Bug with shadow in barricade-video

I don't know what animation you're talking about, all the animations looks excellent to me?:dozey:
Speaking of good animation, you know what has good animation?
My avatar!
Originally posted by Typhon
Regarding the time of things, ie. the shadows appearing too early and things breaking right before the crowbar hits them:

Gabe said the demo playback has some synch issues that are causing that...it doesn't actually happen in the game.

Are you sure about the Shadow thing? I mean the way the engine works I doubt it will record positions of shadows in the demo files.
Originally posted by Animal
I didn't even notice any of this shit when i watched it, it's stupid to be so picky. When the game finally comes out you will still be dissapointed because it has some small graphical errors. Personally i will be satisified because this stuff doesn't bother me.

Thats just dumb, you WILL notice these errors, so will everyone else, why not fix everything they can before release? The shadow bugs are pretty obvious in many of the vids.
Some of the animations looked a bit off to me, but barricade was most likely done on an older build of the game, unlike traptown or tunnels. They might have done it on an older build because maybe they couldn't get the framerates they wanted on a newer build.... I guess
I don't know what animation you're talking about, all the animations looks excellent to me?

Watch it again, when the guys following Freeman cross the street for the second time look at the choppiness of their outlines and steps. You will see it. I am not really worried because I know Valve wouldn't release something that ugly, so it will be all good.
Nope, i watched it about five times over that part and the animation seems fine, maybe its the blink video being choppy. I'm watching the realplayer version.

Still if it is choppy and they leave it in, at least i won't notice it:dozey:
The choppiness and shadow problems (along with a lot of others) in the e3 and bink videos are indeed because of demo playback. The engine had a few bugs in it which caused some weird side-effects during playback.
Last time i checked gabe said somewhere it was fixed or being fixed and my guess is almost all strange things you notice are the cause of this.
Nope, i watched it about five times over that part and the animation seems fine, maybe its the blink video being choppy. I'm watching the realplayer version.

Well, strange it doesn't bother you because it is obviously there. I just watched it again and without a doubt the second time they cross the road and start to crouch the guys are missing a few frames of animation and then again when they walk into the shadows of the broken down building. Probably more but those are the obvious spots BUT in the end it doesn't matter....I hope, because the other videos don't have this problem but in other videos released up until now you didn't really have computer AI following you around. I am sure Valve would fix it so I am going to quit talking about it, stupid of me to even think they wouldn't...
Originally posted by FluxCap
Well, strange it doesn't bother you because it is obviously there. I just watched it again and without a doubt the second time they cross the road and start to crouch the guys are missing a few frames of animation and then again when they walk into the shadows of the broken down building. Probably more but those are the obvious spots BUT in the end it doesn't matter....I hope, because the other videos don't have this problem but in other videos released up until now you didn't really have computer AI following you around. I am sure Valve would fix it so I am going to quit talking about it, stupid of me to even think they wouldn't...

Im sorry but i dont see it either. Ever think it may just be there because the fps dropped a bit when recording the video?
Well, I just downloaded the AVI file of the movie and watched it with Windows Media Player. It does it in that format as well.

No, a lot of people see it so I know I am not crazy ;)

UPDATE: Just watched it 3 more times and noticed more stuff. The guys run smoothly (or fairly smooth) when they cross the street the first time BUT right after Gordon goes into the street to pick up the gun of the guy who got shot, 2 guys cross the street and crouch down. If you think the animation of those guys is smooth as they come across then I don't know what to tell you :) Also, Gordon's animations in relation to his gun and arm/hands is fine so it is just certain things that show this. Anyway, upon watching it for the 100th time I think it could be Bink's format. Overall the video is pretty poor in the "smoothness" of gameplay department.

It is funny we sit here and debate about a video of a game that isn't even out yet. I guess you can say we like HL2 eh?
Hell yeah, i am looking forward to every aspect of HL2!
Originally posted by Sushi
Some of the animations looked a bit off to me, but barricade was most likely done on an older build of the game, unlike traptown or tunnels. They might have done it on an older build because maybe they couldn't get the framerates they wanted on a newer build.... I guess

Oh ya, if there ever is a problem with a vid that means they must be using the older build. It makes so much more sense. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Reaper978
Oh ya, if there ever is a problem with a vid that means they must be using the older build. It makes so much more sense. :rolleyes:

Oh ya, valve finished the game a year ago too, they are just waiting for the right time to release it.
It is an older demo but the engine build is fairly recent. Keep that in mind please.
umm, no? They have been beta testing for awhile just for kicks right?
Do we know what computer the new demos run on? I know it's the same
demo but I assume they re-captured it for the bink format to distribute (because some of the ragdoll effects are different).
Well, I downloaded that one Animal and I still see the animation issue, but barely because of the bad color/contrast of that video, what is up with that?
that could be due to the video compression. the tunnels video looked pretty washed out too.
well... you won't notice the animation choppiness while playing, that's for sure :D you'll be way to pumped up with adrenaline to notice that :p
yeah me 2... it's because they watch the same video for 100 times... then get bored and start picking on details, after that they e-mail gabe and say there's going to be a World War 3 if the bug isn't fixed ;) nah just kidding, i hardly noticed the 'choppiness' and it doesn't bother me @ all
I watched the vid all of twice when I saw that shadow glitch.
Omg, once again, the majority of people in here know nothing and one question. Do you think Valve is ******* dumb enough NOT to have game testers of thier own? lol, You must be joking about the Dev team visiting these forums.
I think the animation choppiness is a bug with the demo playback.