Bug with shadow in barricade-video



after viewing the new hl2-barricade.exe I noticed a bug with the shadow...:cool:
Before everybody start shouting @ me; I did a search, but couldn't find any posts about it! I also really, really like the new graphics and such, but when we find some small errors it's always better to talk about them so this game can still improve!:cheese:
I'm talking about the moment where you are inside the small building and look behind you to see the other 2 walk in after you! When the 2nd person walks in, just before he's inside, you can already see his shadow on the inside of the wall he's behind... difficult to explain, but I made a screenshot (not really the best moment of the bug, but you can then check it out for yourself...) so inside the red mark you can see the (here small, but it's bigger some moments) shadow of the man that hasn't entered yet...


Ps: Really looking forward to the game!!:afro:
Nice find. Not a very big bug..as it only shows for a fraction of a second....but a bug it is.
First time... :D
And I know it's not really that big, but it could be a problem...
Like when you "tactical" position yourself next to the entrance of a door, but peeps can see your shadow true the wall... :dozey:
I saw it the first time to... but i dident write a thread about it last night... i wanted to sleep :)
And did anybody notice... THERE NO NO MARKINGS ON THE ROADS!!!!! There are signs about crossings, but no markings!!! OMFG???!!!!!!!


Btw, did anybody notice the immensly ugly lodding of the rubble? Its very noticably.
you can see shadow errors in the tunnels vid as well, watch as the hydra tentacles come up, you can see its shadow before its over the surface.

The lod'in is intense on everything, watch as gordon goes out to get the black guys gun, watch the flipped car, the lod is very noticable.
Do u guys think it can be the same problem with the conversion as with the first E3 shaky movies? I noticed that when he bashes through the wood in trapdown its still not totally in sync. I know it seems like a different problem but still it can be just the envoirement thats reacting out of sync with the charectors...?
but isn't these vids old material, and those bugs have been fixed by now? don't flame me if I'm wrong, just asking a question :-D
Gabe said that some of the videos in the e3 showing were as much as a year old. From seeing the other videos and then watching this one my assumption is that this is a much earlier build.

I'm sure it will look ten times better in the game.
Originally posted by Zigrah
Gabe said that some of the videos in the e3 showing were as much as a year old. From seeing the other videos and then watching this one my assumption is that this is a much earlier build.

I'm sure it will look ten times better in the game.
hehe, ok then... althought I don't really find it smart to release movies that are over a year old..:cool:
Omg hello! News Alert! I spotted this straght from the E3 movie and for months people were like telling me "wtf are you taking about" and this thread is an insult and I almost feel like saying " geese, I told you so"
yehh uhhh.. why did they release year old movies..... im sure they had more time then that to find some newer content to show to the hardcore fans.... although im sure it was because of something perfectly reasonable cause valve is the best and there almost always reasonable
The vids are only months old there were made just before e3 and if you want proof read the sticky from valve only above in an email he said they were the latest version at e3.

Also threads like this are great because it points things out for valve to fix before release. Great find I could see it as a problem for multiplayer.
I didn't even notice any of this shit when i watched it, it's stupid to be so picky. When the game finally comes out you will still be dissapointed because it has some small graphical errors. Personally i will be satisified because this stuff doesn't bother me.
Originally posted by Animal
I didn't even notice any of this shit when i watched it, it's stupid to be so picky. When the game finally comes out you will still be dissapointed because it has some small graphical errors. Personally i will be satisified because this stuff doesn't bother me.
Ofcourse we will enjoy the game and don't let that be of any effect; but why not point it out now, when it's easy to fix!?
Now only some peeps notice this kind of stuff; but when the game is out and peeps are getting hit because there shadow is viewable true the wall (mostly in multiplayer) they won't be too happy! And then they probably have to go through the trouble of making patches... And most peeps (like me) don't really like alot of patching...
So if you see (even a really small) bug or something, it's always in the benefit of the game to point it out!
Do you actually think the development team come here and see these discussions?
Yea, Gabe has posted here before and checks here every once in a while. So yes, Animal, he does.

