Bug report

Good grief, if you don't like nitpicking, then don't read the thread, it's that simple.
Mr. Redundant said:
in the scene where Gordon goes through the building where the Combine are breaking down someone's door.
there is another example of poor emotional response, the guy who says "was that you knocking? I didnt know we still had a door"

I think the guy was drunk (living in City17 must be pretty crappy), since he had a wine bottle on the table just in front of him. So his drunken voice and dialogue fits in perfectly. I loved it. :D
cadp2000 said:
I think the guy was drunk (living in City17 must be pretty crappy), since he had a wine bottle on the table just in front of him. So his drunken voice and dialogue fits in perfectly. I loved it. :D
I agree his voice and dialogue were perfect, however we were discussing his lack of animation.
I want more details, More depth to objects, more shadow perfection and more HDR.
Yeah, I don't see the problem with the 'don't drink the water' guy. He's totally wasted, beaten down and dazed. His life is ruined and he doesn't remember or care anymore. I don't think he would be spilling emotion for some random guy a the trainstation, I think it was intentional.
ElFuhrer said:
Yeah, I don't see the problem with the 'don't drink the water' guy. He's totally wasted, beaten down and dazed. His life is ruined and he doesn't remember or care anymore. I don't think he would be spilling emotion for some random guy a the trainstation, I think it was intentional.

who is saying there is a problem about it..............? :sniper:
I think people want this game to be no difference from you putting on a Hevsuit and a crowbar and have some fun in real life.. But really, there are these sorts of bugs in every game.. But I'm gonna do some nitpicking and some stuff in a later post in this thread.

I think we should leave this thread to its purpose and not a discussion about nitpicking.
ElFuhrer said:
Yeah, I don't see the problem with the 'don't drink the water' guy. He's totally wasted, beaten down and dazed. His life is ruined and he doesn't remember or care anymore. I don't think he would be spilling emotion for some random guy a the trainstation, I think it was intentional.
thats the point, he has no expression that conveys that.
its simply a static face with a mouth movement, very HL1 ish.

and Gorgon, there was no HDR used in the E3 2004 demos.
Mr. Redundant said:
and Gorgon, there was no HDR used in the E3 2004 demos.

I knew. :eek:

As I said in my prev post, I want more of everything. :hmph:
G0rgon said:
I knew. :eek:

As I said in my prev post, I want more of everything. :hmph:
my appologies, just making sure :)

I wonder why they didnt show HDR
Probably way too high end of a feature to show everyone and then be a disappointment when they can't run it.
Did this just for fun, will continue this tomorrow.. or something..

2nd section
No shadows on passengers until they step down from the train
They walk exactly the same
Weird lightning changing on the train to the right

3rd section
The combine trooper gordon runs over, wooden fence/wall behind him disappears magically on one frame as he is pushed into it
gordon is "under" the entire map in 2 frames when he steps out of the car
soldier dies right before a grenade explodes but isnt affected physically by the explosion

4th section
gordon steps right through a steel thingie on the hoverboat
boat is magically pushed/turned to the right (to prevent clipping?) when it jumps over a ramp

5th section
when father gregori turns to start running, his legs are completely still for a few frames
gregori obviously follows a pre-set path
he floats over the bent fence stuff

6th section
citizen turns 50 degrees instantly in the beginning
guy with heavy machine gun only opens his lips once
houses in background are basically squares, definately a part that isn't completed

Even though there is some stuff that's buggy when i watched through the vids carefully, I noticed alot of stuff that is totally awesome, like some animations and small stuff that happens that you don't notice as you watch through the video normally.. I'll maybe make a list for that too :)

But still these bugs aren't really heavyweight stuff compared to games that are out today.
I don't know if anybody's said this, but in traptown, the first enemy actually appears out of nowhere. just after he blows the cardboard box down the ramp he kinda turns to the door and slowly walks and in the corner you see the guy just appear outta no where and startshooting. seems dodgier than the actual scripted even of the door opening.
Remember, Valves main concern was getting the game finished. The game itself is completely done now. They can play it from beginning to end. All that's left for them is to work out a few bugs and get this thing on store shelves. Remeber, they said it is in Alpha stages. When we get it, all those little annoying bugs will be gone.

Notice how all of the bugs from last year are still there? That's because they paid little attention to minor bugs like the sparks through cars and the shadow bug. They finished the game first, now it's on to play testing, polishing, and bug fixing.
Yeah, they've got a couple months until the game is released, and all they have left to deal with are the little things.
I thought the video was great. My only real complaint is that the gestures when people talk are way overdone and make the performances look unnatural.
TriggerHappy said:
I thought the video was great. My only real complaint is that the gestures when people talk are way overdone and make the performances look unnatural.

