Bubbles In Your Chest

It's just a like a sharp pain that shoots up you a-hole...i get it every now and then and so do some of my friends. It's funny when it happens around my friends because I literally jump up and squeeze my ass cheeks as tight as I can to try and ease the pain but it sort of makes it worse for a few more seconds then when it finally stops it's the best relief feeling in the world.
He was a day one buyer of the dragon dildo.
Saturos has been seething with envy since.
I get that often, it's acid reflux, gas or both. Definitely an intestinal problem and not a super serious one duder
After ****ing with this ****ing pain, thinking I was having heart problems for 15 years, ****ing ****ers, ****ing found the diagnosis in like 3 minutes.


Nailed every single description. That's what I've got.

It's not serious at all. YAY Time to subject myself to punishing amounts of harmful foods and substances. To celebrate life ~

I was joking, drug/food abuse isn't a joking matter. Anyway, I did all that punishment years ago, so that's why I was worried about this chest pain!
Holy shit, i think thats what i have too. Im actually scheduled for a checkup just beacuse of my chest pains, but now i feel a bit more at ease. However, for the past 2-3 weeks i have had more chest pains than ever. Constant pulsing pain and a few of these pain attacks, which are the worsts ive had in my life. One of them i couldnt move or breath for nearly 15 seconds.
That pretty much describes exactly what I get. Almost every time I get it, I can make it go away by taking a slow, deep breath in. Then a pop of pain and its gone in a flash.

''...most liley not of cardiac origin.'' Narrows it down...

Im not surprised at anyone panicking when they first feel this. Definitely the kind of high-intensity yet focused pain you would expect during a heart attack.
Same here. Perhaps it's worth mentioning I have sensitive nerves, often get twitchy as **** after serious exertion (like carrying a ****load of heavy shit). I get this particularly more often after eating lots of fatty foods (pizza).
Eat more bananas, you're probably low on potassium.