British gamers

ZeeM said:
brits making fun of american accents? thats dumb because the brit accent is the gayest ever

Lol. I don't know anyone with a stiff-upper lip.
How can an accent be gay!? Unless you mean gay as meaning "Jolly" (the proper English meaning!) in which case you'd be right :P!

I don't think our accent is attracted to other accents of the same gender.
Angry Lawyer said:
Oh, and <3 to my Belgian homies. Without whom, we'd miss out on high quality chocolate.

-Angry Lawyer

Definitely. Can't say the same for American chocolate. :p

Hersheys = absolutely digusting.
Zeus said:
Today on dod source I stumbled on a UK server and when I talked on the mic they made fun of my american accent and made fun of me a lot for being american.. well I just thought it was pretty rude anyway. Post your similar experiences here

I don't have a mic, so I don't have to put up with anybody taking fun out of me.
Hershey's chocolate tastes like cat shit, or something, I swear.
Hey! How y'all doing today? Lovely weather huh? Fine choice sir, did you kno -


Ahem. It might just be Florida, but everyone was waaaaaay too friendly for my liking.
Canada FTW, bitches.

But what does chocolate have to do with british gamers?
I was in a clan with a black dude from England back in my Ravenshield days. It was great fun. He'd be like "Hey threw a grenade!" and all the Americans would be like "What?" (He had a REALLY thick accent, and spoke VERY swiftly.) and then we'd blow up. And he'd be like "I said there was a grenade." and then we'd understand and all laugh... unless it was a clan match.
CyberPitz said:
Wait, don't British bust on us for being so racist?
Nah, taking the piss out of American accents and wantonly reinforcing cultural stereotypes at every turn isn't racist! It's xenophobic, you poorly-educated, morbidly-obese, racist, gun-toting, slack-jawed, inferiority complex-ridden Yank. Now run along to your house-sized SUV and get confused by irony.

I really can't stress enough that that was ALL sarcasm and that I in no way harbour illusions that the above stereotypes are truly applicable to the general American populous, whom I can only presume are good, honest, decent, open-minded people.
/Sycophantic disclaimer ends.
If u get abused by some british guys on a server, its just plain good UK hospitality; nothing to take offence from.
It's all part of the British tendency to downplay everything. For example, in the UK, "Not half bad" is the equivalent of "OMG ****ing 1337!!"
ZeeM said:
brits making fun of american accents? thats dumb because the brit accent is the gayest ever
:O Sexual orientation!
el Chi said:
Nah, taking the piss out of American accents and wantonly reinforcing cultural stereotypes at every turn isn't racist! It's xenophobic, you poorly-educated, morbidly-obese, racist, gun-toting, slack-jawed, inferiority complex-ridden Yank. Now run along to your house-sized SUV and get confused by irony.

I really can't stress enough that that was ALL sarcasm and that I in no way harbour illusions that the above stereotypes are truly applicable to the general American populous, whom I can only presume are good, honest, decent, open-minded people.
/Sycophantic disclaimer ends.
haha, i love you crazy brits. you should stop over sometime. we'll drive around my enormous ranch in a gasoline-sucking ozone-depleting good-old-fashioned asskicking american-made SUV. we'll chew tobbacco, shoot thousands of rounds out of my many firearms and eat mcdonalds until we're so full we need to take a break and go to walmart to buy an american flag.

of course you limeys willl need to bring some fish and chips, a few of those wacky double decker buses, your bad teeth, terrible food, and and any other stereotype you can think of.
kaf11 said:
and and any other stereotype you can think of.
The queen.
Pearly kings and queens

Red telephone booths and post boxes.

Bobbies on the beat

Some of the best comedy of the last 40 years.

Some of the best music of the past 50 years.

Y'know, little things like that.
A british guy called me a cockerspaniel before...
Ever since that day, I wonder how that is an insult. Oh well, atleast he said "I'm sorry to say this, but your a cockerspaniel".
so you're a dog with curly hair on your ears...

edit: jimmeh, does tea=tea, or does tea=dinner and/or lunch
Bloody hell, how did I forget THAT!? And full English breakfast...


It's like a heart attack on a plate.
Which reminds me - staying in a hotel in the States, I take a quick glance at the breakfast menu. On it - "Full American Breakfast - Bacon, Eggs, Hash Browns, Sausages" etc.

JiMmEh said:
Which reminds me - staying in a hotel in the States, I take a quick glance at the breakfast menu. On it - "Full American Breakfast - Bacon, Eggs, Hash Browns, Sausages" etc.

Yeah but they're missing out on tomatoes, mushrooms, black pudding (or white, if you've REALLY got a death wish) beans, HP sauce, ketchup and - last but not least - fried bread.
Aaah, fried bread...all this talk is making my heart tremble. :sleep:

Edit - Oh and of course don't forget Cricket!


We all know American ladies like the british accent ;)

EDIT: WALES FTW!! /hijack

EDIT2: Oops, not allowed to say Hijack, or the feds will get meh :o
Whenever i play Halo 2 on Live, all i get is a load of abuse from pussy assed american kids, shame they wouldn't last 5 minutes in a real firefight with us brits, theyd get owned by their own country first -.- :cheers:

All is fair in Love and war ... or something like that .. woot woot :bounce:
el Chi said:
Some of the best comedy of the last 40 years.

Some of the best music of the past 50 years.

Y'know, little things like that.

You forgot games.

The UK made GTA and Goldeneye. As well as a load of other groundbreaking games.
Angry Lawyer said:
The majority of people living in the USA have ancestors from the UK and Europe in general. Europe > USA. Especially Poland.

-Angry Lawyer

Heh, since I'm Polish I'm curious why is it especially Poland that >USA?
One day I'm gonna come to London and steal all the chicks with my sexy foreign (californian) accent. And the best part of it will be, to me, it'll be the CHICKS with the sexy foreign accents!
el Chi said:
Yeah but they're missing out on tomatoes, mushrooms, black pudding (or white, if you've REALLY got a death wish) beans, HP sauce, ketchup and - last but not least - fried bread.

I could really go for a heart attack central right about now.

Damn you Muesli! D:
Unfocused said:
Heh, since I'm Polish I'm curious why is it especially Poland that >USA?

I'm half Polish, and there are lots of awesome things in Poland. Women being one, and certain types of alcohol (Wisniowka especially) being the other.

-Angry Lawyer
Racism is funny, what’s funnier are the people who take offence to it because there complete idiots for not knowing the other guy is also an idiot. :laugh: