Bronze Silver Gold Retail SE Retail CE?? POLL

Which version will you buy?

  • Steam Bronze

    Votes: 14 5.8%
  • Steam Silver

    Votes: 90 37.5%
  • Steam Gold

    Votes: 65 27.1%
  • Retail Standard Edition

    Votes: 26 10.8%
  • Retail Collector's Edition

    Votes: 45 18.8%

  • Total voters
CatBOne said:
I am confused on but one topic. What is the 'Prima Book Sampler'?

Does anyone know?

I would say Aknot (from another thread has it pretty close)

Aknot said:
Take the full Prima Strat guide. Rip out 1 or 2 pages from each chapter. Condense those.

It will probably be like 25 pages. Describing some weapons, a level or 2 and "strategies".

Think of those companion "books" you get with magazines sometimes.
Mountain Man said:
No, you'll download them over the internet, but you'll need a good broadband connection to make sure the goodies don't get stuck along the way.

What are you thinking? Of course they'll mail that stuff to you. I would have thought that was obvious.

*sarcasm detector goes insane*

i bet they will supply europe etc etc etc with the 'goodies' so that they can ship them to countries cheaply. anyway, the US will have no problems (as always with games. damn u all lol) with getting the extras.

ill get silver as the likelyhood of winning a trip to valve is minimal...but you can book a trip anyway...and no, i would also never wear a hl2 hat. thats just really sad lol. posters and stickers yes, but not shirts and hats.
I'm going with the "Gold... as long as it doesn't cost too much" people.
Gold if it doesn't cost too much. If Gold costs too much I'm getting Silver. I've also canceled my Pre-Order with EB Games lol.
steam bronze, or basic retail, depending on price and when they become availabe (depends on whether a world wide simultanious release is planned, if not and steam is released all over worls at same time and retail in uk after, then steam, if all at same time, then retail)

-money goes to valve
-better swag
-screws vivendi
-instant activation
-CS: S

I'll also buy the coffee table book.
It's nice to see steam winning head and shoulders over retail...heehee.

For the record I'm gonna go bronze, since I'm a big cs fan it should do for me.
I'm not big on DoD at the mo but would love to see what it looks like sourced up, so might get that late. But I'm well short of money at the I'll happily settle for bronze;)

so I'll be missin out on HLsource but all it is is a pretty version of half-life(obviously with physics!), but regardless- it is only half-life again, so I won't lose too much sleep over it....unless silvers cheaper than I'm expecting, but I figure thru steam you'll be paying full whack regardless...kinda stupid when you can pre-order HL2 now (retail) and get it cheaper (not that I care - I cancelled my "cheap" preorder last week - I refuse to buy anything from VUG - the tossers
Spiffae said:
-money goes to valve
-better swag
-screws vivendi
-instant activation
-CS: S

I'll also buy the coffee table book.

What he said... only add a coffee table to the list.
Someone said:
Just promise to not eat your ...err ummm skin peelings/scabs etc :P

haha :laugh:
i promise i won't...that means i'll probably have to find a substitute :naughty:
well I guess im getting gold then. Im disaponited in how crappy the CE is :(

Thing is, if we get the gold edition, valve's going to have to ship all those Physically items to us....
I want the CE because of the DVD. The shirt might me nice to, (but it' must be like a circus tent of something, XL is it?)
Dr. Freeman said:
haha :laugh:
i promise i won't...that means i'll probably have to find a substitute :naughty:

Good thing I'm drinking heavy or I'd be scared by that comment :P

On topic...

You know if the CE had the full book that was probably what I would have gone with. I mean the full book is what $30? So HL2..$ $30...throw in free tee shirt etc etc. That would have been an alright thing. And I want a DVD dammit!

But no way a teeshirt and 1/4 of a book and some "ports" make this $80 *unless they lower it* is worth it.

Kinda sad really as that's what I was aiming at. But Now I'm thinking valve and steam are a good thing ( never was sold on it until now)

edit: ohh not into post count crap...but just saw I hit 500...yay me or something
So you mean that 65% of you are buying it thuough Steam?
i dont get at all why anyone would want 6 CD's at all, every PC since pentium II has had DVD drives (in the UK), cd's are a bit behind the times a lot of new pcs now even come with DVD writers.

They are only doing that so people buy the CE for the DVD

personally im getting steam silver, because steam release is instant, uk release dates are like 3 days after USA (and the dollar is really weak atm so it will be much cheaper buying in dollars)

i would have got gold if it had plush headcrabs and crowbar keychains though :) :rolling:
If this latest news is true..and the collectors edtion does indeed suck as much as they say...I'll be buying BOTH the CE and Gold...I want my goodes!
I'd like to know if I can start preloading Hl 2 and CS:S right now, even though I missed the first four preloads. Will it download them all starting from the 1st preload? Or am I screwed?
Oooooh... so I can take this opportunity to create a new account and still have all the old stuff then (I'm getting the silver one)? My current account name is an e-mail I dumped quite a while ago...

