Brief statement regarding investigation from Gabe Newell

Has Gabe, Valve or Vivendi confirmed the new release date of november 27th for HL2 ? Or is it still a rumour ?
Nothing is confirmed yet I'm afraid. But I get the feeling they are gona have to soon. :)
he's in russia! they can't do shit to him unless prez bush play half-life and really was waitng for his back ordered HL2 to come out.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
hi, new here. just an original hl fan that didn't even know they were doing a new one until recently :)

as to denmark's 'standard of life', off topic-ness aside, what are you people going on about? it's called a joke, do you really think the poster believes that danes live in caves? it was a rhetorical question, cripes. oh and, all of western/northern europe's 'standard of life' is better than america's, that's not saying much. but it's not like they don't have their own social problems (racism, xenophobia) and like the rest of scandinavia, everything is expensive as SHITE!!! but i think we should drop the discussion of denmark. p.s. why don't you guys get the euro already, jesus, it's the european UNION after all!!! sorry.


well now theres something i dont get is that you say that in Denmark its expensive like shite and then you ask why we dont have the euro???

well i have just been to Italy and after they got the euro everything have got EXTREME expensive so i really dont see a connection here!!
Originally posted by shade
well now theres something i dont get is that you say that in Denmark its expensive like shite and then you ask why we dont have the euro???

well i have just been to Italy and after they got the euro everything have got EXTREME expensive so i really dont see a connection here!!

I live in Italy and Austria and yes, some things got more expensive, but people seem to get used to it and spend more money, because they don't want to give up their high standard of life.
Hey peeps. I'm from Denmark, and though I'm quite happy that alcohol is cheap, it's also bloody annoying to see foreigners come to Denmark for the sole purpose to get hammered and barf behind the nearest kiosk. There is more to Denmark... like Christiania, for example... but also lots of rich cultural heritage. It's just as insulting as travelling to Thailand just to get a cheap whore. I mean, all in the name of a good laugh... ha ha ha ha *cough* ha... what a d**k

Anyways, I just think it would be pretty amusing if the cracker who nicked the HL2 source code was from Denmark.

To be honest, I'm more pissed off about the fact that Valve had been keeping up the fascade of releasing on Sept 30 despite already knowing that they had been breached for a long time than at the cracker who stole their code. I don't think that Valve has been very forthcoming about this whole mess, despite the fact that they claim to be part of a community. In one sense, they expect us (the community) to be supportive and understanding and helpful, however, on the other hand they do nothing for us.

I was really looking forward to Half-life 2 and I think so many people were as well. Many many people, just like me, spent sooo much money on buying the latest hardware at outrageous prices just for Half-life 2, when we could have waited another 5 months. And I know many of you will say "Valve doesn't owe you anything... Valve doesn't owe you squat. Valve [insert childish remark here]". I honestly believe that Valve should have just released the game when they had the chance. If it turned out that having code stolen would prove to be a big problem with security and cheating, then I am sure most of the Half-Life 2 community would have been more than happy patch their files. Wasn't Steam meant to be able to patch/update itself and Half-Life 2 and perform content checking to a central server on the fly? There would have been a way. It seems obvious now that the cracker only got a portion of the code as nothing close to the complete game has been released on any newsgroups or anything.

Anyways, leaked/stolen code is common among developers and piracy is nothing new. It wouldn't have been any signifcantly different for HL2 than for any other game out there. The reason is because offering pirated HL2 to the mass public is too risky and obvious, leaving the majority of the mass market, Valve is selling to, untouched. The same reason why the PS2 never got as trashed as the Dreamcast did, despite the fact that the PS2 has little protection to speak of.

The most puzzling thing is:
If Valve relied so heavily on Half-life 2 to be a mega-blockbuster hit, why on earth did they not hire a decent systems administrator. No, none of this makes sense at all...

