Brand new BF2 maps.

bryanf445 said:
wasnt that coming with the new patch?

Allegedly. I don't know if I believe all those "details" given because they didn't mention anything about the only two bits of info we've already heard (confirmed).

-Pts for Spec Ops blowing assets up
-TK system changes

Remaking Wake Island just came out of left field.

EDIT: That site is sooooo slow... 59 KB/sec..
Guys, a word of warning. if you play of ranked servers you will not see these maps being played as Multiplay only allow non-ranked server to use custom maps. Not sure if this will change after the next patch or not, but just a something to take note of. Not sure if other ranked servers from different leasers will have the same restrictions on or not though
Yeah custom maps aren't allowed on ranked, only non-ranked.
I saw a ranked server playing an updated version of DC's LostVillage, the best mp map ever.