Brightness in the 700 MB HL2 Video



I just downloaded this, waiting for the coolest video of my life and wow... its really dark. :O

I was wondering if there is any way to brighten a quicktime video. Like when using windows media player, it just has a brightness and contrast scale that you can adjust to give the video the perfect lighting. Please help, as this would definitely make this the coolest video of my life.
There are no tools within QuickTime but if you check the second news update about this video on then you'll find a different type of file. It's in .avi format which means it will open in any media player. You just need to download the x-vid codec to view it.

The file is a lot smaller than the QuickTime one too. About half the size, but exactly the same quality.

The only other thing I can think of is changing the settings on your monitor or graphics card.
Hmm you can try using overlay while playing the file from the ATI panel, might or might not work. Also you can convert the quicktime yourself using bink smacker rad tools. Or try to run the quicktime using real alternative, that i think has settings.
Quicktime apparently doesn't use the overlay, but adjust your normal color settings and it brightens right up.
how about just using your hardware... 99% of the monitors have brightness and color buttons...
New synchronization problem

Well I just finished downloading the 300 or so MB .avi file and a new problem has arisen. After the first scene the audio and video is not synchronized. I mean an action happens on the video, then the sound follows by as much as 4 seconds. While it is nice to see the video brightly, would it be possible to fix this as well?
^^ yes i believe you can by using Virtual dub and going to audio and then interleaving.
if you have quicktime pro under the movie menu you can see the video settings toggle, maybe in regular quicktime too i dunno, i only have the pro.
yeah there like 100 threads about the same thing posted already.
wheee........ thank gordon i didnt make a topic on this!
Remember, this is a version where a video camera recorded it off of a computer monitor. When/if they release bink versions, it will be much better quality. After watching the binks of last years demo, I went back and watched the whole "high res" 25 minute demo and the quality was HORRIBLE compared to the binks.
Fixed it. Open it in virtual dub and make a direct stream copy. Goto video>frame rate. Then check the 'change so video and audio durations match' button. Takes a few mins and fixes the problem. This isn't recompressing the video so there is no loss in quality.