Brief statement regarding investigation from Gabe Newell

lol.. sorry @ some americans (especially the mod), but u must be very retarded if u don't know what or where denmark is. i bet bush himself thinks denmark is a food or something like that
bush thought that the president of a third world country was a disease and that he would find a cure LOL
Originally posted by spitcodfry
They'll do a COPS like feature where Gabe is chasing him through the steets with a crowbar in one hand.

That would just be embarassing for Gabe. Crowbar in one hand, Big Gulp in the other, being passed by the cameraman filming the whole thing as he chases after the guy.

I'll be shocked if they ever manage to nab the guy that actually did the hack.
Originally posted by Apos
Does Denmark have like, laws or anything? Or are they a bunch of nomadic tribesmen? Are Valve going to be able to pursue legal action against this person or not?

Does Apos have like, an IQ that's at least equal to his shoe size? Nah, I wouldn't bet on it. You sir, are a moron. To top it all off, you're a mod here. It speaks volumes about this site's integrity. Everyone please give a round of applause for the 3 stooges of abomination, apos, and rec!

Originally posted by |218over|
lol.. sorry @ some americans (especially the mod), but u must be very retarded if u don't know what or where denmark is. i bet bush himself thinks denmark is a food or something like that

If I gave you the map and told you to find Rhode Island you would most likely be stumped , hell even if I gave you a big one like Wyoming youd have trouble. Im pretty good at Geography and I only knew GENERALLY where Denmark was , I knew it was West Europe along the coast above France.

Originally posted by WARLORD
bush thought that the president of a third world country was a disease and that he would find a cure LOL

First step to making good jokes (or bad ones in your case): The jokes must make sense.

(Your joke would still suck if it made sense just FYI)
Originally posted by DimitriPopov

First step to making good jokes (or bad ones in your case): The jokes must make sense.

(Your joke would still suck if it made sense just FYI)

dont tell me you never heard of this one...
it was like:

journalist: "what do you think about (insert fird world president weird name here that i dont remember)?"
bush: "we will find a cure for that."

he thought that the name of the guy was the name of a disease :p

Originally in MXC Teachers-Vs-Outdoorsmen
Next up , VC Chirac, Hes a forfeit instructor at the French Military College of Capitulation.....and in true French fasion he ends it with his hands in the air!

ooh i see, you are who of thoses stupid kids ^^
Originally posted by WARLORD
dont tell me you never heard of this one...
it was like:

journalist: "what do you think about (insert fird world president weird name here that i dont remember)?"
bush: "we will find a cure for that."

he thought that the name of the guy was the name of a disease :p

Errr, perhaps you've misunderstood it a wee bit?

Let's just, purely hypotethically, call that third world president Saddam. Now, you could say that Saddam, or the reign of Saddam, was like a disease for Iraq? Can you see the connection?

Now, if one was looking to remove that disease, couldn't you say that one was to cure that disease?

You can see where I'm going, aren't you?

And please don't let this thread turn into a silly conflict about who's country is the best.

By the way, Rhode Island, isn't that like north of New York? On The East Coast?
Originally posted by |218over|
lol.. sorry @ some americans (especially the mod), but u must be very retarded if u don't know what or where denmark is. i bet bush himself thinks denmark is a food or something like that

Wow, am I the only one here who realizes that Apos was joking? If you would just stop demonizing Americans for a second, you would realize that NOBODY honestly thinks that Denmark is a nomadic tribe. So please, stop with the George Dubya sterotype and realize that we're not all like him, and that we didn't actually elect him.
vetebulle, granted your theory may apply, but let's not forget: bush is a chimp in a suit. no question.
fuhrer, no. i called it before like page 6 i think, but i doubt i was the first to recognize the joke. oh and, just out of curiosity:

"You can see where I'm going, aren't you?"

for some reason i find the sudden switch of verbs really huorous there, don't think it was intentional though, which is a shame.
Originally posted by Gabe Newell
I am not sure who they were quoting, but it wasn't me.

It has little to do with reality as the "they only stole a third of the source code" statement.

