Brink Previews

Is that running on the 360? I felt very underwhelmed by the graphics displayed in that video, I'd liked to have seen an outdoors level as well.

It is a bit of a bummer that whilst in-doors the characters don't even seem to cast basic shadows on the ground.

Even Black Ops does that!*Runs*
The 360 is 6 year old technology, lest we forget.

Also regretting buying Killzone. Might trade it and Vanquish in and get Brink. Though I want it on PC..
The 360 is 6 year old technology, lest we forget.

Also regretting buying Killzone. Might trade it and Vanquish in and get Brink. Though I want it on PC..

Perhaps, but that doesn't change the fact that CoDBO had shadows cast from internal light-sources as well as the sun/moon.

I know it might seem silly, but weird/poor shadows in modern games really annoy the shit out of me.

Especially when it's something as blatant as complete lack of any shadows being cast onto the ground in BRINK except for when in sun-light or such.

I wonder if the PC version will have proper shadows being cast by all light-sources ala Black Ops.

I also really want this for PC but am having a hard time justifying a new PC purchase for me since it seems like a lot more games are now being held back on PC to accommodate the console-versions, Crysis 2 as an example.
The 360 is 6 year old technology, lest we forget.

Also regretting buying Killzone. Might trade it and Vanquish in and get Brink. Though I want it on PC..

Preorder bonuses here, so you could do a trade-in pretty much anywhere for good effect (on target). Also, the PC version uses Steamworks, so you register your product key to your Steam account. If you get a retail PC copy. Which you might not. But you should!

Also, BIG PRERELEASE Q&A that pretty much 100% confirms the PC getting its own version.
We debated long and hard here at Splash Damage about what was the right thing to do: let players play through the campaign in versus, or have dedicated servers, and we decided in the end that dedicated servers were the most important thing to PC players. I’m sure your readers will let us know if we made the right choice. J

Hey, a developer who sounds like he knows what the **** he's talking about. Neat.
I hate him, how dares he make the console versions the inferior ones! This is an affront to console(r)s everywhere!

He shall be punished for this insolence!
I figured at some point people will realize console games are developed on PCs and should probably be able to run on PCs...
Does anyone know if the bots in SP's clothing etc is randomized?

Or are there a limited amount of pre-sets that the AI makes use of in terms of equipment etc?
Good question, and I don't know the answer... From what I've seen, I would guess that their clothing and skill selections are limited to unlocks available to the highest-rank human player, as the AI apparently scales with player rank as well, and their loadouts would be randomised within that scope. On the other hand that would make for some occasional bizarre-looking and functionally-useless bots... I do recall in a couple videos that the bots all looked very similar in terms of clothing and colour, so it could easily be presets as well. Or a combination of both. I really don't know anything about this part of the game :V

[edit] COMMUNITY Q&A PART 2!! The important stuff:

Can we have some details on clan support? – ZernoK
We’re working on something for our stats site that will involve clans. More details on that soon!

Will Brink have LAN support for PC? – Cinna Cinna
Yes, you can create LAN games in the PC version of the game. Everyone looking to play in the game will need a connection to the internet for the initial authorization check, but after that, all the action will be happening locally on the LAN server.
We are also aware that you may not always have an internet connection available at LAN events and are investigating a few alternatives there.

I’ve noticed that from the footage of ADS full auto shooting of some guns, especially the SMG’s, there is very littlel recoil. Do you think the guns in Brink don’t have as much recoil as to other games, or are the SMG’s just designed to have little recoil? – FireThief
Each of our weapons has been balanced for different uses. In case of our submachine guns, we made a deliberate decision to lower the amount of recoil because they’re not as reliant on iron-sights as some of the other weapon categories, and they’re definitely more of a close quarters weapon.

Will there be an option to reset purchase abilities? And if so, how does it work? -Lynn
Yes! At any point, you can sell all of your purchased abilities and completely re-spec your character. This comes at a cost, however, as your character will lose one level (and with that, one ability credit). For example, if you’re level 11 and decide to sell everything, you will be dropped back to level 10 and are then left with 10 credits to buy abilities.
I guess I was wrong, earlier. I could have been more excited about this game, and now I am.
This game seems intriguing. I'm not sure I want to get excited before playing it, but it does seem to have the right ingredients at least.

Nice website btw Jammydodger.
splash damage is good at the objective based/class-centric mp shooter. even quake wars was a lots of fun. plus didnt hurt that Direct2Drive has it 25% ..I absolutely never pre-order but I made an exception with brink; just too many of the elements I like in a fps mp game
Less than two hours to go!!! Oh god I'm pumped. I also haven't slept in uh... 33 hours now. Not because of Brink, just because. I should be alright.
smoke meth so you still perform well in-game

****ing steam ddos?

can't see shit captain
I’ve noticed that from the footage of ADS full auto shooting of some guns, especially the SMG’s, there is very littlel recoil. Do you think the guns in Brink don’t have as much recoil as to other games, or are the SMG’s just designed to have little recoil? – FireThief
Each of our weapons has been balanced for different uses. In case of our submachine guns, we made a deliberate decision to lower the amount of recoil because they’re not as reliant on iron-sights as some of the other weapon categories, and they’re definitely more of a close quarters weapon.

That really doesn't make any sense.. Making a close-quarters weapon have less recoil because it's a close-quarters weapon!?
SMGs are inaccurate to begin with, the lack of recoil just keeps their fire from spreading into a useless wide cone.

Also, current thoughts: Community is hectic as ****, nobody really knows what to do, and the game is unbelievably unforgiving. But so far, aside from a few technical issues, it's a LOT of fun.

As for the reviews: A lot of them seem to get stuck up on stupid things like, no kill/death tracking on the scoreboard, "too many" objectives, lack of hand-holding, lack of a "proper" campaign. Really? They're all things that have been purpose-built to promote teamwork and strategic depth. These people call themselves professional game reviewers? It's a little despicable.

[edit] I'll put it in short: These reviewers are overgrown brown'n'bloom babies.
What... the... ****...

Story is disconnected and nonsensical, radio commands are unhelpful and CONSTANT "We're LOSING THE COMMAND POST, BROTHERS" "BROTHERS" "We need to PUSH HARDER, BROTHERS"
The server browser is a mess... add a little awful, nay, godawful map design that doesn't take advantage of the movement system at all, and a menu system counter-intuitive enough to want to alt-f4 before you join a game.

the ****ing tutorial admits: (This tutorial is not of much use for PC gamers, and can be skipped) - they decidedly concede within the god damned game, that they didn't tailor it for PC gamers.

Clunky horrid UI, broken nonsensical story, cumbersome and arbitrary objectives, needless customization options, a cluster-**** of overlapping weapon selections make this a literal open palm five-finger slap to it's followers, with a proceeding brass-knuckled backhand for PC gamers. I needn't mention the non-functioning classes that simply get shot down at choke points before they can take advantage of their "specialties".

They literally took a blender, inserted every FPS released in the last decade, put it on liquify, and disregarded any quality assurance.

It's fun to kill people - but I can't damned sit through the bullshit story sequences, horrible radio voices and complete lack of sequence or organization in the RPG. Let's not forget the "storyline", which is shoved thoroughly down your throat as if you were a ten-dollar hooker kneeling over for a fat greasy trucker.

Brink PC is dead on arrival - chalk up another tally for the 'PC gaming is drowning' crowd. Funny thing is most of the reviews panning it pertain to the console iterations.

...I'm a sucker. No more pre-purchasing. Hopefully the modding community will come out with a stripped down death-match or CTF version of this game where the bullshit bloat is taken out and we don't have to press skip cutscene every time the round restarts (and maybe toss in some proper maps). I'm actually scared to launch the game again, I'm already riddled to the core with buyer's remorse.

1-Up review said:
Wait, let me temper that. There are times when Brink looks like it's going to break out of its shell. There are times where the fairly interesting and cool (honestly!) ideas seem to be just about to bubble up and make the game worth playing. And then, suddenly and without warning, they're pushed back into the murky depths under the boot of poor design choices and lack of polish.

...Maps are too linear and don't feel right for the S.M.A.R.T. system, objectives are boring and occasionally confusing, and the A.I. is so remarkably stupid that playing the game without human teammates is pretty pointless. All the pieces for a solid multiplayer shooter are there, they're just ruined by design that ignores what could have been potentially really cool, which hinders any desire to work through the problems and find anything interesting about the game. Honestly, it's definitely not worth your time.

Very, very well put.

I have to say, I'm not impressed. The server browser is totally useless, the campaign is miserable and a complete waste of time, the maps all seem to boil down to spammy cluster****s at choke points, the basic shooting is mediocre, the difference in classes is superficial, the character customization is barely noticeable in actual gameplay, and the graphics and animations are garbage. It also looks like you can unlock everything in the game in about a week or so, and there is no reason to create a different character because everything you would ever care about changing can be respec'd at will. Which is an okay thing, but it makes having an unlock system completely superfluous. I was hoping that this would be the second coming of Wolf: ET, because I adore that game, but this feels more like APB than anything. It misses its potential in almost every aspect.
Okay, here's my three-hours-of-play review.