Yeah I agree, especially with that Gregori guy.. :)
First off its almost impossible to compare a video of a game to actually playing the game and seeing the stuff through true real-time, most stuff u talk about are caused by the video player and even bink videos won't fix that.

the only things that bothered me was the crane magnets shadow went through the container, and the ant lions gibbed too much when shot directly with the shotgun, they just turned into 6-7 chunks, the ones that were only hit with about half the shotgun blast gibbed more realistic.

also when gordon goes to switch weapons before he climbs the ramp(or atleast around that point) he selects what looks like the crossbow gun, but the mp7 pops up, also the mp7 having a gernade launcher bothers me cause if you've ever held or seen a mp7 its very small(about 7 pounds) its actually the smallest smg H&K has made.
I haven't seen this mentioned, but sorry if it has been. At about 21:35 onward, the strider appears to walk through the lamp post. Quite the little clipping error it seems.
I usually turn shadows off in all games. Unless you are talking about certain next-gen lighting engines (read: Doom 3) they are always going be a 'hacky' feature, ie: they are coded to look like shadows most of the time, but they don't really behave like real shadows would (so you are always going to see a lot of weirdness). And for all that, they are a performance killer.
God damn, this is why its not being released now, but rather in a few months time. Play testing play testing play testing play testing playtesting.. ..
moppe said:
Well, The C17 citizens not having facial expressions, I don't agree.
Just look at the one were the black and white man is standing there and talking at the window.

yeah but that was totally scripted.
ElFuhrer said:
Yeah, I don't see the problem with the 'don't drink the water' guy. He's totally wasted, beaten down and dazed. His life is ruined and he doesn't remember or care anymore. I don't think he would be spilling emotion for some random guy a the trainstation, I think it was intentional.

But perhaps he could at least move his mouth to speak.
Mannex17 said:
yeah but that was totally scripted.

And the other things isn't? Talk is almost completly scripted.
If you walk up to someone or the AI senses that you're looking at it, it triggers a script that plays a voicefile.

Why wouldn't it also trigger facial animations? They're just not ready yet.

theotherguy said:
But perhaps he could at least move his mouth to speak.

Well, I've checked this in full screen and his mouth isn't moving. Guess that this is one of the things left to do on VALVes checklist.
Impulse147 said:
the only things that bothered me was the crane magnets shadow went through the container, and the ant lions gibbed too much when shot directly with the shotgun, they just turned into 6-7 chunks, the ones that were only hit with about half the shotgun blast gibbed more realistic.

Thats exactly how i feel :cheers:
It's too bad that the two Combine soldiers didn't attempt to run in the opposite direction from the crane arm that was moving the huge container over them.
IF us HL2.netters were playtesters, this game would be spotless on release..
nit-pickers unite!
Foxtrot88 said:
ehh.. whaevah the n00bs say... :imu:
Says someone with six posts to their name and all the punctuation and grammatical awareness of a walrus.
What the f*ck is this :imu: anyway?

Oh and personally I loved how the Antlions gibbed. Splat-tastic.
Mikey Canuck said:
It's too bad that the two Combine soldiers didn't attempt to run in the opposite direction from the crane arm that was moving the huge container over them.

What fun would that be? ;)
moppe said:
Well, I've checked this in full screen and his mouth isn't moving. Guess that this is one of the things left to do on VALVes checklist.

I think because of the quality of the video it's hard to see his mouth moving, but it does move.

Trust me on this. It's hard to see, but it moves.

And everyone remember. THe animators are still working on animations. Remember the whiteboard?
You can see it move, look carefully and you'll see the black fill of the inside of his mouth appear over and over.
I agree that the body language and facial expressions are overdone in a few places. I really hate Alyx's cringe expression after Eli says "Gordon can handle anything, with the possible exception of you" or whatever it is. Makes me wanna pull out my crow bar and beat em both to the ground.
What's with all these people saying that the acting and animation is overdone? Who the hell are you? Some sort of acting or film school yuppie? I think it's fine. The game is quasie real...so should the acting be quasie real.
wonkers said:
What's with all these people saying that the acting and animation is overdone? Who the hell are you? Some sort of acting or film school yuppie? I think it's fine. The game is quasie real...so should the acting be quasie real.

Gabe mentioned that they overdid the facial emotions in the e3 2003 vids to show off what they could do.
No doubt they've done the same here again in places.

I doubt Alyx will pull that face cos it only seems to fit with the screen going black. I'm betting in the finished game she'll have more to say for herself.
I noticed something in the video. Know when the woman in the sweater is talking to gordon, and just as she leaves, she backs out, and it looks really awkward/robotic. Just bad animation I know.

I think the rest of you are CRAZY. I noticed none of those shadowing thigns, probably because I wasnt looking for them. None of them 'jumped' out at me telling me there was something wrong with it. Heh. Cant wait for HL2
You can easily notice the incorrect shadowing when the circular shadow from the crane handle shows up on the ground through the container.
well i guess this is what a game gets when it tries to aim for a 'certain level of realisim' .. basically a load of people who arnt satisfied until everything reacts the way its supposed too, and look great at the same time,, is it me.. ? but arnt computer games fun.. because they 'dont' have to be completely realistic. The day that games mimick real life physics and appearance will be the day half the world will go missing ,when everyone forgets real life ,, hooking themselves to life support, and spending all their life on computer games.

:p lol ,.. but of course that wont happen... right?
as for nit picking, one thing that stood out for me, was the flaming zombies. in ravenholm, just before gordon kills the last zombie, there's 2 laying on the floor. watch it, and one second theyre on the floor dead, happily burning away, and the next, *poof* no more flames. dunno why this is, maybe to keep up the framerate. whatever. just a small thing i noticed, and noone else seems to be complaining.