bugbait small glich i found



dont flame i just want to know it im right or wrong when gordon comes too those 2 gunthings and they are just shooting at the glass look below the glass at the wall the bullet holes are on the wrong side... i might be wrong it might of been said b4 but i just saw it.
They kind of go through the wall and make a mark on the opposite side.
you mean the glass hole shows up on the metal door, I noticed that but I don't think it was ever posted.
Oh, I see now, don't read what I said, it r teh stupid post.
even if they where to go through bullet holes do not look like that on the orther side i dont think its right.
They might change it by the release, they are in cleanup mode right now, fixing shadows, you know, small stuff.
How about the door that clips right through the floor at the very end? That's a major bug imo.

Originally posted by Straylight
How about the door that clips right through the floor at the very end? That's a major bug imo.


Well that probably wouldn't happen very often /me thinks.
Valve has a todo list. This Month will just be used to fix all the small little glitches, found by the game testers. The games is basicly done alredy.
Just need small things. next month will probably be for Mass Production and Shiping.
A glitch in a game that is not finished yet?!

Originally posted by HL2 wait wtf?
dont flame i just want to know it im right or wrong when gordon comes too those 2 gunthings and they are just shooting at the glass look below the glass at the wall the bullet holes are on the wrong side... i might be wrong it might of been said b4 but i just saw it.

I don't want to flame you, but the thing that pisses me off most is when people mistake actual game features for bugs.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Any occasions where that happened?

Well this thread is a good example. Plus I thought it was kind of ridiculous when somebody complained the the characters don't look straight at you even though every other preview said that Valve has done that on purpose to make the game more realistic.
What pisses me off-are thread about the place holder things-such as the MP5/7 issue and the blood sprites. Damnit, they're annoying.
The glass decals overlap onto the metal door. Doubt it will be fixed, and doubt it really matters.
Probably, but that lil' glitch won't matter. I wouldn't give a damn if bullet decals were replaced by my avatar.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Probably, but that lil' glitch won't matter. I wouldn't give a damn if bullet decals were replaced by my avatar.

i would cry... :'(
thats stands out pretty bad.........why spend 5 years making a game ..and not fix it when you know it needs to be done.

even if its in a patch or something.
Why wouldn't they fix it, it probably wouldn't be too hard, besides they've got until november now.
Originally posted by nw909
Why wouldn't they fix it, it probably wouldn't be too hard, besides they've got until november now.

last time i checked .....we dont really no if it will be delayed.....so please keep stupid unfounded comments like that to yourself.
i dunno.... looks like shit... not something you'd ever see in any game im sure they'll fix it
yes they are blow out holes on the other side of the thin double skinned metal door, they should be there.
But yes, looks like the glass is maybe lower on the other side, or the texture goes to far, maybe an overlap?
Maybe its what they want you to think!

Maybe it will be fixed, maybe it wont. Maybe they havent even realised it yet! So if they havent realised it by the time the game comes out, tell valve about it, and I'm sure they'll fix it....thats what patches are for, to fix things they missed...