Build up to 7 hour war


Nov 30, 2004
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Just got thinking the other day, we dont really see anything about the combines initial invasion of earth, or the fighting. So I thought I'd fill it in with what I thought would happen. This first part is like the build up to it, ill be using other characters views as well.

Chapter One: Black Mesa

14th May 2000

It was around 2.46am. The President shifted slowly in his comfortable bed, smiling knowingly that he was in possibly the most safe location in the world. Now 2.47am, the night drew on. A ring shattered the silence and the Presidents peaceful sleep. His eyes were open straight away, as if on cue, it was as though he had been expecting the phone call. He rolled to his side and grabbed the phone. He was nervous, very nervous, and he had no idea why. He answered the phone with surprising spirit and energy for a man who had just been asleep, it was almost as if he had been pretending to be sleeping, waiting.

"Mr President?" came a dull, low voice
"Yes..." the President could tell he wasn't going to like this
"We have a problem..." There was a pause as the President waited for the bombshell
"Mesa...We have a big problem at Mesa, something big has happened, but to be perfectly honest, sir. No one knows what the problem is. All communications with the base have been lost. The Anomalous Materials department was the first to go. A massive power surge was recorded...but, well we need your permission to authorize a strike team to act as a recon unit,sir."
"Understood, go ahead, get some Delta guys in there, I want around the clock updates do you hear me?"
"Yes, sir, thank you,"

The phone clicked dead. President Taylor did not like this at all. Even he was kept relatively in the dark about Mesa. He commisioned its building years ago, but all he knew was it was a top secret research facility. Something about teleportation. President Taylor sat up in his bed, covered in a cold sweat. His position did not feel so safe anymore. He stood up and put on a dressing gown. He picked up the phone and spoke softly into the receiver:

"Get my chopper here, were going to Goliath,"

In truth Taylor had been waiting for this phone call for years. Black Mesa had initially been built during the Cold War as a Missile site, the baat se was designed to counter the potential threat that the hammer and sickle held. In fact missiles from Mesa had been trained upon Cuba during the Cuba missile crisis. The top brass wanted to see what it could do. Taylor stood and exited his room swiftly.

Chapter 2: Reanimated Corpses

15th May 2000 22.12pm

Goliath turned out to be a large military camp, with numerous underground bunkers. The base was protected by over 17 manned AA guns and about 4 automated SAM sites, there was a large number of army personal and vehicles around. The President sat contently in the dimly lit room, underground, surrounded by huge bodyguards, while men in military uniform addressed him. The CinC of the operation was General A Young
"So Mr President, as of 1.22 last night. The Black Mesa research facility came under attack by an unknown hostile force. Casualties look pretty bad. This unknown hostile force, literally materialized out of no where. There was a large system crash, in which all systems failed, effectively resetting the entire system. Our limited intelligence, from the data we've collected show do know what was going on down there, sir?" asked Young. Taylor just nodded, even though he did not have the faintest idea of what went on down there.
"From our data, we can see that these 'creatures' are not that of this planet. They are from a planet called Xen. Mr President, we made contact with another lifeform. Our teleportation experiments took us to another world. We have wittled down the possibilites and we have come to the conclusion that a portal was opened up, and these creatures poured out. It seems to be an invasion attempt,"

There was a long silence as the baffled scientists, military people and others tried to take this in.

"Another peculiar instance, a satellite was launched using a friendly code. A Lambda satellite was launched not too long ago," he sighed and paused, he lost his cool momentarily, uncharacteristically he showed that he himself was worried.
"We have lost contact with all teams down there, we managed to establish a video link with 5th squad of US Army Rangers, specialized in Recon, CQB. But...I don't think you'll want to see that, sir," Young paused briefly and turned away. The President spoke softly, but with a firm tone.
"Let's see it, General," he gestured towards the t.v set. Reluctantly the General walked towards the television, flicked it on and pressed play on the tape.

