Brush Problem


Aug 28, 2004
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This is my first time using Hammer and I now have a problem with the brushes. I made a smooth corner using the block tool. Before I save, it looks and seems fine. Then I reload the map and the brushes mess up. I fixed it but it just happens again.

Before Save:

When reloaded:

What's causing it to do this?
it looks like all you need to do is select the messed up piece, then with the tool, damn I forgot what its called, the one with the square and the points at the corners, you just reposistion the corners to line up. If it keeps happining, I would suggest just starting your map over.
That would be the Vertex Manipulation Tool.

If Hammer keeps messing up the brush when you reload the map, the problem is that the brush keeps getting nonconvex. Make the object entirely out of tetrahedrons and you'll have no problems.
I do that but it keeps happening. :( Really don't like feeling starting all over.
Sorry to sound sound like a n00b, but where is this tool? I only know of the block tool for making objects.
It's the Vertex Manipulation tool. It should be about 3/4 of the way down the toolbar list, and the icon is of a wireframe box with highlighted corners.

To use it, you select the object you want to manipulate, and then click the Vertex Manipulation tool. You'll be able to select and move as many of your brush's vertices as you want. It's useful when creating angular shapes like tetrahedrons, and brushes with many different parts.

Just make sure you don't make any part of your brush concave, which means don't make the corners at 180 degrees or greater. Objects with >179-degree angles, like a large L-shaped block, or a big X brush, will require the use of more than one brush.
Sanada said:
I do that but it keeps happening. :( Really don't like feeling starting all over.

You don't have to start over, just use tetrahedrons. It's thoroughly impossible to make an invalid tetrahedron, unless you do something stupid like turn it inside-out ;)
Thanks, I've managed to get the first part fixed but now I have the same problem with making a spherical like object. No matter how simple I make it it still screws up after a save and reload. It's basically just 1/8 of a sphere used to make a corner look smooth. Even though they snap to the grid it still doens't like it.

I still don't know how to use tetrahedrons, they don't appear to be in the objects list.
Sanada said:
Thanks, I've managed to get the first part fixed but now I have the same problem with making a spherical like object. No matter how simple I make it it still screws up after a save and reload. It's basically just 1/8 of a sphere used to make a corner look smooth. Even though they snap to the grid it still doens't like it.

I still don't know how to use tetrahedrons, they don't appear to be in the objects list.

Even if it snaps to the grid perfectly, the object can be invalid.

You have to make a tetrahedron manually by combining a cube's vertices (via vertex-manipulation).
OK, using tetrahedrons seems to work, but it takes a lot longer than using standard primative brush shapes. What I'd like to know is that is it possible to copy a selection of brushes, rotate them so I can use them on another part of the building? I have some corners that point in the opposite direction. Making another set for that corner angle seems like a waste of time when the only difference is the angle.
Sanada said:
OK, using tetrahedrons seems to work, but it takes a lot longer than using standard primative brush shapes. What I'd like to know is that is it possible to copy a selection of brushes, rotate them so I can use them on another part of the building? I have some corners that point in the opposite direction. Making another set for that corner angle seems like a waste of time when the only difference is the angle.

You can select a group of brushes by holding SHIFT as you select them, or you can select them all at once by drawing a box around them (with the Selection Tool, in the 2D views) and pressing ENTER. Then you can copy with CTRL-C, paste with CTRL-V, then rotate by clicking the selection (in the 2D views) until little circles appear around its perimeter. Click and drag the circles to rotate the object.

Precision rotation can be done by selecting the object and pressing CTRL-M.