And wtfmates, no, you're not screwed. It'll download them all.
Knew I should have jumped on the Steam bandwagon before... well 29% and counting.
Wraithen said:
Knew I should have jumped on the Steam bandwagon before... well 29% and counting.

I know what you mean. Started the preload before class today, and its only gone up 3% since i got back (2 hours now). yey 32.4%

I was planning on getting the retail, but now with CS:S out next week to tide us over... I'm sold. My roommate's been playing the beta for a month now and I'm sick of being jealous. Going to pickup the Silver version as I love DOD. Hopefully its not much more than bronze... afterall dod was a free mod to download. Sucks to pay more for a mod, but getting to play hl2 the MOMENT it is released AND getting to screw VUG out of $50 or so bucks is more than enough incentive to use steam.
Someone said:
Good thing I'm drinking heavy or I'd be scared by that comment :P

On topic...

You know if the CE had the full book that was probably what I would have gone with. I mean the full book is what $30? So HL2..$ $30...throw in free tee shirt etc etc. That would have been an alright thing. And I want a DVD dammit!

But no way a teeshirt and 1/4 of a book and some "ports" make this $80 *unless they lower it* is worth it.

Kinda sad really as that's what I was aiming at. But Now I'm thinking valve and steam are a good thing ( never was sold on it until now)

edit: ohh not into post count crap...but just saw I hit 500...yay me or something

I'm in the same boat...I was gonna go for the collector's edition for the DVD, the book and HL:S, but when I found out the book wasn't the full "Raising the Bar" book and that DoD:S doesn't come with it, I can hardly see where the extra $30 value over the regular edition is.

I'm probably going to end up going Silver and then buying the full behind the scenes book later (if it looks like it's worth while).

EDIT: One nice thing about going with the Silver is that I can create a new account on Steam that doesn't have my e-mail address as the account name! :thumbs:
The_Monkey said:
So you mean that 65% of you are buying it thuough Steam?

Well done on the math there, but you could have just added up ther percentages themselves you know... ;)

Not to be a smart ass of course, just trying to make your life easier in the future!
poksmote said:
I know what you mean. Started the preload before class today, and its only gone up 3% since i got back (2 hours now). yey 32.4%

I was planning on getting the retail, but now with CS:S out next week to tide us over... I'm sold. My roommate's been playing the beta for a month now and I'm sick of being jealous. Going to pickup the Silver version as I love DOD. Hopefully its not much more than bronze... afterall dod was a free mod to download. Sucks to pay more for a mod, but getting to play hl2 the MOMENT it is released AND getting to screw VUG out of $50 or so bucks is more than enough incentive to use steam.

Wow, what speed is that downloading for you?

Having said that, my speed is dipping a lot now... guess americans are getting home from work/school now ;)
markabey said:
i dont get at all why anyone would want 6 CD's at all, every PC since pentium II has had DVD drives (in the UK),

Not in the US my friend. And I get the Europen "mags" and I could almost promise you not over there either. I will check though as I have some back issues..
I would have to say the P3, not the P2. Although I can only go back to 03/00 in my Mags. I guess you are right as you live there and I dont!! :)
Wraithen said:
Wow, what speed is that downloading for you?

Having said that, my speed is dipping a lot now... guess americans are getting home from work/school now ;)

steam was nice enought to not tell you how fast its downloading at, or give you a time-remaining counter. all I can tell is that my network utilization is getting up to about 0.4%. then again my school's network could be bogged down today. I just want to play CS:S or any other mod ASAP with my suitemates. LAN games kickass at college (SOF2 rules for MP, anyone interested I'll PM you our server address)
I'm guessing you know this, so forgive me for pointing out the obvious... but if you right click on the steam icon and go to monitor, you can see what speed you're getting.

Or are you talking about something else?

[edit] yay 100 posts... I'm finally one of you... or something. Regardless... who wants a drink?
Rocketman9mm said:
Steam: Gold hl2 is what hl2: CE should have been....

I completely agree to that statement. I posted this before, and I will repeat my challenge to VALVE:

Let me buy the same packages in store VALVE, because as a consumer I prefer CHOICE over being forced into selecting via STEAM.
I guess I'll just have to make the plush headcrabs myself.

Accepting pre-orders soon ;)
To the steam buyers - have fun redownloading 6 gigis of data each time you reformat...don't reformat? have fun with your 20 fps....have a cd burner? the cost of 6 CD's isnt worth the extra money for the retail dvd...have a dvd burner? lucky you...Im not sure if you can even burn steam data to cd and have it come out right.

Id like more verification on whether or not the steam packages are easily burnable.
Peks said:
To the steam buyers - have fun redownloading 6 gigis of data each time you reformat...don't reformat? have fun with your 20 fps....have a cd burner? the cost of 6 CD's isnt worth the extra money for the retail dvd...have a dvd burner? lucky you...Im not sure if you can even burn steam data to cd and have it come out right.

Id like more verification on whether or not the steam packages are easily burnable.

I thought this had been confirmed already. I know I read a few posts about it in the info from Valve thread... over the years ;)

And (if the price is good) this is what I'll be doing after I download it from Steam, after all, they're just files.