Bros before Hoes?

Bros before Hoes?

  • Bros!

    Votes: 26 68.4%
  • Hoes!

    Votes: 12 31.6%

  • Total voters
uriel this thread isn't about how many people you've slept with, nor did anyone mention anything of the sort.
oh honey, i didn't mean to offend you, i'm sure lots of girls want to sleep with you sweetie. pals?

probably getting more than you


And rambler, I think you're the last person to be telling people to get laid, since I don't buy one ounce of your "lol i get so much pussy" bullshit act. I find it impossible to imagine any woman willingly mating with a retarded neanderthal such as yourself.

Now, what I don't understand, you've been posting throughout this entire thread, and you manage to miss these comments?
.....and some of them are your own?
Yeah, Uriel just pwned Rambling Ramblers face

Uriel, I don't rate people by how many people they've slept with. To be quite honest, the more you've slept with, the more likely I am to form a negative opinion of you.

My only ire is with those who think it matters. Comments like "go get laid" are some of the stupidest in common usage today, and most of the time they come from people who aren't getting much (if at all) any way.
what happened to my english language? the americans stole it and made scarey words... quick! retreat to the tea and crumpet-mobile!
Uriel, I don't rate people by how many people they've slept with. To be quite honest, the more you've slept with, the more likely I am to form a negative opinion of you.

My only ire is with those who think it matters. Comments like "go get laid" are some of the stupidest in common usage today, and most of the time they come from people who aren't getting much (if at all) any way.

Haha, sorry I should of specified, I wasn't accusing you of rating people by that or even rambler. Just stating it's a silly way of rating someone's worth.

Edit: Just because the subject came up.
Now I'm starting to understand why everyone has a grudge against rambler.

For me, I've been in a long term relationship for nearly 2 the Mrs always comes first, because she's most important. :)

*Added a poll for fun.
Bros, because I'm not an asshole.

Actually, it depends on which bros and which hos.
Friends, usually, are there for a long time, or at least longer than a random girlfriend. Maybe I'm biased considering I'm still in High School, but I believe my point still stands. To drop, or heavily sever, your connections to friends for some two-week bimbo is about the dumbest thing you can do. She, truthfully, doesn't matter, but your loyal friends take notice.
I prefer gardening tools to my bros. I am just a man of the earth, can't ever leave my poor roses and maple trees.
unless that "hoe" is your GF, then she counts as a "bro"
If that ho is your girlfriend, she won't be for long after hearing that. Unless she's black. Then it's a given.
My relationships with my girlfriends have always been on a "friend" status.
Hoes are chicks you make out with.....
And I'll never do that again.
between hoes and bros, in a fictional 'you can only have one' universe, it would be hoes no doubt.

whoa now.

when I say "hoes before bros" i just mean if they both asked me at once to hang out I would choose the girl usually, because i hang out with my bros all the damn time and we're all fine with letting the others go spend time with ladies...

but i totally disagree with your statement there
There's a shitload of girls in the world, but only a handfull of people can be true friends.
hey sorry for being a prat in this thread, especially to uriel (my gf is away and i'm slowly going crazy... 2 more weeks.. aghhhh!!!)

anyway, it's all about circumstance. if i had a date with a cute girl i'd choose that over hanging out, but sometimes i'll choose being with mates over seeing my gf. personally though i'd usually always choose to be with a girl rather than friends, it's just more fun.
You don't sack off your mates, simple as.

Bros before hoes isn't about who you spend time with or anything like that - it's a rule that comes into play when a girl gets BETWEEN friends. For example, a mates ex comes on to you - you know it'd **** him off bigstyle if you did anything. So you don't do it, bros before hoes.

I dislike the american phrasing, but hey - it works :)
exactly, i wouldn't ever get with a friends girl or anything. though it has happened that two of us liked the same girl, and when i did things with her it created alot of bad feelings. but hey, we're friends again now and rumour has it they're gonna get togther! whoo! all's well that ends well and all that!
When it comes to me and one of my mates and both liking a girl, i tend to just let them make the move...meh
exactly, i wouldn't ever get with a friends girl or anything. though it has happened that two of us liked the same girl, and when i did things with her it created alot of bad feelings. but hey, we're friends again now and rumour has it they're gonna get togther! whoo! all's well that ends well and all that!

Damn, I know that feeling all too well...
You don't sack off your mates, simple as.

Bros before hoes isn't about who you spend time with or anything like that - it's a rule that comes into play when a girl gets BETWEEN friends. For example, a mates ex comes on to you - you know it'd **** him off bigstyle if you did anything. So you don't do it, bros before hoes.

I dislike the american phrasing, but hey - it works :)

oh, hell no then. bros before hoes.