I feel all fuzzy inside that Gabe posted in my thread :)
Originally posted by spitcodfry
I feel all fuzzy inside that Gabe posted in my thread :)

Yeah, some guys get all the luck. You got a tour of Valve! :cheers:
whoa... he (Gabe) just... randomly posted... that KICKS ASS....

Gabe, you are so damn 1337 for just... posting, I know it sounds crazy, but OMG, you are mad crazy 1337!!!

Originally posted by ElFuhrer
Yeah, some guys get all the luck. You got a tour of Valve! :cheers:

I'm still unemployed, living with my parents, and have no girlfriend. I wish luck attributed itself more to those categories.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
I'm still unemployed, living with my parents, and have no girlfriend. I wish luck attributed itself more to those categories.

Yeah, same here. But you went to Valve, making you luckier than me at least.
Hey spitcodfry...

Where do you live man? I visited Valve on Monday (yesterday). Oddly enough a company that works for my dad is in the same building and I never knew it! Anyways, how close are you to Bellevue?
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
fuhrer, no. i called it before like page 6 i think, but i doubt i was the first to recognize the joke. oh and, just out of curiosity:

"You can see where I'm going, aren't you?"

for some reason i find the sudden switch of verbs really huorous there, don't think it was intentional though, which is a shame.

Bummer... I wrote "You can see where I'm going, aren't you?" which would be grammatically correct. But then I figured I should ad can because it makes the sentence sound better.

Nitpicker. :P
Originally posted by silent
Hey spitcodfry...

Where do you live man? I visited Valve on Monday (yesterday). Oddly enough a company that works for my dad is in the same building and I never knew it! Anyways, how close are you to Bellevue?

I live on the edge of Woodinville right off of from the freeway it takes about ten minutes to get to Bellevue from where I live.

If you wanna chat more come on AIM, my IM is the same as on here.
Do you have messenger? (I need to download the patch... Damn administration keeps me from downloading stuff....)

I live in Northbend, Washington. It's near Snoqualmie Pass about 15 minutes away from Issaquah.

The VALVe office is so nice! They paid a ton of cash to get it to look that good. Your pictures were good, but they couldn't convey how cool the place is in real life.

I was also suprised to see so many people dressed in nice suits. When i met them they weren't as happy and nice to me as I thought. They were more like "Hello, here is our office, Gabe is busy... goodbye and have a good day."

I didn't have an appointment so I guess that may have made a difference.
Originally posted by silent
Do you have messenger? (I need to download the patch... Damn administration keeps me from downloading stuff....)

I live in Northbend, Washington. It's near Snoqualmie Pass about 15 minutes away from Issaquah.

The VALVe office is so nice! They paid a ton of cash to get it to look that good. Your pictures were good, but they couldn't convey how cool the place is in real life.

I was also suprised to see so many people dressed in nice suits. When i met them they weren't as happy and nice to me as I thought. They were more like "Hello, here is our office, Gabe is busy... goodbye and have a good day."

I didn't have an appointment so I guess that may have made a difference.

I have messenger, but I'm not sure if my e-mail address is the same as my screen name...why don't you PM me your contact info and I'll msg u?
I'm American and I could find Denmark on a map......

Back off of the America bashing.. I don't stereotype any other country, don't stereotype mine please
Originally posted by Gabe Newell
It has little to do with reality as the "they only stole a third of the source code" statement.

errr, could someone plz clarify this for me... English is not my native lanuage, and i am a bit tired...

does he mean "they only stole a third of the source code" statement is fake or not?
He means that the statement made about the nationality of the hacker is just as real as the one about a third of the source code being stolen.

Meaning it is not true.
"Back off of the America bashing.. I don't stereotype any other country, don't stereotype mine please"

Well if that was true about most of us americans that wouldnt be a problem.
I live in the states, and i totally understand people being pissed off when American morons make ignorant comments about other countries, no wonder we are the most hated country in the world.

So maybe when we (AND OUR PRESIDENT) stop putting down the rest of the world, people will stop with the "America bashing"
Dont blame people for being upset.

The Denmark "joke" if that is what it was, could just as well have been an ignorant statement made by your average middle class American.

People are fed up.
People who make those comments and are that ignorant make me feel ashamed to be American, it gives us all a bad name.

Ok I just registed here to make 1 comment.

Dont stereotype others contries. I mean there is thousends of ppl reading this. And in this thred 3 of you said more or less stupid things about Denmark. Now that is ****ed up.

I got really angry when i read what some of you just posted. I from Sweden lies next to Denmark but that does not matter. Think before you write somethink like that really.

I would like to see all of you who just now wrote something stupid about thia apolegize. If not more ppl are like me going to get upset and that is not a great idea.

The Hacker is stupid not Denmark. In fack Denmark is a great contry i really love the ppl there they are alwasy nice, polite and honest. They have wonderful tradition and mostly "Det är jävligt billig med sprit där".
Originally posted by Shyern
Ok I just registed here to make 1 comment.

Dont stereotype others contries. I mean there is thousends of ppl reading this. And in this thred 3 of you said more or less stupid things about Denmark. Now that is ****ed up.

I got really angry when i read what some of you just posted. I from Sweden lies next to Denmark but that does not matter. Think before you write somethink like that really.

I would like to see all of you who just now wrote something stupid about thia apolegize. If not more ppl are like me going to get upset and that is not a great idea.

The Hacker is stupid not Denmark. In fack Denmark is a great contry i really love the ppl there they are alwasy nice, polite and honest. They have wonderful tradition and mostly "Det är jävligt billig med sprit där".

On these boards stupid people make stupid comments. Just know that we're not all that ignorant and dumb.

BTW, I have been to Denmark (and Sweden for that matter) and Denmark rocks. If it weren't for Sweden, Denmark, and Finland there would be no good players in the NHL. :cheese:
Originally posted by Unnamed_Player
If it weren't for Sweden, Denmark, and Finland there would be no good players in the NHL. :cheese:
Originally posted by burnzie
he anounced just minutes before his statement that it has been pushed back to holidays 2003

ohoh, gabe posted two posts after my smartass comment, means he probably read it.

sorry gabe, wish i could keep my big mouth shut.

you still da man


(not that he's reading this far back in the thread mind you)
Originally posted by burnzie
ohoh, gabe posted two posts after my smartass comment, means he probably read it.

I'd imagine he also read this:

Originally posted by spitcodfry
They'll do a COPS like feature where Gabe is chasing him through the steets with a crowbar in one hand.
Originally posted by silent
I didn't have an appointment so I guess that may have made a difference.

Probably did. If you email Julie, I'm sure she'd set you up. It could be a few weeks for it to be set, but she would probably set it up. She's very nice and helpful.

Oh, and btw, I think you said your dad works there...lucky guy, really nice place to work! That facility is so good looking and well maintained :D
Originally posted by G0rgon
Gabe, The beta version can be shut down by only one way, is by shutting down Bittorrent.

Some people are so stupid.
Originally posted by Shyern
Ok I just registed here to make 1 comment.

Dont stereotype others contries. I mean there is thousends of ppl reading this. And in this thred 3 of you said more or less stupid things about Denmark. Now that is ****ed up.

I got really angry when i read what some of you just posted. I from Sweden lies next to Denmark but that does not matter. Think before you write somethink like that really.

I would like to see all of you who just now wrote something stupid about thia apolegize. If not more ppl are like me going to get upset and that is not a great idea.

The Hacker is stupid not Denmark. In fack Denmark is a great contry i really love the ppl there they are alwasy nice, polite and honest. They have wonderful tradition and mostly "Det är jävligt billig med sprit där".

Calm down guy, I think most of the people were joking. Just like we make fun of the norwegians (:cheese:). Don't be too quick to jump on the trigger. I don't mind people joking about meatballs or Ikea or polar bears, as long as they're joking. I think it's nice that people can have a laugh with eachothers.

And yeah, I agree, The (cheap) booze is what makes denmark so special. I love you guys. :cheers: