Brainstorm for deathmatch ideas


Aug 4, 2004
Reaction score
I cant keep my ideas to myself! Anyway-

In this mode one player is the "Bugbait", he can use bugbait to control antlions but gets no other weapons, a point is given for each other player killed my an antlion. The others must defend themselves from the antlions, the first to kill the "Bugbait" become the "Bugbait" themselves.

In this game there are two "teams", the zombies and the humans. The humans score by killing zombie and zombies score by killing humans. However it is not just a case of choosing a team, also running around are headcrabs. You start out as a human when you spawn and then if you get headcrabbed you become a zombie until you get killed. To make it fair the zombies are much tougher than in the game, there are still the two types, however the fast zombies are a lot less tougher than the slower normal zombies which can take more damage.

This is anouther team style game. One team made of up to three players is the "Elites" and evryone else are the "Grunts". The Elites get a one shot kill sniper rifle and body armour. If a Grunt kills an Elite and picks up the sniper rifle (so its possible to "steal" a chance to be an elite) he becomes an elite and receives the body armour.

Ill keep thinking... :upstare:
How about that scrapyard thing with the vehicles and welding guns that was being spoken of a while back? Welder physgun appears to be in the SDK...
Some great ideas. I love the bugbait one. The zombie one is also interesting, especially if the 'zombies' are those scary-fast ones!
Brian Damage said:
How about that scrapyard thing with the vehicles and welding guns that was being spoken of a while back? Welder physgun appears to be in the SDK...

could someone explain a little bit about this idea. i don't think i ever saw this thread?

thanketh you
Well, the original blue-beam physgun in the beta could apparently weld things to things. So you could set up barricades, weld extra bits onto the buggy, that sort of thing...

A while back someone suggested that a game set in a scrapyard with vehicles and the welding physgun would be sweet...
Crowbar deathmatch :D

People will start making the maps...
Ok keep it coming-

In this mode the normal grenade instead of causing explosions slows time down in its blast area for a few moments. So, you could slow somebodys movement as you blast them with your gun, throw a greande in the in the middle of a firefight so the bullets slow down inside. The "speedown" areas could alternatively occur in random places or be created by a modified manipulator.

Bugbait Deathmatch
This is the same evreyone v everyone deathmatch as normal except there are a few bubaits that spawn round the map every so often. The antlions will not attack someone holding a bugbait in there hand, but once youve thrown it the antlions will attack you again.
what about paint-ball deathmatch. Lock all the other gunz except from the grav gun and make special maps that only have the paint tins. Weve all launched paint tins at the zombies, they turn white, tis funny. Anyways use the grav gun and the paint tins for paint-ball kinda thing
I came up with these a few months ago, before we even knew if HL2 was going to have multiplayer or not.

MODE: Strider Time-Attack
TYPE: Co-op
In Strider Time-Attack, a team of human players will cooperatively take on a group of striders. We've been told by Gabe that Striders CAN be destroyed, even though it appears to be damn hard. Starting out, the team will challenge a single strider. The next round will be 2 striders, then 3, and so on... The team fights and destroys the strider(s) and receives a score based on the speed with which they complete the round. Each player only has a limited number of respawns per round, so there will come a point when the players are overrun and killed. At this point, their overall score will be recorded and the game will restart. Top scores will be automatically posted on Steam, to encourage other teams to beat them. I'd like to see a team of 6 take on 15 striders and win. That would be sweet.

MODE: Zombie Attack
TYPE: Co-op
Similar in principle to Strider Time-Attack, but with a horror-movie twist. I think they actually did something like this in UT2004, although i never got to play it. Players will be huddled in the center of a field, or building, when suddenly fast zombies start attacking them in waves, from random directions. Only a few attack at first, but later there are swarms. A player gets 1 point for killing a zombie. When a player dies, he is out. The last surviving player gets 15 points, and the round restarts, and all players respawn. This will lead to interesting gameplay, because of the paradoxial nature of the rules: Players need to stick together to survive, but at the same time they are fighting against eachother for kills, and are trying to out-live their partners. Friendly fire, of course, will be disabled.

MODE: Strider Deathmatch
TYPE: Team deathmatch
Basically, this will be a normal team deathmatch game, but with an added element: multiple striders running around causing havoc. Striders consider players from all teams to be hostile, so they are a general menace to everyone. Player vs player kills count as normal, but if a player manages to score a fatal shot on a strider, his team receives 15 points for it. When a strider is killed, there will be a brief delay before a new one is spawned. I think there's a lot of fun to be had here.

MODE: Ant Lion Arena
TYPE: Deathmatch
It's a kind of deathmatch, but players' only weapon is alien pheremones. By throwing a pheremone, the player attracts ant lions to him. All ant lions from one player will consider all players and their ant lions to be hostile. Players need to stay close to his ant lions to survive. There will only be one ant lion cave per player per map, so straying too far from it can have deadly consequences.