I honestly prefer to follow the line that is:
- There is no cracker that stole Half-Life 2 code
- The game was incomplete
- The games features might have been over-hyped
(but even so, I'd love to play it)
- This whole thing is a PR coverup by Valve and Vivendi,
because if they were to admit the game was incomplete by Sept 30,
that would have been pretty bad for the company and would
have caused a reasonable backlash from gamers
- But I think this whole "hacker" story is starting to turn 180 back on
Valve and could damage their profile due to Valves reluctance
to keep the community (that made them) in the loop

Don't bite the hand that feeds you!


PS. Indeed, why the f**k isn't Denmark part of the euro? Just the same reason England, Sweden, and the rest of those countries aren't part of it either: our corrupt politians being pressured by American politics and pundits to mislead our easily misguided youth to believe that it will deculture us and be bad for our economy.

I love Denmark, but sometimes I cringe at our own naivety and 'small country' narrowmindedness. Same goes for those other countries that cannot adopt the euro.
how does somebody making a joke turn into american bashing.......

its like america is the root of all evil and the rest of the worlds shit doesnt stink......

please keep your stupid unfounded comments to yourselves.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
how does somebody making a joke turn into american bashing.......

its like america is the root of all evil and the rest of the worlds shit doesnt stink......

please keep your stupid unfounded comments to yourselves.

Our shit does stink as much as your's :cheers:
Originally posted by Gaemon82
Our shit does stink as much as your's :cheers:

depends if i ate chinese or not :P point is......its ok when people make wise cracks at america....its all in good fun......but as soon as an american makes a joke about another country...we are ignorant and racist and stupid and evil ect ect ect.....

seriously some of you guys need to get off it.....
All shit smells the same, there just seems to be more from America...
Fact is american sh*t stinks the most because your politicians leave it everywhere.

This doesn't mean that bovine america is at fault, its the fault of your politicians and elite upper class. Most of you didn't even vote for bush, but hey, did that stop him?

most of us non-americans dont hate average joe american, but we are pissed off that while all of you believe that killing is wrong and have pretty much the same moral beliefs as anyone else, your government can push you to be apathetic anything by making you fearful of the world around you and losing the comfortable life you live. Bowling for Columbine was a good movie about this problem.

And this is coming from someone who was born and raised in New York and had an american passport until I had to make the choice.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
depends if i ate chinese or not :P point is......its ok when people make wise cracks at america....its all in good fun......but as soon as an american makes a joke about another country...we are ignorant and racist and stupid and evil ect ect ect.....

seriously some of you guys need to get off it.....

I don't think you're racist. Stupid people exist all over the world, not only in America or Europe. Thst's the problem with this world.
you should never put a 'limit' on bashing americans, cuz its funneh ;p

When are Valve going to let someone steal the pak files for hl2?

well, i can see my plea to put an end to all this denmark nonsense fell on deaf ears. but, since i was asked a direct question, let me just clarify:

"well now theres something i dont get is that you say that in Denmark its expensive like shite and then you ask why we dont have the euro???"

i wasn't trying to draw a connection; just saying 1) denmark, like the rest of scandinavia (and yes, italy too) is very expensive. 2) question: why doesn't denmark have the euro yet, even though they are part of the EU (right?)?

"im_not_jose" has already addressed this, good post btw. but, let me say that i believe you're wrong in some of your assumptions ("not_jose"). you need to qualify "all of you believe that killing is wrong". i think it's pretty clear that we don't all feel this way. fear is a powerful drug, and people can be made to do just about anything under it's influence (i'm guessing europeans are a lot more aware of this than your average american though..)


p.s. breathe is right, it is pretty "funneh", we're so fat and stupid, haha.. jesus..
denmark = loads of l33t hl:tfc and rvs clans. Nice country...very nice peeps and very fit women :D

<3 Denmark
Anti american sentiment

I have also noticed that if I make a joke about another country they take it too seriously, hell if I joke about Canada I get pissy replies from Canadians when I doubt any American sits around shaking his fist at the evils of our Northern neighbors (who are much less annoying than us).

Bah whatever, just keep in mind we didn't vote for Bush (Gore got the most votes but he lost, funny that!) and his antics got tiresome pretty quick

The mod was making a joke btw.

I just wish I could go somewhere where there is an absence of anti-american sentiment, it is EVERYWHERE except parts of Montana and parts of Texas

I guess I understand it, far too many of the lowest common denominator post in forums making us all look bad.

Too bad it seems Bush will stay another 4 years, what with his campaign contributions and political connections.

PS. Anyone defending Sadam Hussein sucks, sure we may have been in the wrong but anyone who gasses his own people as an homage to hitler needs to be knocked down a few pegs

Gabe Newell is l337!
Originally posted by BreathE
yea but your probably the only american that feels like that.

atleast 50% of americans feel that way. beleive it or not.
Originally posted by im_not_jose
It's just as insulting as travelling to Thailand just to get a cheap whore.

Re: Anti american sentiment

Originally posted by Override367
I have also noticed that if I make a joke about another country they take it too seriously, hell if I joke about Canada I get pissy replies from Canadians when I doubt any American sits around shaking his fist at the evils of our Northern neighbors (who are much less annoying than us).

Bah whatever, just keep in mind we didn't vote for Bush (Gore got the most votes but he lost, funny that!) and his antics got tiresome pretty quick

The mod was making a joke btw.

I just wish I could go somewhere where there is an absence of anti-american sentiment, it is EVERYWHERE except parts of Montana and parts of Texas

I guess I understand it, far too many of the lowest common denominator post in forums making us all look bad.

Too bad it seems Bush will stay another 4 years, what with his campaign contributions and political connections.

PS. Anyone defending Sadam Hussein sucks, sure we may have been in the wrong but anyone who gasses his own people as an homage to hitler needs to be knocked down a few pegs

Gabe Newell is l337!
Im Canadian and I am perfectly alright with the odd wisecrack about our country, heck we make wisecracks about our country all the time.

People just need to actually sit down and think about things. The average American basher is simply going by what the popular word on the street is. That word is unfortunaly all too often is "America is bad". The majority of people that bash the U.S. have never actually been to the U.S. either.

Anyway this has gotten WAY off topic.
ive seen your way of life, its that far off what i live in [The UK] But i hate the fact that you think your the best nation in the world, well at least 50 percent of you do ;)

and yus this is far off the topic.
i believe the topic has shifted. and this is more interesting anyway!

let's overrun the hl2net forums with political discourse!!

override367, i don't think anyone was ever defending saddam (well, except the US in the 80s..). the question was whether a war which has killed 11000 iraqi soldiers, 7000 civilians, ~400 "coalition" soldiers, has cost the US $90 billion, and had no clear exit strategy was the best way to 'knock him down a few pegs'..

alco, that was pretty funny. well done.


p.s. 3 posts in a row makes me look smart to the ladies right?
Hm, having lived in the UK for the last few years, I think English people are a lot more sensitive to world issues and a lot more educated than, for example, Americans. Watching American news is a disaster because after watching it for a while, you'd be forgiven for forgetting the rest of the world exists. :p

The only thing I find amusing is English politics and I think the public here has given up on caring, because it seems like the politicians try their best to make it as confusing as possible and most things end up in a bickering mess. Take the whole issue of Dr David Kelly. Seemed interesting for a week, then got too twisted and made no sense in the end. And then when bits of important evidence eventually arise, no one really cares anymore.

I think English people find themselves torn between not feeling totally European, but trying to be in on it, while trying to be a selfgoverned world-leading nation, just as it was once a great empire. Don't really know. It's pretty complicated.

But on the other hand, I think London (and arguably some of the south) feels like a totally different country than the rest of england... and a lot more interesting. I'm sure, though, that there are a lot of historical reasons for this, but I really prefer living in London and enjoying the multi-culturalism and variety. It doesn't feel as segregated as the more rural areas.

On the whole, apart from the weather, I really love England (London) and I love english sense of class (I dont mean income divide. I mean sense of style). Maybe its due to rich cultural heritage (maybe one of the problems with America?), but where else would you get brilliance like The Office, Blur, Radiohead, Alan Partridge, Monty Python, The Beatles, and so forth...
Originally posted by im_not_jose
Hm, having lived in the UK for the last few years, I think English people are a lot more sensitive to world issues and a lot more educated than, for example, Americans. Watching American news is a disaster because after watching it for a while, you'd be forgiven for forgetting the rest of the world exists. :p
American news really does suck. I get the feeling that if the U.S. finally started getting decent news that things would really start to improve. Alot of Americans watch the BBC or Canadian news agencies because they hate the American news giants.
My View

Well I think by now if Valve hasn't figure out who was hacking them then chances are they will never find them out. I wish the best of luck for valve and hopefully they can figure out something to do. I believe now would be almost impossible to stop people who downloaded hl2 to play with people who bought it even if you do make it all complex but o well you never know hopefully you could figure out a way to block the people who downloaded it from playing on real servers when the time comes.
'finding the hacker' is a huge waste of time and money. the best thing vavle can do is buckle down and get hl2 out asap! it's going to sell huge numbers, and everyone should realize this, i wouldn't be surprised if this hacker-publicity is actually beneficial for sales, in the short term. i haven't even thought about looking for whatever is out there, but from reading posts on this and other forums, it seems what has been distributed is not really that playable and buggy and whatnot. i don't see how this will affect sales at all, except maybe to whet peoples appetites. i'm serious, if valve had a great game on their handds, and some old code was stolen, just tweak for like a month and release the game while all this hacker talk is still hot. i'd buy it in the first hour (of course that's based on how much i liked the first hl, and how cool the e3 demo looked, but i wouldn't be so anxious if it weren't for all this exposure from the incident).

that said, i do think valve is right in keeping shut-up about this. too much saturation of the news with hl2, and people are going to get oversexed by it all, that's the only danger they face, assuming that i have a working idea of the situation with the leaked code. i mean, look, when they release the cds of the game, there's going to be a fringe group of people hacking that real release automatically and distributing it, that's going to happen regardless of if they find the hacker or not. besides, i mean what the [puppies] are they going to do to the hacker if they find him/her/them? most likely it's a dumb 10-13 yr old, so have fun with that valve.. or yay they could sue the holy [kittens] out of his/her [love] or his/her parent's [love]es, for the grand total of like zero [puppies]ing dollars. terrific, nice way to waste time and money. i doubt valve is really doing this, i'm sure their lawyers and BoD, or whatever, is smart enough to have realized all that a long time ago.

err, sorry for ranting, it's really late here.. i should get back to work..


p.s. yeah, i censored myself.
Originally posted by im_not_jose
Hm, having lived in the UK for the last few years, I think English people are a lot more sensitive to world issues and a lot more educated than, for example, Americans. Watching American news is a disaster because after watching it for a while, you'd be forgiven for forgetting the rest of the world exists. :p

American news does suck ill agree with you there. Far to many of us believe everything we see....even i myself have been fooled by it a few times.

Americans are not insensitive to other nations......we are just to caught up in our fast-paced lifestyles....i can see how that right there gives others the impression that americans dont care.....thats not it.....most of us dont have time to care. We have our own problems and we rely on our shitty government to express how americans feel to other nations...

and unfortunatley ....alot of people believe everything they are told about how horrible and evil america is.....making them just as bad as us.......
Well said, Lil' Timmy

I agree that Valve is doing the right thing being so quiet. It really doesn't matter what they say, everyone explodes into discussion about it anyway. Not that it's bad, but it tends to mass-hysteria where people say things that are totally ridiculous.

Imo Valve is long done with actively searching for the cracker. It was merely a signal to the outside that Valve (and the whole games community for that matter) cannot and will not tolerate this kind of crime. I hope they found the perp, though. But I really think that their top priority right now is releasing the game before the end of 2003.