Buckle down...look at the facts.

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D@Linkwent said:
sHm0zY, you tell em man, I dont think those punks have the right to make fun of somone just by their looks, i bet if they were fat they wouldnt be successful and creating a game millions of people want to play, hell they should just go and take back every little mean thing they ever said to somone and hope they dont go to hell.

I seriously think your on cocaine. Look 2 posts up, you just told gabe to

You are such a hypocrite
dude, its true if he did put down the fork it wouldnt have led to him being overweight, its just the simple facts of life, what ever u put in your mouth lets say its a piece of chicken or a cow then ur gonna have consequences such as gaining weight, so in actuality, ur the hyprocrite,your the one making fun and your the one who is going TO HELLL!!!!!!!!!!!!
dude, its true if he did put down the fork it wouldnt have led to him being overweight,

You fool. Not everyone is overweight because they eat alot. Some people have thyroid diseases that cause there metabolisms to screw up. I think overweightness cann be related to genetics, because sometimes it just seems to run in the family.

You lose.
wow, and you act like that disease is what is affecting 60 percent of America, are u crazy, Are u taking crazy pillS? its sad that right now obesity is becoming the number 1 risk of death in america, its sad that people wont realize Mcdonalds isnt healthy and that goign to the gym should be part of everyones daily reutine, but its not and im sad im the one who has to say it, If your fat and you dont have a disease which i know Gabe doesnt then you should punish yourself by eating less and exercising more.
its also funny you had to go back and edit that crap you wrote, i mean 60 PERCENT OF AMERICA IS OVERWEIGHT, That is just plain SAD, im so happy i was born in another country and that im not an American, because i disagree, I Wouldnt be proud to be an American, They are not perfect you know, If you watched Farenhiet 911 you would know this country problems if not more than others.
If your fat and you dont have a disease which i know Gabe doesnt then you should punish yourself by eating less and exercising more

Well, gabe doesn't exactly have a job that allows him to be moving around constantly, but sitting at a computer desk for 10 hours a day.
its also funny you had to go back and edit that crap you wrote, i mean 60 PERCENT OF AMERICA IS OVERWEIGHT, That is just plain SAD, im so happy i was born in another country and that im not an American, because i disagree, I Wouldnt be proud to be an American, They are not perfect you know, If you watched Farenhiet 911 you would know this country problems if not more than others.

I edit my posts so I don't rack up spam. I realize that most of america is overweight, and this also upsets me. I myself am very slim, I'm 5'8 and 130lbs.

When did I ever say america is perfect? It's not, nor is any other country. Also, most of Farenheit 9/11 is propaganda
D@Linkwent, the point is that your comments on Gabe's weight were pretty much unneccessary and didn't even relate to the topic at hand, nor even to what you were talking about. It was an obvious bash at Gabe's weight. You talk about how Gabe "should not have the responsiblity of a company behind him", and then say " PUT DOWN THE DAMN FORK AND FACE THE facts of life". Totally unneccessary.
I really doubt Gabe does any work anymore, at this point in time he is at home eating, while the rest of the crew is fixing up all the rest of the bugs, Gabe doesnt get rich by writing code, he is the brain behind the works, If you want to be rich in the computer field, you wont be the one writing code you will be the one giving the person who is writing it what it is the code is supposed to do, Gabe is smart maybe not that smart but he does make a good game because he knows how to direct his people.
You talk about how Gabe "should not have the responsiblity of a company behind him", and then say " PUT DOWN THE DAMN FORK AND FACE THE facts of life". Totally unneccessary.
I Apologize because i respect the man and i respect his work, i only said this to emphasize how dumb the mistakes he does are, there should never be this many accidents or slip-ups in a major company like this, doom3 came out without a hitch, it just seems when Valve does something under pressure they alwayz crack and bam more Drama insues.
Damn Fizznex, Stewie is so damn Cute, i dont even care what u said about gabe, because it was rude but damn it Stewie, COME OUT in 2005 with more hilirious crap.
D@Linkwent said:
I Apologize because i respect the man and i respect his work, i only said this to emphasize how dumb the mistakes he does are, there should never be this many accidents or slip-ups in a major company like this, doom3 came out without a hitch, it just seems when Valve does something under pressure they alwayz crack and bam more Drama insues.

Well, Doom 3 didn't really go "without a hitch", considering the alpha leak that happened a couple years ago, and I also doubt that Gabe himself is the only to blame. But I see your point in Valve needing to shape up. I think everyone here shares that opinion really.
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