Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood demo

I've just recently completed Brothers In Arms for the X-Box, pretty good game. Very authentic, although a bit samey in parts. Convienient how EVERY place in the game had a very handy mud wall to hide behind though...

Oh, the demo. I won't download it, my PC doesn't like playing games very much.
TheBleeding said:
Oh, the demo. I won't download it, my PC doesn't like playing games very much.

Just scream at it and beat it into submission. It isn't supposed to like it; it's a job.
Shakermaker said:
Just scream at it and beat it into submission. It isn't supposed to like it; it's a job.

My computer has the PC equilvilent of AIDs, its pretty bad. I need to re-format sometime. I'm surprised I got through all of Half-Life 2 on it. Although the loading times were horrible.
wow this demo slipped under the radar....hope its better than bia:rth30, that was a major disappointment for me....
whoa! where the hell did this come from? today is pure sweetness though, with the serious sam 2 demo and now this, can;t wait for it to finish d/ling

edit: alright, my impressions of the demo -

The first thing I noticed was that the textures were A LOT better than in BIA, also the HDR/Bloom feature seemed to be implemented better... ovewrall it looks far more impressive than BIA, which is certainly a plus
The AI has been improved, I played on Normal and they were trying to flank me if they had the opportunity... I'll have to try skirmish mode on various difficulties to see if that is implemented there as well
The Skirmish mode now allows for offline play, and you can set the AI with a few different parameters, which is nice
Teammate AI can still get stuck, especially if it's an object that's somewhat low.. my guys were trying to jump over some rocks that they clearly had to run around, oh well
The gmae just feels better than BIA, I certainly reccomend downloading the demo, especially for those who thought BIA could be better, this is better, even if it's not a massive leap forward there are enough improvements to make it a good step... especially download it if you thought BIA's graphics were lacking, and truly they were ugly as sin, but here you'll notice the difference immediately, it is far sharper
exact same as bia, no new features, another glorified expansion by ubisoft, if you like bia then you'll like this, if not dont bother, the nicely placed mud hills/hedges are no replaced by nicely placed mounds of rubble(whick look shit tbh) graphics arent very impressive, well they're the exact same as bia except the buildings(it now takes place in a town rather than fields) which look better but not much, very poor really, doesnt run too well either...

options are the same, the menu is the same, i'm not sure if theres actually anything new in this game at all over the 1st, the enemy still sit there behind cover until you do something....

very unimpressed...
And did you like the first one or no? Everyone has a bias, just wondering where yours is ;). I liked the first one quite a bit, I just didnt like the way the weapons fired. Ill download the demo and check it out though.
the only thing that impressed me about BIA was the combat ...definately not something you can pick up in a single demo ...I was close to the end of BIA when I finally used my squad correctly and used proper flanking manuevers

I'll dl this tonight
I liked the weapons, they felt... real. Blunt way to put it, but yeah. I saw alot of people slating them because they were so use to playing fraggers where holding a rocket launcher in one hand and nailing a guy through bunker-slit was an easy thing to do. I liked the feel of running across a field, spraying MP40 (I usually changed to German weapons whenever I could) rounds into a wall, blatently missing the soldiers but making a cool looking effect.

I also liked the graphics in the game, too. I didn't see anything wrong with the, but then again, I'm not mad on graphics so I can't really say. Although the mouths moved a bit funny, but still.
I like DoD because it's unlike any other game out there ...I dont die nearly as much in any other game as I do in DOD ..and no it's not my lack of skillz
Wow. I just installed the Serious Sam 2 demo. I can't play for a while and I haven't finished the Age of Empires III demo. Now there's another Brothers in Arms demo.
I really like the music in the menu. Does anyone know how I can get it?


Ah nevermind, I found it.
Jimbo's probably right , same game im sure . I was dissapointed about the first BIA. They are just trying to make more money.
**** this game, makes me tres angry that it doesn't look fantastic and yet crawls without any AA/AF. Stupidy stupid stupid.