Bugs in single player Half-Life 1!


Jul 11, 2003
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Well, Since September is approaching I decided to go through Half-Life and its expansion packs again. Ive run into some problems though, On platforms when they are lowering or elevators you get stuck unless you jump at just the right time. Its really frustrating when you dont have cheats enabled to turn no clip on. Didnt they raise the player high recently? If so thats the cause of it.
I know what you mean, I hate that bug. Go to an earlier save and run from there
I emailed valve about it, maybe they will address it. I really hope Gearbox put the player spawn point more than 1 unit above the ground, otherwise im gonna have to fight this in Opfor and Blueshift as well.
Do you really think they care anymore? No-one will buy those old games, hehe.
Yeah, but after the release of HL2? Especially since you only buy CS 1.0 or what it is, you have to get the patches.

That's good with DoD, they waited until they had a really good game before they went retail...
Originally posted by NiteStalker
That's good with DoD, they waited until they had a really good game before they went retail...
I wouldn't say really good game.theres lot of things to fix.
I have also experienced this bug. It is especially annoying as I prefer to play large sections of the game at a time rather than quicksaving every three seconds.
Have had that exact problem when i've played HL and it's a very annoying bug.
The elevator bug has survived all the (singleplayer) patches thus far, it's probably not readily fixable.

The solution I use is to switch to software mode before entering the lifts that I know will cause trouble and then reverting back to OpenGL/D3D after I have left them.
Not when your 1 unit inside it! It slowly drains your HEV power until you die and makes the "Im stuck in the ground" noise (imagine your walking sounds played over and over 5 times a second). Trust me, I used to map for Half-Life.
I thought this post was going to be about cockroaches and whether or not HL2 would have 'wildlife' creatures in it or not :(