Bringing in the Citadels..


Mar 16, 2007
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As you know, during the 7 hour war, the Combine Soldiers opened up huge portals in the sky in order to send in their huge gunships or warships. This was how they would send in their troops. However, I wondered how the citadel was actually transferred over to earth. Is the citadel actually a huge ship at first, after which it is docked onto earth to begin the war. Or, are the materials brought to earth after which it is constructed by huge synths?

Personally, I always thought the citadels were huge attack ships which could be converted to these citadels. Once the landed from the portals they spawned, they would unleash a huge shock wave of sorts, thus destroying most of the cities they landed in. The "city eating machine" or something like that starts to expand, eating away the remaining areas. Here is a pic of what i mean (yeah i noe i posted it in the art section as well)


So how exactly are these citadels brought and what immediately happens once they dock? Discuss?..
There was an illusion of safety, for a time. And then the Citadels appeared. It happened in a split second, all over the world. A chunk would disappear from the center of the city to be replaced and instant later by one of these... headquarters for the Combine.

From RTB, originally said by Eli. :D
in the raising the bar book? oic, thats really interesting..

i have 999
Paraphrased: Huge sections of city and ground disappeared, replaced an instant later by citadels.
So Soulslicer, that means they were not flown in horisontally while colourful human jet planes were flying in space.
Imagine everything inside the citadel now that the citadels were flying in horizontally (sp? x])
Would've made it a lot more interesting than the 'OMG HELLO I AM A CITADEL' scenario.
I always thought they opened up similar portals, as in the end of HL2 and it just vertically dropped in and smashed everything below.

And to Rabarber.
The seven hour war took place shortly after the events of Half life.
Which was in 2005 i think.
Unless the world had a different history in the Half life universe, humans didn't have space jets back then. Even now, in 2007, we still have't developed the ability to take REGULAR flights into space.
NO im not talking about the rockets and spaceplanes, that get sent into space every now and then. I mean like space fighters and stuff.
The co-ordinates of its location were keyed in and its just merely teleported in, then the Combine forces were teleported into the Citadel and started flooding out into the streets.
Am I the only one that thinks the centre of cities disappearing, only to be replaced by giagantic fortresses that troops immediatly pour out of it to be cooler than a giantic spaceship landing and troops immediatly pouring out of it?
Well no, thats pretty much what I meant.
Am I the only one that thinks the centre of cities disappearing, only to be replaced by giagantic fortresses that troops immediatly pour out of it to be cooler than a giantic spaceship landing and troops immediatly pouring out of it?
You're not the only one. It's far cooler.
Am I the only one that thinks the centre of cities disappearing, only to be replaced by giagantic fortresses that troops immediatly pour out of it to be cooler than a giantic spaceship landing and troops immediatly pouring out of it?

Absolutely not, I totally agree. The spaceship thing is pretty boring.
I didn't know that (haven't read Raising the Bar). I think that would give the leaders of the world more of a reason to stop and think about surrender. A ship unloading troops and whatnot is something they can wrap their heads around. A citadel suddenly appearing in the middle of a live city is an undeniable demonstration of their technological superiority.
I didn't know that (haven't read Raising the Bar). I think that would give the leaders of the world more of a reason to stop and think about surrender. A ship unloading troops and whatnot is something they can wrap their heads around. A citadel suddenly appearing in the middle of a live city is an undeniable demonstration of their technological superiority.

Imagine the Empire State Building disappearing and being replaced by a skyscraper five times larger and pouring out alien ships and monsters blasting seven shades of shit out of you. That's when it's time to surrender.
Imagine the Empire State Building disappearing and being replaced by a skyscraper five times larger and pouring out alien ships and monsters blasting seven shades of shit out of you. That's when it's time to surrender.
Jesus christ no wonder it only lasted seven hours.
One second a nice normal day, next second, a huge bloody tower the size of a mountain is in the middle of your city and you're getting your ass kicked by a load of alien soldiers with weird mask type things.

That's cooler than the pretty obvious space ship invasion which you know is coming for ages before you actually get attacked.
Hmm, well then an already very odd day would have been made much odder in the space of a few seconds.
The way I had read it in RTB, was the center of the city just fell away, into a crevice, and the Citadel rose up out of that...
And to Rabarber.
The seven hour war took place shortly after the events of Half life.
Which was in 2005 i think.
Unless the world had a different history in the Half life universe, humans didn't have space jets back then. Even now, in 2007, we still have't developed the ability to take REGULAR flights into space.
NO im not talking about the rockets and spaceplanes, that get sent into space every now and then. I mean like space fighters and stuff.

What? I was referring to Soulslicer.

And the Combine used Cremators in the battles following the apperance of the Citadels, if we're listening to Eli Maxwell.
The combine used cremators????

wth. I really never knew this. MUST GET THE BOOK! I thought cremators were meant to clean up the street after battles..

Anyway, its really cool that the citadels just appeared from a huge portal, instantly destroying the city beneath it. And the reason why, i put planes in there is because it was during the 7 hour war. Surely, the humans must have deployed fighter jets to attack the gunships and mortar synths.
We may have used jets, it's possible, but they wouldn't be colourful and flying in space.
And the Combine used Cremators in the battles following the apperance of the Citadels, if we're listening to Eli Maxwell.

They may not have used the Cremators, otherwise Eli would have known what they were at Black Mesa East. Maybe they used them elsewhere? I'd still like to see one in action.
Well, they didn't use Combine portals to send them in, the Combine aren't capable of that. They simply forced the portal storms wider than they were (god knows how); which I imagine would have been a pretty scary vista.
Maybe Valve will change they're mind(s) and put the Cremator back in some later episode.
The Combine portals can punch stuff through from their universe, but they can't open portals from one area of the same universe to another.

I'd guess that the reason they use Citadels in the first place is because of that limitation in their technology. They need to punch through everything they need for the invasion in one huge go.
That, was not meant to be space, but the sky.. night sky.

I am quite sure the combine had already gotten hold of the design the humans built to teleport within one universe. The designs surely must have been sent to the combine headquarters, before the xplosion of NovaP.
They must have used Cremators in battle in the seven hour war because they couldnt have used combine overwatch. Any way the Cremators are in the half life 2 beta.
i was just going to post a thread asking, what a cremator actually looked like, rather than just its stupid head. in the beta, i remember it was hooded, that would be a pathetic warrior against the humans wouldnt it?
Yeah , i will post some pictures later.
PS. Are they the orignal combine or just a synth creature?
Oh , but didn't eli say that they was in the seven hour war?
Yes, they were used at some point to clean up the streets after battles.
But that dosn't prove, whether they are combine or human or whatever.