broken fire...


Jul 22, 2004
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ok i know how to make fire (ty interlopers) but the problem is its broken... its like someones throwing a 2D flashbang ontop of the fire and makeing a kinda "white" wall but need the fire for the bomb sites :dork: help
he means env_fire

if you put a light entity on the fire, make sure you set its colour to orange, and not white
Speaking of fire, I tried to get fire working in a CSS map but it never worked. Anyone know if its possible in CSS?
dont think so. I was never able to get it to work in css either
yeah that works, i tied mine with a button through and entity_logic to enable it but im having problme with putting it out on command, it just times out and gives error when i command it to 'extinguish'
none of this helped and... i dint even see anything usefull....

i know how to make fire i put an oarnge light by it and set it to flickering... and i also put embers over it but... its annoying when its like this flash of light just pops up repeatedly :afro:

wahhoooo, that is f'ed. That is far worse than I was expecting.

check your light entities in the map, and make sure you dont have too mnay / too bright.
Also make sure that this isn't a hole in the wall, or it's a skybox wall with an invalid skybox texture assigned in the map properties. (Probably not, but worth asking)

Try deleting the light on top of the fire aswell, just too see if it is that, that's doing it.
In the dust-THEAMED map im makeing the same thing happend to the embers without the fire so its the embers that i must delete the fire is fine