British and French Nuclear Subs bump into each other

Hectic Glenn

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Aug 8, 2004
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241 Amazing elite nuclear subs defending our country yet can't detect a sub right next to it and crashed into

A Royal Navy nuclear submarine was involved in a collision with a French nuclear sub in the middle of the Atlantic, the MoD has confirmed.

HMS Vanguard and Le Triomphant were badly damaged in the crash in heavy seas earlier this month.

The submarines are equipped with sonar to detect other vessels nearby but our correspondent said it might be the case that the anti-sonar devices, meant to hide the submarines from enemies, were "too effective".

"This is clearly a one-in-a-million chance when you think about how big the Atlantic is."
Well seems like we need a bigger ocean!

yeah i just read about this, luckily no one got hurt and both were able to return on their own power. this could have played out much worse
yeah like

well it's obvious they were playing a game of chicken but they're too embarrassed to let the world know that.
They were just doing a little bump and grind. No harm!
That would be cool to see over the Atlantic though, even though it would kill alot of fish'd still look awesome!
Well, at least this is a good demonstration for each sub's stealthiness.
That reminds me.

Did you know that in the entire history of Submarine warfare, there has only been one instance of a submarine sinking another submarine?
Thisss Ocean Ain't big enough for the both of us!

"You deviate course"
"No YOU deviate course"
"How about I take this torpedo and shove it up your pompous Englishass"
" Go surrender some more Frenchy, at least I know I'll win this game of chicken"

France and the United Kingdom have just exchanged nuclear missiles over this incident. They hit each other midflight though up in the atmosphere and not much harm was done.
That reminds me.

Did you know that in the entire history of Submarine warfare, there has only been one instance of a submarine sinking another submarine?

Hm, I didn't believe you, but I looked enough and sure enough it's true.

Though, you should probably add that it's while both were submerged.
I think the real story here is the insurance brokers who just commited suicide.
That reminds me.

Did you know that in the entire history of Submarine warfare, there has only been one instance of a submarine sinking another submarine?

Red october.
I ain't really suprised, subs are meant to be silent yeah? If they weren't aware that the other one was in the area and weren't using sonar or anything then this is an easy thing to happen.
I think you are underestimating how frikking big the Atlantic ocean is Evo. Remember that we aren't just talking about ships which are restricted to the flat(ish) surface of it either.

Sounds like a chance in a million type occurance. (But it just might work...)