Breakable Glass, Not. (Followed Tutorial.)


Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
I followed the tutorial step-by-step and this is my result:
--[Edit:] It *does* break, but into the square sections you can see in the picture. And large portions will fall away as well. But it isn't the spidering glass from the game.
it kind of looks like you made the glass out of differnet pieces, but I'm sure thats not the case. did you make sure that you used a "func_breakable_surf"? other than that, just check that you followed to tut properly. which tut did you use anyways?
This one?
Still "boxy". Did it twice. Now it breaks more correctly, but it still does the "box-thing" as before. (See pic, above.) Also Map Problems always says "Unused Value: "Lower Left Corner" for the entity. I have completely deleted and rebuilt this twice. (Also, anyone know how to get a npc_maker to use a npc_combine_s ([x] Use As Template)? I want to spawn Elite soldiers and can't figure it out. This question isn't urgent.) Thanks for any additional thoughts.

[EDIT] -- Glass texture is "glass/glasswindow070c". I can also use "glass/combineglass001a". There are one or two others I tried but they gave me memory errors and made HL close.
Try using the glasswindowbreak texture - that's what I've used and it works fine.