Brief statement regarding investigation from Gabe Newell

Told ya!

Thanks, Gabe, your PR skills are definitely improving. In the old days you would have given us at least six months to argue over whether you said this or not. :)
Gabe, The beta version can be shut down by only one way, is by shutting down Bittorrent.
Originally posted by G0rgon
Gabe, The beta version can be shut down by only one way, is by shutting down Bittorrent.

What about the Edonkey network, what about warez ftps?
the files are also avaible in different binary newsgroups... I think newsgroups are worse than most filesharing networks...
i dont think you can stop p2p there are multiples servers in multiples countries and i guess some countries dont have anti piracy laws.
Originally posted by SpaceRain
I'm Danish, and yes, our laws are just fine when it comes to prosecuting hackers. On top of that, we have what is probably the toughest governmental anti-piracy organization in the world. For a while there were no LAN events held in Denmark at all, because the Anti-Piracy Group would show up and tear everybody's computers apart looking for anything from MP3s to leaked HL2 source and unregistrered shareware.

Having said all that, I'm sure this is a fake. is a Danish website that never had a problem with posting rumors as real news and this wasn't even posted by them, just by someone on their forum. And... I'm sure Valve wouldn't be stupid enough to tell us if they knew where the hacker was hacking from. This would give him the perfect excuse to go on a long vacation and it doesn't really fit with Valve's "don't tell anybody anything" policy. :)

Also, if this guy is not a total newbie hacker, I'm sure he hasn't hacked into Valve without using a bizillion hacked computers as gateways. If he can hack Valve, he must have been able to hack other people too.

Ah, you beat me to it:cheers: But yeah, if this hacker IS from Denmark he will get his ass royally kicked...
Originally posted by SpaceRain
Told ya!

Thanks, Gabe, your PR skills are definitely improving. In the old days you would have given us at least six months to argue over whether you said this or not. :)

Player ID

Gabe Newell


IN: 10/10
AG: 6/10
ST: 9/10
PE: 5/10 +4 with glasses
CH: 9/10
EN: 6/10
CO: 9/10
LK: 2/10


Game making: 200%
Anti piracy: 50% +150% bonus from hacking
Public relations: 100% +100% bonus from forum posts
Crowbar handling: 300%


Boss: this Tag increase your commanding skill and add +2 IN and 50% game making to your team

Magnetic man: people love you and notice you when you enter a room, you gain 50% more money from people buying your games and +2 CH

Skilled: you know how to make games since you are born, in fact you made the game of the year once but the time spent by making great games diminished you PE from 3 and your anti piracy of 50% but your game making skills increase to 100%

It's like in games: you played a lot and know how to use weapons that are in your games with ease, you gain 300% for your faborites weapons

Originally posted by WARLORD
Player ID

Gabe Newell


IN: 10/10
AG: 6/10
ST: 9/10
PE: 5/10 +4 with glasses
CH: 9/10
EN: 6/10
CO: 9/10
LK: 2/10


Game making: 200%
Anti piracy: 50% +150% bonus from hacking
Public relations: 100% +100% bonus from forum posts
Crowbar handling: 300%


Boss: this Tag increase your commanding skill and add +2 IN and 50% game making to your team

Magnetic man: people love you and notice you when you enter a room, you gain 50% more money from people buying your games and +2 CH

Skilled: you know how to make games since you are born, in fact you made the game of the year once but the time spent by making great games diminished you PE from 3 and your anti piracy of 50% but your game making skills increase to 100%

It's like in games: you played a lot and know how to use weapons that are in your games with ease, you gain 300% for your faborites weapons


Im sorry, that just made me laugh so hard.. maybe its that its 2:15am... still LOL
Originally posted by Apos
Does Denmark have like, laws or anything? Or are they a bunch of nomadic tribesmen? Are Valve going to be able to pursue legal action against this person or not?

Dont be so ignorant, of course they do, Denmark is a country just like the US or UK.
yeah danish live in caves with no electricity and water! everyone know that!!
lol :p
how do you deal with all the fat jokes must be annoying
The guy probaly used a SOCKS 4/5 from Denmark...
Originally posted by crabcakes66
how do you deal with all the fat jokes must be annoying

I believe he is a very strong personality and doesn't care that much about those childish jokes.
Originally posted by SpaceRain

And I think it's actually a small country in Europe also! :) [/B]

That's the 1000 $ answer, but I think that it is actually this small country in Europe in first place (from a historical point of view).
Originally posted by Gaemon82
I believe he is a very strong personality and doesn't care that much about those childish jokes.

kid: ah! you are fat!
gabe: STFU kid!
kid: whaaaaaaaaahh mommy!!!! :'(

LOL no offense but I've been to Danmark a few times and the living conditions there are excellent and better than in the US, so no they're not living in caves :D

Too bad this statement wasn't true, we could use some positive news :cool:
yes we could Ryan, like a SIMPLE YES OR NO from GAME about the holidays
If Gabe has debunked this why is it still up as news????????????????
if the hackers is found, then he is in Denmark then he can be sued.
Denmark is a country just like the US or UK ok?
There is allot of money involved and Denmark has good connections with the dont worry, if they find him he will get sued like he would be in the US.
Originally posted by PvtRyan
LOL no offense but I've been to Danmark a few times and the living conditions there are excellent and better than in the US, so no they're not living in caves :D

Too bad this statement wasn't true, we could use some positive news :cool:

as is the rest of Western Europe

So dont worry about that 'we cant sue him' statement someone made in this thread.
Originally posted by Apos
Does Denmark have like, laws or anything? Or are they a bunch of nomadic tribesmen? Are Valve going to be able to pursue legal action against this person or not?

Yep. Denmark's in Scandinavia, along with Sweden and Norway. Scandinavia being one of the most technologically advanced parts of the world, well atleast when it comes to IT and stuff.

In sort, yes, us scandies have all kinds of laws against internet crime.
but do they have laws against that pesky cruel and unusual punishment thing like the US...

Oh here's an idea:

to recover any possible lost wages from the hacker's theft of te source code... when they find him... tie him up to a tree, and charge everyone a dollar per punch... they could make thousands... or even MILLIONS... mwahahah
Originally posted by BackFyr
but do they have laws against that pesky cruel and unusual punishment thing like the US...

Oh here's an idea:

to recover any possible lost wages from the hacker's theft of te source code... when they find him... tie him up to a tree, and charge everyone a dollar per punch... they could make thousands... or even MILLIONS... mwahahah

and 5 dollars a kick in the balls :p
Originally posted by Apos
Does Denmark have like, laws or anything? Or are they a bunch of nomadic tribesmen? Are Valve going to be able to pursue legal action against this person or not?

rofl thast funy but not very nice :(
mod should know better


Legal system:
civil law system; judicial review of legislative acts; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction, with reservations

18 years of age; universal

so as long as hes over 18 he can get done... if not they could sue his olds
interesting read, its a shame, and its a problem thats global. Though I think if amazon could work out some cheaper and faster shipping methods to EU, it would be a better method altogether.
By the way can anyone point out Denmark on a map? I don't think that most of you know where it actually is :D
Originally posted by burnzie
Here Here, ......Bloody yanks

Originally posted by darkmistx
I think Denmark has laws against hacking too. I know you yanks think your the centre of the universe, but not everyone outside your continent is as backwards as you believe.

AWSOME , please post more unprovoked America Bashing. Especially in a thread that has nothing at all to do with negative aspects of America.

To everyone else , theres a thing called EXPEDITION , so if he was in Denmark it would be a simple job for the FBI to have him extradited to the US for travel.
I guess they were just pointing out that Denmark does indeed have laws, I think if someone asked if America was full of nomadic tribesmen, you'd think that was anti-American too.

By the way, don't you mean extradition?
Yeah lol , if you see later in that paragraph I said it right , too much work to edit it though :P
"AWSOME , please post more unprovoked America Bashing. Especially in a thread that has nothing at all to do with negative aspects of America."

I wouldnt call it unprovoked, seeing as how a mod even asked if they even have laws, and live in caves.
That is just ignorant, I have been to copenhagen once, and their standard of life is at least as good as ours, probably better.
hi, new here. just an original hl fan that didn't even know they were doing a new one until recently :)

as to denmark's 'standard of life', off topic-ness aside, what are you people going on about? it's called a joke, do you really think the poster believes that danes live in caves? it was a rhetorical question, cripes. oh and, all of western/northern europe's 'standard of life' is better than america's, that's not saying much. but it's not like they don't have their own social problems (racism, xenophobia) and like the rest of scandinavia, everything is expensive as SHITE!!! but i think we should drop the discussion of denmark. p.s. why don't you guys get the euro already, jesus, it's the european UNION after all!!! sorry.

Originally posted by G0rgon
Gabe, The beta version can be shut down by only one way, is by shutting down Bittorrent.

ah yes another kid who has no idea of how many p2p netoworks their are. think hmm Kazaa Lite, BT, emule, edonkey oh yeah and you cant forget the countless numbers of Warez sites and mIRC.

as for extraditing a criminal well that costs money. its like a legal bribe for the criminal and countries are not cheap.