

The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
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Isn't it just great to get a load off from a crapload of work? 3 exams this past week and finally a weekend with nothing due or study for next week!
Every weekend is like that for me.. Then again I'm in high school, and again I take applied classes (opposed to academic, applied = college, academic = university).
I have half term over this next week. 9 glorious days off where I can do nothing. Although I do need to do some work. But I can do it when I want. :cheers:
Dunno about you guys but I actually like my work :p.
Orange Box came out today. My week half term starts today.

Isn't it just great to get a load off from a crapload of work? 3 exams this past week and finally a weekend with nothing due or study for next week!

I thought you were referring to something else until I read the other posts. :naughty:
I never get a break unless there is a holiday-time-off break. Every month I have a new project on something ive never done before, and I need to spend 40-60 hours in class learning it, plus like 40 more hours of my own time working on it to get it done before the end of the month. The most amount of free time I get is like, the day after I hand in the final, but before starting the next class. It sucks tbh. Plus my holiday breaks are lame. 2 weeks for xmas, 3 days for thanksgiving, 1 week for july 4th, and thats it. We go year-round, every month, with 3 weeks of vacation time. Thank god I only have 5 months to go after this one.
Well im into my 6th week at uni, and I still haven't done any work haha. Uni rocks! lol.