Bruce Willis interview (Die Hard 4)


Companion Cube
Mar 9, 2006
Reaction score

Second Life: You've said that this movie is as good as the first. Could you elaborate on that?
Willis: Well, two things. Len Wiseman and I both were of a similar mind in that we wanted the film to have as little CGI effects in it as possible. We wanted the film to be as hardcore as possible and as smashmouth when it came to the violence as possible, to have stunts and kills in the film that were unique

WTF? After seeing thet trailer this movie is clearly pumped full of "nice shiny" CGI:rolleyes:

There's a great set piece in the middle of the film which is a very expensive take with Maggie Q that is particularly brutal, and really the only CGI in the film has to do with an F35 which is new version of a Harrier Jet which can hover and stay stationary and move laterally, because there's some rule about not flying a jet 25 feet off the deck in the streets of downtown Washington, DC. You would think that they would? come on, you know, it's "Die Hard" and you would think that they would give us a little latitude. But I actually do battle with a, with an F-35 jet, some of which you see in some of the trailers.

Oh, and that's more than enough CGI thank you! F-35 jet.... sheesh :rolleyes:

Second Life: Well, I'm glad you bring the whole CGI aspect up, because I think what's so unique in this crowded movie marketplace is the fact that this movie is just all grit in your face, and everything else comparatively is all thrown into a computer and just sort of drummed up, to a certain degree. Here, we've got some real grit and some real action.
Willis: And it really is. I would say that if I had to describe this episode of "Die Hard" in any way, in any simple way, it's an old school action movie. In a sense, Len Wiseman brought "Die Hard" into the 21st century but he also? we also made a very old school film that, the technology aside, could have taken place in the, in the '80s in terms of the actual fights.

I think Bruce has completely lost it....
When your movie is about internet terrorism or whatever the ****, I have to question your movie's "hardcore" and "gritty" credentials.
Those this confirm a R rating if it ****ING BETTER!
He forgot to take his crazy pills...yet again.
it's part of his press junket ..did you expect him to say things like "well to be honest DH 4 is a cash cow created specifically as a way of revitalising the DH franchise so that we can spit out sequel after sequel ..anyone who attaches art house sensibilities to this film is missing the point entirely and should just stfu"