Brain differences


Oct 3, 2003
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I've heard alot about how different men and women are mentally, and also about how some people more often use their 'right brain' and others use their 'left brain'.

Like for example women can multitask better than men. And men are better at 3d/spacial imaginative abilities, while women are better in hand/eye coordination (although their driving skills are still hindered by their multitasking distractions ;) ).

And then there was the whole thing about your right brain being your social-side and left brain being logical side... or vice versa... and people who use more of one than the other can be either better socially and bad at math or good at math but a nerd.

Are these actually true? Are there any other differences?
There was an article I read online about how girls and boys differ in IM'ing. It said girls tend to write longer messages, and take a lot longer to end conversations. As in, girls will say "Bye" and then "ttyl" even though they both do essentially the same thing and it gets repetitive, wheareas boys sometimes don't even say "bye" and just close out the window.

I was discussing this with someone, and we generally found this to be true. I mean, with some girls I'll be closing out IM windows and then a "ttyl" will pop up and I'll type "ok bye" and close out the window again, then a "bye!!!" will pop up and I'll be thinking "OK what the heck leave me alone." So my friend and I decided to act like annoying girls and it ended up in a "lol bye for now" "omg, goodbye!" and "stfu go away" mess.

So anyways... I'll try to find the link to that article again.

Here's the article I was thinking about. It's really not as good as I remembered it being. Oh well.

"For example, it took two women on average 41 seconds and nearly 10 exchanges to close a conversation. . . . Men, perhaps not surprisingly, ended their IM sessions more than twice as quickly."

And another article from LiveScience that's more about how brains are different between genders, saying boys use more gray matter and girls use more white matter.
Was a two page article about this in The Times today. Unfortunately, I've already thrown it out.

Ah, found it on the internest.,,7-2303878.html

good article.

it also mentioned how men are better in spatial ability, which allows us to rotate objects mentally, which helps us in things like navigation and math. i totally believe that because my girlfriend sucks at math and ive been able to tell she cant imagine the movements of algebra. instead, she simply memorizes familiar looking patterns and does an action, rather than understanding why or how.
Personally I don't think the spatial reasoning thing is all that true. In chemistry when you're looking at enantiomers and you have to rotate molecules in your mind and determine if they're the same or not... I think guys had as much trouble with that as girls. It really does depend on the person though.

Y'know what they say about girls in engineering... they tend to do better than the guys. Of course this might just be because the girls who are in engineering tend to be more determined.
There may be differences at birth, but I've read that upbringing and social conditioning all have a much larger impact on physical brain structure. You can noticibly change your brain physically in less than a week of repeditive activity that you don't normally do. Because boys and girls are treated so differently from birth this may explain the differences.
But of course I'm no expert or anything.
There may be differences at birth, but I've read that upbringing and social conditioning all have a much larger impact on physical brain structure. You can noticibly change your brain physically in less than a week of repeditive activity that you don't normally do. Because boys and girls are treated so differently from birth this may explain the differences.
But of course I'm no expert or anything.
That actually makes a lot of sense. Have there been any studies done on this?
Probably, but I'm, afraid I've no idea where to find them, mate. This was mostly from a book I read called Mind Sculpting (forget who wrote it). It explained all sorts of cool things like phantom limbs and why people have foot fetishes etc.