profanities and the initials of the boy who was allegedly threatened."