Britian spies on Russia with a rock


Sep 7, 2004
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It has been on TV news in the UK and I'm sure it has in Russia too, if you havn't read/seen, heres a link:

I can imagine every country spies on each other in a matter of security, in my opinion, they shouldn't make a fuss over it as it keeps the World "safe & alert" to threats - although some seem to think. I wonder if Russia will take this further.

Everyone spies and everyone knows it in the international community. However if you are caught spying all that changes.

That is why the first rule of espionage is to never get caught.
The Mullinator said:
Everyone spies and everyone knows it in the international community. However if you are caught spying all that changes.

That is why the first rule of espionage is to never get caught.

Exactly, because once you get caught, it's ALL on you, your country will deny most anything in all likelyness.
...or KGB for been pwned by a rock.

Apparently it has the latest spying technology in it but it still requires someone to walk up to it, open it up and collect the hard-disk with the data on. W-I-R-E-L-E-S-S?
dream431ca said:
If this is true, then MI6 will be very embarresed.
MI6 has denided involvement, the rock was being used by the diplomatic service. It's nothing new that we're spying on the Ruskies (I think I'd be more worried if we wernt tbh). They may expell the said diplomats but this may not be in Russia's best interests considering the events of the past few months.
lol, MI6 certainly got pwned

00lameass sure is losing it these days.
Haha I wonder if it looked really fake.

But yeah, everyone's got spies everywhere. I'm sure Britain is spying on us and we them, same for Russia, Israel, France, Germany blah blah blah.

Even when we're allies.

I mean I hope my nation catches all the people spying on it, but I'm not concerned really deeply unless it's for malicious purposes like planning a strike or something :P
That is why the first rule of espionage is to never get caught.

The first rule of espionage is: you do not talk about espionage.
The second rule of espionage is: you do NOT TALK ABOUT ESPIONAGE.

On-topic: you have to be careful. The British control everything, even the rocks and trees. They must be stopped D:
Using rocks would make pet rock! You bastard! You were working for the Brits all along! were working for the Russians?! The Aussies!? ICELAND?!
DeusExMachinia said:
Finally, a thread not about America.
*points to Canadian election threads, LRA thread, UK Labour Education Policy Thread, Mideast Jihad thread...
JNightshade said:
The first rule of espionage is: you do not talk about espionage.
On-topic: you have to be careful. The British control everything, even the rocks and trees. They must be stopped D:

LOL, yeh.

I'm sure it is true that everyone spies on each other and every country knows that, just the case of finding them and if its worth it or not.
So, when will Russia execute them?

That is, if they survive interrogation.
JNightshade said:
The first rule of espionage is: you do not talk about espionage.
The second rule of espionage is: you do NOT TALK ABOUT ESPIONAGE.

On-topic: you have to be careful. The British control everything, even the rocks and trees. They must be stopped D:
We even control this very websight :O
Oh god, tell me it's not true! It is?
RakuraiTenjin said:
*points to Canadian election threads, LRA thread, UK Labour Education Policy Thread, Mideast Jihad thread...

errr, Canada is in America, incase your forgot. North America to be exact.
Theres a very suspicious looking rock right there. I'm gonna call 111 (National Intelligence Service).
mortiz said:
errr, Canada is in America, incase your forgot. North America to be exact.
Canada is in North America. North America != "America", or at least how he meant it.