British MOD shows off F35 JSF pilot helmet prototype...


May 9, 2003
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Looks like something a game designer would create for a forthcoming sci fi shooter! :) The image is from bbc news day in pictures but i cant find a releated story. Does anyone have a news link?
Now they just need to work out how to pay for them and make them so they don't melt the deck of the aicraft carriers...
Instead the computerised symbology will be displayed directly on to the pilot's visors, providing the pilot with cues for flying, navigating and fighting the aircraft.
"It even will superimpose infra-red imagery on to the visor to allow the pilot to look through the cockpit floor at night and see the world below - like something out of Terminator.

holy shiznats batman!
That looks like it would be annoying as hell to wear, what with the green lights being shined in your eyes and all.
what are the weird things sticking out at the sides for?
Looks stupid, but hey, who cares if it widens the military technology gap that much further amirite?.
I don't really like the Hud projectors, but when I think of the missing gap there'd be if they weren't there, it'd seem more weird.

But infrared vision = pwn.