A grainy image appeared, the quality was pretty poor. You could see a heavily armed soldier in front of the camera, he had a SOPMOD ACOG modified M4 rifle, laser sighting, flashlight and the masterkey combination slung under the barrel. He looked decked out for some serious action, there were about four more soldiers around the room, at ease. And about five scientists milling about, one held a 9mm Berretta in his hand. His white overalls covered in red blood, and a sickly green alien blood. The squad leader addressed the camera
"Papa Bear, this is Tango Black Five, do you read me, over?"
"Tango Black Five, this is Papa Bear, I request a SITREP, over,"
"Roger that, Papa Bear, we have 2 KIA and 1 WIA, he is in the room next door, but he...," the young officer hesitated "...he's not normal, Papa Bear. He is...that's not Hernandez in there anymore..." the officer looked around, making sure it was still clear. The camera feedback was slow, around 20fps. There was a pause.
"Say again, Tango Black Five, say again, he is not able to move? over," this set something off within the young officer.
"I say again," he said panick stricken "We need to get the f*** outta here, Hernandez has got some massive hunk of sh** lodged on his f******* face, he tried to kill me," he paused "over,". Suddenly, the marine on the far left of the camera, brought up his rifle swiftly to his shoulder and fired. The weapon fired impressively and the recoil shook the soldier as the bullets tore forward, spitting from the muzzle of the weapon. A scaly, reptilian like alien appeared at the doorway, it was slightly hunched and had a large red eye in the center of its head. The bullets tore into its upper abdomen, sending it backwards into the wall. The other marines opened up and bullets spat into the alien, which convulsed with the bullets, the alien slumped to the floor in a heap, blood sprayed up the wall. The Young Officer turned to the camera clearly shaken,
"You see that! Now what the f*** was that?" Another of the aliens appeared at the doorway, it put its hands together in what looked like a prayer and a bolt of what looked like lightning shot out from its hands, it struck the marine guarding the left flank in the neck, he was flung backwards with some force, smashing into cabinets and desks knocking instruments flying, he landed with a sickening moan. With surprising agility the alien dove to the side as 5.56mm bullets tore the wall to pieces where he had once stood. The Officer span, drew his sidearm, he did not have enough time to aim, and fired. The .357 round from the Desert Eagle, launched forward from the heavy pistol, it impacted on the aliens upper head, the bullet carried on going and penetrated the wall behind, leaving a stringy green substabce on the wall. The alien flipped over backwards, a green liquid seeping from the exit wound on the side of its head. There was a pause and a little creature, almost like a crab scuttled along the floor, towards the dead marine, no one seemed to notice or care it attached itself to the dead marines face, and with a sickening gurgling noise latched on.
"What the hell is that?" asked one of the other Delta guys, there was silence as they all watched their dead comrade. Reanimate himself, he stood up and moaned. He slowly walked towards the officer, moaning and gurgling as he went. He almost seemed to be asking for help, you could faintly hear "Help me" in his groans. Some of the scientists screamed
"We saw this in the test subjects, you must kill him now!" the young officer walked towards him and shouted
"Thats still one of my men in there!" what he didn't see however was the reanimated being strike one of the scientists in the jaw, lacerating his skin. The screen went black. Gunfire. Screams. The Sound stopped.

General Young gave a grim look to the room and ejected the tape in silence. Again those stood in the room attempted to digest what they had just seen.
"As you can see Mr President, I think we have lost the Black Mesa research facility," he said it with remorse, his son had been a technician down there "And everyone that was down there," he paused again, trying to find the words.
"What do you want, General?" asked the President curiously
"Mr President, I want the authorization to launch a Tactical Nuclear Strike, in the Neveda area onto Black Mesa, thereby destroying everything and all those bastards in there," The President nodded silently. The General nodded to him and then walked out of the room.

This is all I have done, please like constructive critiscm and such. If people like I will continue.
Cool. One technical problem - Black Mesa was already quite old - parts of it were an old rocket development facility - at the time of the incident, so the current president couldn't have commissioned it.
Yeah, I thought of that. But you'll have to bear with my limited knowledge of the Half Life universe, I presumed that it was an old military facility, and that this particular President had 2 terms and ordered its establishment during his first year.

I'll keep writing some more
Pretty cool. Some minor issues but on the whole a good start.

Issues: The USMC special forces, HECU (hazardus environment combat unit) was in black mesa. There is no evednece that there was an army presence. The NATO standard assault rifle ammunition is 5.56 no 5.66 (although that was probubly just a typo). The desert eagles carried by the marines in black mesa were .357 not .50 (I'll put that down to too much exposure to CS)

And a note. Even If it was a second term president he could not have commisioned the BMF. it was built as a missile base in the cold war.

Other than that (and these are very minor issues) it was damn good
Ask and ye shall receive. lol
I don't think any of us would complain if Valve made more games about the "incident" from any point of view (janitor, president, Dr. Kleiner, Vortigaunt, etc.). The storyline can drive a lot.
Bob_Marley said:
Pretty cool. Some minor issues but on the whole a good start.

Issues: The USMC special forces, HECU (hazardus environment combat unit) was in black mesa. There is no evednece that there was an army presence. The NATO standard assault rifle ammunition is 5.56 no 5.66 (although that was probubly just a typo). The desert eagles carried by the marines in black mesa were .357 not .50 (I'll put that down to too much exposure to CS)

And a note. Even If it was a second term president he could not have commisioned the BMF. it was built as a missile base in the cold war.

Other than that (and these are very minor issues) it was damn good

Ah ty mate, ill make those corrections, I really agree with that as its some of the little things that really add to the story. Thanks again mate! I appreciate all the feedback
Now for the Portal Storms after Black Mesas destruction

Chapter 3: The begining of the End

John stared down at his measely breakfast. It looked repulsive, the egg was clearly undercooked. He pushed the plate away in discontent. Suddenly he wasn't so hungry. He still could not believe it. He shouldn't believe it, believing it went against everything he stood for. Hell, he had not even believed in Santa Claus when he was a kid! Why would he believe in these things?

It was unbelivable. Outragous. A nuclear detonation was recorded in the Neveda Desert. John didn't care what the government said, or tried to cover it up "Actually folks, that nuclear explosion? Yeah, it was a weather baloon". Bullshit. President f****** Taylor, all he did was add to the problems. There was a huge nuclear explosion in the desert, something like 20 megatons, John didn't know his nukes. But he knew that was some serious ordnance being used out there. Then all of a sudden these...what was the word? Portals? Wormholes? These massive black, swirling, gaping mouths ripped holes through thin air. Spewing out those bastards. All across the earth. These 'Portals' appeared everywhere, the scientists called them "Portal Storms" through these Portals they came. John was sitting in his home Dallas, Texas when he saw the news-reports. A disgruntled reporter stood in front of a portal spewing out fauna from another planet
"...this is like nothing I've ever seen before, this...this..."portal" is coughing up these...these creatures. I've never seen anything like these creatures before," The portal behind him grew bigger and bigger, and the reporters hair and clothes looked as though they were in the path of a hurricane. Soon the reporter decided enough was enough and got in the news van, in a hurry.

John went on a forum that he regurarly talks on, and people were reporting all sorts of incidents, as far away as India. People saying friends had been maimed and mauled by creatures, strange creatures appearing in the sea, even in grocery stores. Something big was going on. John wanted to go see his girlfriend, Cathy. He had to know if she was safe. He grabbed his jacket and headed for the door. He paused at the door, deep in thought. He went back into his apartment, into his kitchen and opened a draw, he reached down and grabbed his S&W .17 HMR Model 647 revolver. His dad had given it to him, he grabbed a handful of bullets from a drawer, he guessed he had about 20 shots there. He put them in his pocket with a sick feeling in his stomach that he would have to use it later on. He opened the door and ran towards the elevator. Out of order. Damn. He took the stairs, sprinting as fast as he could. The street was strangely quiet. A few cars went up and down the road. But John knew that Dallas was never this empty. Then he looked up, the sky was an unwelcoming black, completely black. And what looked like numerous black holes were appearing. In disbelief John fumbled with his car keys and got in his car. He slammed the door and made sure that it was shut properly. He drove down the road, trying to concentrate on the road, but at the same time staring at the sky. It was almost hypnotic. He had paid too much attention to the sky, he didn't see the old man slowly crossing the road, he jammed on the breaks but smashed into the old man. The man cannoned off the car, splattering - a green blood? On the windscreen, as well as a healthy amount of red human blood. It sounds sick, but after seeing green blood and then red human blood, it reassured John greatly to know that it was a human. The car screeched to a stop and John clambered out of the car. Everything was quiet, except the old mans moaning. The street was empty and littered, while the portals looming overheard made a hideous sucking sound. He walked towards the man, to see that he had been severed at the waist, his legs lay a few feet from the car, while his torso lay have obscured in a bush about 30 yards away.
"Ah, Christ," said John "Ah, f***," he walked towards the mans legs. But something was strange, the old mans legs had been ravaged he had marks that could not have been made from the impact from his car. And he had only been doing 40, that type of crash doesn't make people slice in half. And another thing puzzled him, he could still here the mans moaning, what the hell? He looked down the desolate street towards the mans torso. It was moving. With surprising energy it rolled out of the bush and began clawing its way towards him. Where there should have been a head, was a large fleshy thing. It looked like a parasite. 'Screw this,' though John, he drew his .17 HMR revolver, aimed and fired. The first bullet struck the torso in the back, it rolled over and moaned a blood curdling scream. It still came, John fired again straight into the fleshy mass. It stopped moving. Yet its body seemed to will it further, it made a last mad dash towards him and then died. A creamy liquid seeping from the bullet hole. A final gunshot just to make sure.

John got back in his car and drove over the corpse just to make sure. He turned right, towards the mall. He broke in his tracks. There were about 40 of those things - people with a fleshy mass attached to were their faces should be. They were feeding off human bodies... The mall was littered with hundreds of human bodies. Blood seemed to be the theme, it paved the street a crimson red. He tried to comprehend it - When suddenly he felt a searing pain from his left side of his face. The car rocked and tilted over, blood poured from a wound in the side of his face. He was upside down. He slowly clambered out of his seat and fell the foot drop onto the roof. He was thankful he was still in the car. Suddenly, the car was rocked by yet another shock. He heard a snorting and there appeared to be six large hoof like feet. But it looked like an insect, insects don't have feet. If he had to say he would have thought a 2 tonne bull had just rammed his car. It was an insect, he looked through the shattered windscreen and could see that the zombies had caught attention of this and had begun walking this way. Shit. Whatever had barged him, stopped pushing the car and growled. It sprinted towards the zombies, smashing into them shattering flesh and bone. John clambered out of a smashed window. Cutting himself on the broken glass. He checked his gun was still safely in his pocket. He took the time to see what was going on. A large, bull like thing, about 15ft high, was slaughtering the zombies. With surprising agility and speed it was headbutting them. But it looked so much like an insect.

John knew it wasn't safe. And there was no way he would get to Cathys yet. He began to run towards his local gunstore, about 2 miles away. At least then he could hold up there, he'd have enough ammunition to keep even that bull bastard away. Yeah, that seemed like a good plan. All the while the portal swarmed above.