breaking news

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:| I am so depressed. I need a hug now.
Believed till I read "We will have more on this tonight during the HL Radio show!"
Huh. Where does that news report say anything about doom 3 or winter? They say they want to release it in Fall...
What is a release candidate?

Lets not panic. Lets use common sense like we do with everything else.
Guys, this is HALF LIFE RADIO reporting this, the worst bunch of knob suckers in the entire world. Why believe them? They've consistently lied to the community to bring hits to their site.
Here you go Ailevation \0/ :)

Its time to start saving money.
this is big and smelly, why must they taunt us so!
Wow, I will be at work tonight so I expect a full transcript when I get back!
Damn it!, I'm tired of waiting, this is the last time I wait for a game to come out.
Even for other HL products, I will just say, yeah, good for you.
Nothing new... Isnt this what Gabe have been saying all along?
that just sounds like everything else they have been saying...
August = fall in my dictionary.

That's what Gabe's been saying.

They're laughing at us for saying it was all "speculation". Shame it all ****ing was until Gabe possibly confirmed it.

Breaking news! We need more listeners, so we'll cleverly reword a news tidbit and make it seem as if there is something new to talk about!

Also, to the one who started this destined-to-fail thread, perhaps spreading worthless rumors that are completely unsupported could be avoided next time by doing something to the effect of NOT adding uninformed comments to your post. Sheesh.
dudes wtf is wrong with you? They say its going to be out in Fall just like Gabe said and Doug. HL 2 in winter? BULLSHIT Doom 3 is coming august 3rd 2004 Half life 2 is in early fall. PERIOD
HELLO PEOPLE! Half Life Radio! Pure bullshit! Do not believe!
Umm nothings changed, he said they will be done in Augest. We've known this for awhile and fall begins Sept. 15 doesn't it?
DigiQ8 said:
Valve did it again

Valve did nothing - this is the same August news which we already knew about. Since it could prolly end up somewhere in august - september fall time it's nothing which we don't know. HL radio are just repeating the same thing.
brink's said:
Umm nothings changed, he said they will be done in Augest. We've known this for awhile and fall begins Sept. 15 doesn't it?

Fall begins September 1sit LOL
lans said:
Valve did nothing - this is the same August news which we already knew about. Since it could prolly end up somewhere in august - september fall time it's nothing which we don't know. HL radio are just repeating the same thing.
Sorry my mistake
i've just remembred Valve said Summer to " Complete The Game " not the release date :p
Seriously, someone find the bastards behind HL Radio and shoot them. They create worthless info.
BREAKING NEWS : Everyone at HL2 source are Retards!!!
:O Maybe they did this to get our undies twisted? Sort of worked, I bet they are laughing their asses off.
Lets keep the flaming to a minimum. No need for this thread to be closed prematurely.

I repeat, does anybody know what a release candidate is?
release candidate is just that, a candidate for release.

They've worked out all the bugs, and think it's ready for release, but it's just a candidate that can still be rejected by Vivendi!
Release candidate? Heh.

I'm going to close this as it's just turning to flames. Nice to see HLR actually try to email someone for a change though :D
According to Microsoft, they are on RC 2 for service pack 2. I was wondering if they had a different meaning for the word "release candidate". Couldn't they say "master copy" if it was finished?
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