Bug in HL1 Main menu

Never seen that before :| But if you can still play the game whats the problem :p
Do you have the newest version??
I have and it definitely never does that! :|
Aye, i remember the days, must've been about 5 -6 years ago for me now, god what a day.
lazyboyzob12 said:
Do you have the newest version??
I have and it definitely never does that! :|

I do have the newest version... (
I always randomly got it...

It happened, I just got over it ;P

But yeah, get Steam :)
I have that bug too - it is from a non-steam version...ver 1.0, and I can't get past going up in the lift in 'We've got Hostiles' - game player gets frozen at top of lift shaft...
I should re-install, but can't be arsed getting my disk out of the archived mountain just yet...am also too distracted playing the 2.20 cinematic hi-res version thingy of HL2....wheeeee...
I think I've seen that before. I'd try changing resolution, and back again.

I get a similar thing now and again with Quake 3, where the game goes really dark (menu and in-game). Again, changing the resolution fixes it :dozey: