BROKEN ARROW (hl2): Web Designer Needed



Well, heres the deal: Our mod are in desperate need of a Web Designer, who wil be able to create a nice site for us. At the moment we are trying to stay discrete about some of the features we will use in our mod as we plan on a big media release to the public soon. It is, however, necessary to have a fully functional website for this release, and it would be greatly appriciated if a talented web designer could come forward and demonstrate thier abilites.

I think it is safe to say that this mod will be based in Vietnam, during the famous Vietnam war. The mod will be called 'Broken Arrow' and feature many new concepts and ideas, thus making the gameplay very unique.

At present, we do have some forums that you may visit, and try and get us to elaborate on my vagueness (No Doubt! lol). Heres the Link: We already have quite a big team, consisting of mappers, modellers, and coders... so any technical questions can be directed towards them.

If you are intrested in this position please contact me on our forums, PM me or email me at [email protected]

No doubt you will want to criticise my vaguness about the mod. But before you do, dont forget to check out our forums and see if your questions have already been answered.


I've sent you an email. Check my sig for details regarding my offer.