MODE: Vehicle Arena
TYPE: Deathmatch
In Vehicle Arena, each player has a buggy, but instead of the gauss cannon being mounted on it, there's a laser-guided rocket launcher. I think I remember this being discussed at some point with a valve rep, and they confirmed that the weapon on the buggy can be switched out in the editor. The alternate fire mode will lay those bouncer mines. Upon respawning, a player will be already sitting in a new buggy. It's impossible to exit the buggy, so you can't use normal weapons in this game. Yeah, I know, it's not a huge innovation, but it'll still be fun. Maybe do maps for the fanboat as well, with that sweet mounted cannon on it.

MODE: The Gauntlet
TYPE: Special
At the beginning of each round, one player is randomly selected to be the 'runner', and the others are designated as 'defenders'. The map consists of a long, winding trench filled with tricks and traps. Gun emplacements line the sides, and all sorts of nasty stuff awaits. The gauntlet runner is in the trench, and has no weapons (I'd like to give him the G-man skin). His goal is to run through the gauntlet and make it to the safe zone at the end. The defenders man the guns, or use grenades and other weapons to try to make this task as hard as possible. The gauntlet runner will probably have something like 1000 armor to make it a bit more fair, but it will still be a daunting task. By making it across the finish line, he gets n points (where n=the total number of players in the game). If he is killed, the player who fired the fatal shot receives n/2 points. Each player gets one chance to run the gauntlet. After that, the winner is declared and the round restarts.
(I got this idea from back in the day when my friend and I would make 'Run the Gauntlet' maps for Warcraft 2, line them with enemy archers, and take turns running footsoldiers though to see who survived)

MODE: Follow the Leader
TYPE: Special Deathmatch
PLAYERS: at least 2, at most 8
This is personally my favorite idea of them all. It's a cross between an RTS and a team deathmatch, because you're fighting and buying units at the same time. Let me explain...
*Each player is fighting every man for himself, but he has a team of NPC support. Before each respawn, he can buy a team of NPCs to fight alongside him. For example, he can choose to bring along a few headcrabs, zombies, combine soldiers, rebels, and so on... He can afford maybe 5-10 NPCs per respawn (their costs are dependent on relative strength). For example, you could buy 2 combine soldiers for the same amount of money as 10 headcrabs...
*Players will have a certain base amount of money per respawn to spend, and will receive small bonuses for any personal kills they make during the round. By not spending all of your money in one round, you can carry it over to the next round. For example, if you save up for 10 rounds, maybe you can buy a strider!
*Players can also use this money to buy a personal weapon for that round (any one of the HL2 weapons, but with infinite ammo). If they choose not to buy a weapon, they get the default crowbar. Weapons do not carry over when you die.
*After creating a a group, the player and his team spawn somewhere on the map, and seek out the other teams to destroy them. Each player's NPCs will be color-coded to distinguish them from enemy NPCs.
*Each NPC will follow and defend its leader, and will attack any enemies which threaten it. I'm thinking there will be a default "Follow and Protect" AI script in HL2, so implementing this will be rather simple.
*If a player is killed, his team of followers are also immediately destroyed, and he is sent back to the buying screen.
*IMPORTANT!!!: Players can also use weapons and will deal normal damage to enemy NPCs, but will NOT be able to damage enemy players who still has NPC followers. In other words, you will have to take out an opponent's support before you can attack him personally.
*NPCs, on the other hand, can attack whoever they want, whenever they want, so make sure you avoid getting killed by your opponent's headcrabs!

Some ideas for puchasable NPCs:
Headcrab, 'Super' Headbrab, Zombie, Fast Zombie, Manhack, Ant Lion, Ant Lion Guard, Combine Soldier, Combine Assassin, Alyx Vance, Resistance Soldier with SMG, Resistance Soldier with RPG, Resistance Soldier with I-Rifle, Dr. Kleiner with Tau Cannon, Father Grigori, Barney Calhoun, and the very very expensive Strider.
As I suggested in another thread, an assault style match would be cool. Instead of just having the standard team deathmatch you have one team attacking and one defending a specific location. As the attacking team push forward the defenders fall back to the next stronghold\strategic location. Obviously the teams switch after each round.

I know this is exactly the sam as Unreal Tournaments assault mode, but I think it is a valid idea for half life as it could be used to good effect to simulate street battles between the combine and the resistance.
SonicTitan said:
As I suggested in another thread, an assault style match would be cool. Instead of just having the standard team deathmatch you have one team attacking and one defending a specific location. As the attacking team push forward the defenders fall back to the next stronghold\strategic location. Obviously the teams switch after each round.

I know this is exactly the sam as Unreal Tournaments assault mode, but I think it is a valid idea for half life as it could be used to good effect to simulate street battles between the combine and the resistance.
Yes! Urban fighting! Combine v Resistance, resistance have to take a small block and the combine must defend it. If the combine can defend their lines for ten minutes, they get reinforced in the form of a strider!
Should involve the capability to weld together barricades as said earlier.