And also to point something out. In the Tunnels video at the end with the Hydra there is a similar shadow glitch. Just pointing it out, I'm not complaining.
this problem can also be seen in traptown when Gordon pushes the table against the door you can see the shadow of the stuff on the table underneath. I think i read in the info from valve thread that they were trying to fix this (could be mistaken)
They said that it's on the list of things to revisit before release.
oh, sorry guys, i've never heard of a development team that actually visits their forums and takes notice:eek: :cool:

I see why you would point this stuff out now if they can actually fix it, i pressume most of it wouldn't be too hard to fix either, it's just that they must have missed it.:afro:
Originally posted by Animal
oh, sorry guys, i've never heard of a development team that actually visits their forums and takes notice:eek: :cool:
Bohemia Interactive, creators of Operation Flashpoint, had their own official forum, it was actually moderated by some of the devs, especially in the techsupport area. Best support I've ever seen for a game. Would be sweet if Valve could do the same after HL2 is released (and they have slightly less work :))
I'm sure if we've noticed it, that they've (that's Valve) noticed it. After all, you've got to remember that to them HL2 is their product, and judging from comments by Valve, they're going to do everything to ensure that this game is perfect. I mean, their reputations ride on this game. That's why I wish people would stop complaining about delays so much. I know it sucks - I can't wait either, but I'd rather them spend more time on it and fix all the little problems, like this one, before it comes out. Sure they can patch things later, as they will most definitely have to anyway, but I'd rather have as polished as possible game, at least with most of the graphical and gameplay aspects as fine tuned as possible.

Edit: I don't think there's anything wrong with us pointing out problems. Especially, if they might not have seen them. But chances if we've seen it, they already know about it. I'm absolutely sure that they want this game to be more perfect than we do.
Originally posted by dis
I'm sure if we've noticed it, that they've (that's Valve) noticed it. After all, you've got to remember that to them HL2 is their product, and judging from comments by Valve, they're going to do everything to ensure that this game is perfect. I mean, their reputations ride on this game. That's why I wish people would stop complaining about delays so much. I know it sucks - I can't wait either, but I'd rather them spend more time on it and fix all the little problems, like this one, before it comes out. Sure they can patch things later, as they will most definitely have to anyway, but I'd rather have as polished as possible game, at least with most of the graphical and gameplay aspects as fine tuned as possible.

Edit: I don't think there's anything wrong with us pointing out problems. Especially, if they might not have seen them. But chances if we've seen it, they already know about it. I'm absolutely sure that they want this game to be more perfect than we do.
Couldn't agree more!:cheese:
I've never complained about a later release... (sure I thought *damn* but hey...:afro: )
Remember Black and White? People always whining about the releases, so under alot of pressure they released it, but it had a big bug in the final level...:dozey: Don't want that to happen do we!
Originally posted by tewmten
but isn't these vids old material, and those bugs have been fixed by now? don't flame me if I'm wrong, just asking a question :-D

i think so too!
Any bug you find will have been found by one of the VI testers ages ago. Forget about it.

Who wouldn't want to be?
Me, I'd rather my initial experience of the game was the final version, not what the testers see first, a half-assed buggy version with a crappy framerate (which HL2 would have been at some point in the past).
Now that you put that into perspective, I don't think I'd want to be either.
Hopefully Valve will fix the bad animations on your teammates crouching behind you in the street. Looks like a slideshow :(
Originally posted by FluxCap
Hopefully Valve will fix the bad animations on your teammates crouching behind you in the street. Looks like a slideshow :(
Yes it does... But my entire movie is a slideshow, so its not that visible :)
I do remember I noted it the first time seeing the E3 movie, I thought the animations where just horrible... Looked like they just spent a week on horseback.
Originally posted by FluxCap
Hopefully Valve will fix the bad animations on your teammates crouching behind you in the street. Looks like a slideshow :(

I agree, i like traptown better than this video, for some reason i dont like the new one, just my opinion.
I agree, i like traptown better than this video, for some reason i dont like the new one, just my opinion.

Same here. I was pumped up to download it last night and watch it but after seeing it I was only impressed by 2 things: The explosion from the grenade making the combines "fly" :) AND the flying ship looked great in regards to animation and looks.
Was it me, or is it that, in tunnels, when Gordon took out the Combine Flare Gun, and was firing at the Combine above him( The one that pointed at him and had a pistol), I noticed some kind of musical beat. It sounded pretty cool.
I didnt see that, i dont think. Anyone got a clue of what the next video may be? I really dont remember what came after Barricade.
There are only two videos left.

One with the Strider and one with the Buggy. The Buggy was after Bugbait in the Gamespy video so that's probably next.
Alright, After that they will hopefully give out some brand new stuff :cheese: :cheese:
Regarding the time of things, ie. the shadows appearing too early and things breaking right before the crowbar hits them:

Gabe said the demo playback has some synch issues that are causing that...it doesn't actually happen in the game.