Brink Previews

Oni was one of the worst games ever; I do not understand the sentiment that game garners. The only thing good about that game was the name.
the combat was awesome. problem there wasnt enough of it and the rest of the game was mediocre
It was poorly executed in a lot of ways, but it did a few really cool things really right and showed a lot of promise. Just too bad no one seems to feel like picking up on the idea and injecting it with a modern game budget - not like it couldn't pull off mainstream success if they did it right.

Anyway the current motif with shooters - lots of hunkering down and taking cover - doesn't really gel with punching people in the face, so we'll have to wait for this phase to outwear it's welcome.

Edit: No reflection on this game. Well... mostly. Looks decently actiony at least.
Loads of new previews out from the Eurogamer Expo now guys, 12 in all, and everyone seems to be loving it. See the link in my post above for the full list.

And here's a video of the tutorial they were showing while people waited in line to play the game at the expo.
GOTY 2011, calling it now, unless that crazy dragon MMO we talked about over the summer is flat-out amazing.
GOTY 2011, calling it now, unless that crazy dragon MMO we talked about over the summer is flat-out amazing.

Im pretty sure you called another game for GOTY 2011 already.

I think it was Guild Wars 2.
If you have any questions about Brink, post them HERE and I'll pick the best of the bunch and include them in our Q&A to Splashdamage when the time comes.

And +1 on the GOTY 2011 :)
"Taste the magic." Hahaha.

Man, I love that they're so concerned about movement feeling natural, even without the parkour. After playing the MoH beta and seeing how horrible they handled moving over rough terrain, it's nice to see someone actually care about the little things that really engage you in a game if done right.
Wow, you guys really are gushing over this aren't you? I don't really see why. I was pretty unimpressed with everything I'd seen up until the free-running video BHC just posted. I'm happy that the movement seems to be working as good as it did in Mirror's Edge, but it sure as hell wasn't me "shitting my pants in anticipation." I really don't see anything that will make this gave have much longevity. Free-running isn't enough to overcome my sense that its not going to be much more than a fairly standard class-based shootan gaem. Certainly not even on my GOTY2011 radar.

But maybe thats just Krynn doing his grumpy multiplayer hating thing.
I'm skeptical, mostly about how the shooting will feel and how well optimized it'll be for PC, but most of the things I've seen or heard make me hopeful. It's one of those games that changes just enough to be fresh, in my eyes. Doesn't have to revolutionize team shooters to be fun or have a decent lifespan.
Wow, you guys really are gushing over this aren't you? I don't really see why. I was pretty unimpressed with everything I'd seen up until the free-running video BHC just posted. I'm happy that the movement seems to be working as good as it did in Mirror's Edge, but it sure as hell wasn't me "shitting my pants in anticipation." I really don't see anything that will make this gave have much longevity. Free-running isn't enough to overcome my sense that its not going to be much more than a fairly standard class-based shootan gaem. Certainly not even on my GOTY2011 radar.

But maybe thats just Krynn doing his grumpy multiplayer hating thing.
Pretty much how I feel. Never thought I'd see gush over an fps.
It's because we're starved of class/objective based fps. TF2 is pretty much all there is at the moment and, as much as I love it, it's a chaotic spamathon. There's a RTCW/ET shaped hole in the genre that neds filling!
I always feel like I'm wasting half my money since I don't like multiplayer (they're always the ****ing same - a gigantic waste of time that's more repetitive than Hell itself).
It's just that Unreal Tournament is my favorite Deatmatcher of all time, and it added a lot of movement features. Competitive shooting for me has always been about new ways of moving, not big guns or narrative--just interesting ways of positioning, etc. UT featured wall jumping, movement combos and double jump + translocators, the best players had massively higher APM than modern shooters. The movement video gives me hope of a scenario where playing well ends up looking like an action film, it's just something I've always wanted in an FPS. Mirror's Edge was fun, but it didn't appeal to me as a shooter, and no MP means it wasn't worth half of $60.

The stylization is awesome, too. It's why I enjoy MW2 and the Halo series--I enjoy how MW adds instant knifing, dolphin diving (sue me) and relies on a rock-paper-scissors type gameplay. Halo is important to me because unlike most FPS it competes with--each item is useful; nades and melee are viable options, as opposed to being hugely situational they are often the only option. If Brink receives the attention it deserves, there should be many, many viable ways to take down enemies and manuever ones self--creating not only a very stylized and aesthetically appealing game, but also bringing a great deal of technique back into competitive first person shooting.

Another feature I'd love to see in more competitive FPS games is animated stealth takedowns (switching to third person and viewing Tenchu style throat slitting / neck breaking or executions) Halo reach does this well, but lacks variety or positional animations. So many developers neglect stylized gameplay which takes away from both immersion, replayability and niche methods of playing... separate but equal deal (other genres do this better, RTS for example)--you know; "hey Kyle is so good at melee takedowns and stealth, but George is a fantastic sniper, let's not forget about Jill's agility and SMG skillz"

I remember shock combos and wall jumps + flak cannons and rocket leading being my specialties in UT99, I miss those days.
I agree about movement, but hate - HATE - canned takedowns of any kind. Changing perspective is just as bad. Online fps should flow and anything that breaks this up by being clunky or forcing you into an action is the devil.
Brink Voted Number 1 At Eurogamer Expo:

Last year Splash Damage founder Paul Wedgwood headlined our developer sessions with a superb presentation of Brink's customisation systems and unique approach to the multiplayer first-person shooter. This year Splash Damage brought the game for you to play ahead of its spring 2011 launch, and it's fair to say it kept up the momentum! Whether you like single-player FPS campaigns or team-based multiplayer, and whether you like accessible controls that let you vault over random terrain like a pro or you prefer to handle the fine details of movement yourself, Brink has you covered, while veteran designers from the likes of Killzone 2, Fable II, Counter-Strike and more are responsible for the levels, art and storyline. What's not to like? Judging by Brink's success at the Expo, not much.

I agree about movement, but hate - HATE - canned takedowns of any kind. Changing perspective is just as bad. Online fps should flow and anything that breaks this up by being clunky or forcing you into an action is the devil.

I agree on all points. But its not limited to online games. Canned takedowns in pretty much every game is the devil. I'M LOOKING AT YOU DEUS EX : HUMAN REVOLUTION!
The only game where I thought canned animations were cool was in AvP, though that wasnt a very good game anyways...
I'm okay with canned takedowns if they're not over-extended or noticeably take the control out of your hands. Something like Splinter Cell is usually fine, where you tap a button and he punches a dude in the back of the head. But the Deus Ex 3 takedown where he taps on the guy's shoulder and then punches him? Talk about over-indulgent...
They're also somewhat useful in multiplayer, as an additional tactical choice. "Do I slice him in the back, or do I humiliate him with a two second takedown, thereby leaving me open to attack?"

As long as they're tasteful and not DX3-style.
Whether it's an elaborate takedown or simple, quick execution, they all tend to have a weird, lag randomising lockon that takes control from the player and feels horrible. The melee in BC2 is probably the worst - it's ****ing awful.

//edit - ladders too. Who thought that would be a good idea - being stuck to a ladder? And context sensitive item use. The new Wolf for example - if you want to blow something up you can't run around with dynamite at the ready like the good old days, you have to get within a certain distance and push the 'use' button - cue watching your character select dynamite for you and get to work. It's bullshit - I can do that myself thank you very ****ing much.
I read that as "From Platform 32ft Paul Wedgwood" and thought it was gonna be some hilarious joke-video.:(
X-Box for me, will without any doubt be less cheaters and most of my friends are getting it on the 360.
Yeah, I might end up getting it for 360 as well. I lke shooters on PC better but I probably don't have the hardware to run Brink acceptably. Plus, like you say, more of my friends will have it on 360.

On the other hand, I do like supporting PC gaming, but I'm sure this game will sell well on PC regardless of what version I buy.
I'll prolly get it on PC because I don't have a new console (PS2 was the only thing that mattered (PSX had better games)). I might not grab it first day but I think at some point I wll purchase it with my dollars.
PC for me. Prefer the controls on a PC for FPS games. Especially one as fast-paced as this.
I'll go PC too - mainly for dedicated servers and because i'm too pussy whipped to get much time on the lounge TV/consoles. The tiny cupboard sized PC room as all mine tho! mwahaha.
Well, when does this game came out? I doubt it'll run well on my current PC from 2006, but I have been meaning to buy a new one somewhere around maybe March or April next year.