Brand new project by Valve?

Apparently? What source shows that to be anything but speculation?
Well its obviously speculation, but it doesn't mean its not interesting because the article is right, none of that concept art matches any recent projects.
Apparently, the concept art is from Doug Church's canceled Steven Spielberg project.

What makes you think that? It's obviously a concept art for Valve's new game, because it's done by the artists at Valve. See this face, it's Ted Backman. They used their faces for the characters.

So are you telling me Valve is reviving a dead video game? That's bullshit, man. I saw some of this concept art last year, they were all untagged, unlike the other images on the blog (it was long before Doug Church was hired). I thought they were made for a personal project, until I saw it on the news. Anyway, check out this:

So some fan who visited Valve's headquarters is leaking all this information? They were nice enough to give him a tour, he probably shouldn't be snapping pictures of unannounced projects.
Whatever it is, I approve. That spaceship Barnz posted is pretty cool looking.

I do wish Valve would quit working on everything under the sun BUT Half-Life. All I'm saying is they better come out of nowhere in the next year or so and blow my goddamn mind with Ep3 / HL3 or whatever it is.
That female character with the revolver and the trenchcoat with the feathered boa...I was designing a character like that just this morning at work. I realize it's not the most original idea, but hey. Get out of my mind, Valve.
Really excited about this, I am even more curious about this than Episode 3. I hope it's a new series all together, I could see it taking place in the same universe as Half-Life, even (in the same sense Portal was). Whatever it is, I get the sense that it will be larger (in terms of game scale) than other things they have made, simply because there appears to be such a strong focus on ethnic and cultural diversity in this artwork. I could be wrong of course, but they've clearly put a ton of work in that particular aspect.
I don't see why Relic would give up the Homeworld IP. Still, H3 would be awesome.
Because Relic is currently run by moneygrubbing clowns. The original CoH and Homeworld teams are long gone.
That female character with the revolver and the trenchcoat with the feathered boa...I was designing a character like that just this morning at work. I realize it's not the most original idea, but hey. Get out of my mind, Valve.

yeah that reminds me way back in 1998 I made a sketch of a game where I was the protagonist and was wearing some suit and killings some aliens whit a crowbar in a underground facility.....
ok first off new ip from valve? Cool as :D

However, valve can do what ever they want in my eyes AFTER episode 3!!! :flame:
getting god damned ridiculous now :dozey:
A wall with twenty pieces of character art and five spaceships.

'Could be Homeworld?'

Bravo sirs.
Ricochet 2. Definitely.

Yes, please. And if not, I'd really like to see a mod-recreation of ricochet.

Edit: Oh, there is. I feel stupid for having missed it for 4 years. Although, it really isn't very impressive. There's no throwing animation like in the classic game, which I feel would be a great addition. Still like that it was recreated.
Stop mentioning Ricochet, it's just making me feel bad.

*Stares at server list with only three servers, all in Germany*
Richochet makes me think of CS 1.5, which makes me think of WON, which makes me nostalgiacry over superior netcode.
I do reckon it has something to do with Doug Church, but probably not just a straight reboot of his idea.
I'm not at all convinced this means anything. Would Valve really showcase concept art for an unrevealed game so publicly like that or, indeed, allow the media to take photos of said concept art?
I'm pleased to see that Valve are looking beyond the half-life universe judging by the CA. Personally I'd like to see them tackle the RPG space as I think they's have a different take on things versus Bioware/Bethesda approaches. However at the same time I must admit some of the artworks do look like caricatures (towards the bottom on the left the guy leaning out of the shadows does def look a lot like Doug Lombardi), however I doubt they'd have their CA team putting that much effort into their work simply for Lulz. It's not unusual for Valve to let things slip out the door through fan visit photos though. IIRC there was some thing where in they let someone photograph a wall containing codes that eventually lead to all sorts of Easter eggs (this was sometime back).
Erik Johnson's puzzles were neat.
Which shooter setting has Valve not explored yet?

They explored world war, aliens, terrorists, zombies and even rogue A.Is.

The only setting they haven't really explored yet is some futuristic tech shit way ahead of Half Life's combine technology. But then unless they use an innovative and polished concept (like the team play in L4D), it'll become another shooter clone.

I'm actually looking forward to a new innovative game concept from valve, since they did make a lot of eye popping gameplay ideas.
Oh my, how limited your thinking must be if you think that by having one series with aliens, Valve have completely exhausted all possibilities in the sci-fi genre.
Oh my, how limited your thinking must be if you think that by having one series with aliens, Valve have completely exhausted all possibilities in the sci-fi genre.

Oh my, how limited your comprehension skills must be if this is what you got out of my post.
No, I got just about the same out of it. Unless you're just being totally ironic (and remember, we're on the internet, so it's never as obvious as you think), he's more or less spot on.
It's been a while since we've seen a decent Fantasy FPS. Kind of odd when you consider that in the 90s, FP games with fantasy elements were consistently on the cutting edge of things (Ultima Underworld, Quake, Unreal, Thief).

That'd be something for Valve to pursue. It'd be rather silly to suggest that Doug Church would push things in that direction just because he was heavily involved in two of the most important Fantasy First Person games ever created, but still.