- Server browser is unexplainably laggy and a little obtuse.
- You can't change the FOV without going into the console.
- Objectives are obtuse, and don't become readily apparent until you've played a map several times.
- Controls are slightly ropey, and the movement model lacks some smooth acceleration.
- ATI 4xxx and 5xxx series cards are having a bit of trouble with... something. It might be tesselation. You'll see weird gridlines on most surfaces. Irritating, but not gamebreaking in any way, and it will be fixed quickly.

- The actual moment-to-moment gameplay is ****ing fantastic. Healing bros, getting your weapon buffed, reviving teammates, protecting objectives, parkouring your way out of enemy fire, using nades in conjunction with flanking... honestly, it really is a lot of fun.
- The story sequences, being short cutscenes, are interesting enough without getting in the way of the game. You get to see it from both sides, and the voice acting is very good.
- Level design is tits-awesome. I'm really, really impressed with how well they flow (again, once you know where the objectives are) and how SMART opens up a lot of tactical ground.
- Class progression and customisation is really great. I wish it were a bit easier to change up your class between maps, but whatevs, it might be a design decision to make you think harder about which skills you're going to stick with.
- Clothing is also really good. Each piece has its own set of colour schemes, and it's easy to mix and match almost anything in a way that looks good.

- You don't have to keep holding Sprint to keep sprinting. This is the cause of "LOL CAN'T SPRINT WITHOUT SMART" complaints.
- Change your FOV by hitting Ctrl-Alt-~ and inputting g_fov=80, or any value between 70 and 110. 70 is the default and it's a little brutal.
- Use your Objective Wheel more.
- Give the layers of meta-strategy a few days to settle. It takes communities a while to wrap around a game this complex. TF2 was a cluster**** for the first two weeks of its release, and that turned out pretty alright.
TF2 was a cluster**** for the first two weeks of its release, and that turned out pretty alright.

Haha holy ****, remember HEAVY vs. PYRO ALL DAY LONG with one guy who was a freakin' CS:S pro sniping everyone that was the best

Anyway, I'll wait a little bit and see how the user reviews settle in before I commit.
Wait, wait. I said PC gamers had it the worst in this whole Brink fiasco (or implied it). PS3 early adopters are literally being dually raped up the ass here. Literally ****ed forcibly by the games industry.
Kinda glad I didn't pre-order this. I'll probably wait for the first Steam sale.
Beginning to wonder if I should pass on this game now, hmm.
Haha holy ****, remember HEAVY vs. PYRO ALL DAY LONG with one guy who was a freakin' CS:S pro sniping everyone that was the best

Anyway, I'll wait a little bit and see how the user reviews settle in before I commit.
"Maybe if I W+M1 a little harder, I'll get the heavy this time..."

Yeah it's probably best to wait on those. You've got my review, but I'm biased - I like the game :P
oh god this is disappointing to see, was so excited for this game ;(

rental confirmed for now, will base any purchase off of that
...oh wait i need to wait for PSN to come back up for that *sigh* :|
if you dont care about story and arent all that interested in playing with bots (although you'll have to anyways as there's challenges that unlock weapons) you'll probably enjoy it as you wont see some of the glaring problems with the AI in this game. stupid is an understatement. I've yet to play online
How is this being bad a surprise to anyone? It was pretty obvious from the videos posted earlier in the thread.

Really, have none of you ever played Team Fortress 2? If you were looking forward to this POS at all, you should probably look into TF2 and prepare to have a heart attack at how good it is.
ffs letters have you spent even a single minute playing Brink? it's not TF2 it's rtcw: ET.
he's playing the xbox version. and if it's anything like the ARS technica "review" then they're playing without the xbox patch that was promised for today. the console version is buggy but I'm not seeing any of those problems with the pc version
he's playing the xbox version. and if it's anything like the ARS technica "review" then they're playing without the xbox patch that was promised for today. the console version is buggy but I'm not seeing any of those problems with the pc version

Yeah, I am holding off my decision to buy until a proper PC review appears. I am especially interested in what RPS has to say, because they have been following the game quite closely.

Btw Stern, do you have an ATI or an Nvidia gpu? I've read quite a couple of complaints from Ati users.
I have a nvidia 8800GT and it runs fine

people who like CoD probably wont like Brink because of it's complexity. same goes for people who play TF2. it's really not that similiar to TF2 except in superficial appearances. it mostly resembles rtcw:et except that game was far more accessible because of the setting. there's literally a lot of shit to learn in order to play this game effectively. my worry is that people wont team up which will be essential to making this game a success