
Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Nothing better then a mouth full of pussy for breakfast.
I knew Pi had nothing but bad intentions when he acquired those kittens. He couldn't just let them live normal long lives, oh no. They had to be consumed.

Raw, and wriggling.
That's such a great photo.
I don't even have anything malicious or sarcastic to say.
Pf. Cats. It's not like they're even adorable or anything.
Cool, they look like ussuri cats.
Bengals? Awesome. Hope they are as enjoyable as pets as they are to look at.
I spent a couple of hours with them today (they're too young for me to take them home yet) and they are truly awesome.

I never knew you had gyroscopically stabilized arms. Those were some unnaturally smooth camera movements.
I hadn't looked at that since uploading it, actually. Youtube popped up a prompt saying something like "It looks like some of your video is shaky. Would you like us to fix it?" so I hit "yes" and left it. Neat!
You're making it unnecessarily difficult to believe that you're a robot.
This isn't reddit friend. Though I can see how you could get confused with the recent + and - buttons.
I don't know what a Reddit user acts like as I don't go there, but it seemed like the right thing to do without actually hitting "thumbs down" which seemed more dickish than was warranted. All "felines => 'pussy' jokes are classless, un-creative, and must die. Just like women/kitchen jokes.

It's the bones that make them crunchy.
That's been used on this site quite a bit years ago before all the Reddit hate crap came up lately.
Reddit takes ownership of everything. Then they keep using it for years past its funny-by-date so people wind up thinking it's a "Reddit thing" because they're the only ones still lame enough to do it because the karma system is stupid and rewards repetitive bullshit. Not that there isn't some neat stuff there sometimes but man do they love their dumb played-out memes.

Cute cats.
The one on the left is called Zedong, the one on the right is called Winter.
We already had a cat called Summer, so Winter seemed an obvious choice.
We had a cat named Hello. My mom would walk through the house shouting HELLO? HELLO? trying to find it. ****ing hilarious
I spent a couple of hours with them today (they're too young for me to take them home yet) and they are truly awesome.
Huh, didn't know there was a requirement. So if your cat gave birth you'd have to give it to the shelter or something?
Huh, didn't know there was a requirement. So if your cat gave birth you'd have to give it to the shelter or something?

No, it's because they're pedigree - the breeder won't release them until they're vaccinated and neutered, which is 12 weeks.
He is going to feed them to each other. Only enough at each meal so that the flesh will grow back. They will eat each other's power and recursively become god-like.
Breakfast has now arrived, although they did escape their "secure" room within about 2 minutes of arrival.
As you can see, I've already started them on their martial training:
