Brief pausing/freezing in multiplayer


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
I think there is another bug in the game, dont know if anyone else has experienced it:

When playing CS:S, my game will freeze randomly for about 3 or 4 seconds, and then the game will run fine. then maybe 1 minute later, it will do it again, and it makess the game unplayable. I think its a bug with the game, and not a problem with my computer as after the freezing stops, i get the same sound that you get when you've just loaded yourself with weapons at the beginning, and it also shows me down the right side of the screen, everything i bought at the beginning, just like when you first buy it.

It doesnt ALWAYS show this, but it does it ocasionaly, and it leaves my PC in the same state even once the game is closed (this message has taken me about twice as long to write due to the freezing.

But I can still play the game other times, and i dont get any problems like this. I have a beastly computer so its not my spec that is the problem.

Can anyone shed some light on this?


it might be ur connection oor poor netcode in css
I have the same problems as u do...
yes i have the same problem, do you guys run a fiirewall? i run zone alarm, wondering if its that